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ENGL 2330 Final project ~ authoring a children’s book. Chantel Humpherys December 5, 2012. Exploring the writing process ~ Pre-writing Drafting Seeking a Response Revising Editing Publishing. Writing Process ~
ENGL 2330Final project ~ authoring a children’s book Chantel Humpherys December 5, 2012
Exploring the writing process ~ • Pre-writing • Drafting • Seeking a Response • Revising • Editing • Publishing Writing Process ~ An approach to writing that views it as an ongoing experience that is more than simply sitting down to write. The writing process includes prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing, each stage of which has its own guidelines and procedures. ~ education.com
“What makes writers masters of their trade is not only their ability to express interesting thoughts, but their mastery of an inventory of basic moves that they probably picked up by reading a wide range of other accomplished authors” ~ They Say I Say “Writing is thinking made visible” ~ Dr. Brad Wilcox “Writing is the craft of listening” ~ Richard Peck “the trick is how we bring everything that we are to the page.” ~ Pat Mora “the writing process is actually a fluid and changing experience”
Step 1 ~ gather your crafting materials ~ Ideas, experiences, opinions “Pre-writing is the gathering and experimenting with material before putting everything down on paper” “A writer plans by considering reasons to write.” “My mental files are full of…moments, and other people’s memories” ~ Richard Peck
Step 2 ~ Drafting • The materials are gathered, let’s craft! “teaching beginners to focus more on their meaning and message than on writing mechanics.” ~education.com This is perhaps one the hardest steps of the writing process. • Reason why drafting is difficult for many ~ • Get caught up in the mechanics of writing: • spelling • grammar • punctuation • Forget that draft means tentative and is meant to change. • Minds go blank when staring at a blank canvas
Step 3 ~ Seeking a Response Now that we have crafted our story – have our thoughts in written form – the draft it’s time to share it. Some writers include this step 4 revision, however according to Timothy G. Morrison and Brad Wilcox in their book Developing Literacy: Reading and Writing To, With and By Children , it important to treat this step as a separate step especially children and beginning writers. “seeking a response is sharing your writing with someone who can give you a view with some distance and perspective” Step 4 ~ Revising Begging writers have a hard time with this step “The only writing is rewriting” ~ Peck
Step 5 ~ Editing • This is the step where the mechanics become important- • Spelling • Grammar • Punctuation • sentence structure “Editing is the sandpaper, detailing, and varnishing stage of the process” ~ Morrison, Wilcox Step 6 ~ Publishing We are done creating our craft. It’s time to share!
References n.d.education.com. <http://www.education.com/worksheets/>. Faigely, The Brief Penguin Handbook. "The Writing Process." n.d.wire. <http://wire.rutgers.edu/process.html>. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein. They Say I Say: The moves that matter in persuasive writing. n.d. "Glossary of Education." n.d.education.com. <http://www.education.com/definition/writing-process/>. Inquiry, Institute for Educational. Agenda for Education. n.d. <http://www.ieiseattle.org/AED.htm>. J.L. Cook, G. Cook. "Excerpt from Child Development Principles and Perspectives." 2009. education.com. Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall. 26 November 2012. <http://www.education.com/reference/article/writing-development-stages-ages/>. Johnson, Denise. The Joy of Children's Literature second edition. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning, 2012, 2009. Lisa Lizak, Beth Wright. wftb Writing Process.pdf. n.d. <https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4mM8YmU-H5sZTI3NzI0MDUtMDE1OS00NTBiLTgxM2UtYjIxNDZkZmJjMGEy/edit?hl=en_US>. >.
Morrison, Timothy G., Wilcox, Brad. Developing Literacy: Reading and Writing To, With and by Children. Boston, Columbus, Indianapolis, new York, San Francisco, Upper Saddle River, Amsterdam, Cape Townm Dubai, London, Madrid, Milan, Munic, Paris, Montreal, Toronto, Delhi, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Sydney, Hong Kong, Seol, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo: Pearson, 2013. Nodelman, Perry and Mavis Reimer. The Pleasures of Children's Literature . Third. Boston, New York, San Francisco, Mexico city, Motreal, Tronto, London, Madrid , Munic, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, Cape Town, Sydney: Allyn and Bacon, 2003, 1996, 1992. Peck, Richard. Past Perfect, Present Tense. New York: Dial Books, 2004. —. The Library of Congress webcast. 2006. <http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=3984>. "Teaching the Writing Process." n.d.Dartmouth Writing Program. <http://www.dartmouth.edu/~writing/materials/faculty/pedagogies/process.shtml>. Wilcox, Dr. Brad. "First Book at 18: What My Parents and Teachers Did Right". 8 June 2012. EETCConference. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMx3xJ9Ei8c