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The Good Neighbor Libertarian System (GNL) empowers communities for liberty using simple steps and collective action. This system identifies threats, mobilizes individuals as "Barneys" to address issues, and promotes synergy among liberty causes. By engaging in local, state, and federal initiatives, GNL aims to remove threats to life and freedom effectively. Join the GNL movement, pick a threat, commit time, and 'show up' to make a difference.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.”— Margaret Mead “Many hands make light work” — John Heywood “90% of success is ‘showing up.’” ~ Woody Allen Walkin’ in the sunshine,Sing a little sunshine song.— Roger Miller
The Good Neighbor Libertarian System (GNL) • Easy to learn, apply; LPM pilot client: members, funds • Synergistic ‘Satyagraha’ activities lift all liberty boats • Identifies true threats to life and liberty and their source • ‘Many hands’ approach highly elevates liberty ‘NOWs’* • Integrates with other strong liberty causes, success *Instead of ‘body count’ using numbers of warm bodies = numbers of warms = NOWs
GNL in a Nutshell: Power of GNs at ‘City Hall’ The 1-2-3: Success Markers Pick a ‘Threat’* Commit Your Time ‘Show Up’ • Local-Liberate* • Resolutions • Ordinances • State-Liberate • 10th Amend. • Issue Petitions • Legislation • Fed-Liberate • Resist/Boycott-Unfund (edtax) • Const. Amend. The 4-5-6: Share Coordinate Recruit * Note: Liberate means remove Threat/Crimes (described later), usually nullify. Also, dealing with crimes by reasserting people’s authority via grand jury and related constitutional tools. http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
Defining Terms Good Neighbor Someone in your neighborhood who is civil and considerate to you, stays out of your business, yet gladly provides help or accommodation, if asked, when a problem crops up. Good neighbors also pitch in on dealing with common threats. Libertarian A person who believes and practices the nonaggression principle, that is, will not seek to initiate force or fraud upon you—either directly or indirectly. http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
Good Neighbor Barney—Quandary Barney’s a great guy and would give you the shirt off his back. Barney’s been content but now he’s starting to question whether he’s standing on solid ground in his native Bedrock. What’s Going On and Why?Or in contemporary America things just don’t add up about: A number of things, potentially, but it just seems everytime he turns around the federal government is committing some crime and lying about it. [Our typical Barney isn’t fully aware of what Bedrock insiders are up to, but feels anxious and uneasy.] http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
Barney Wants to Build Community… … but realizes first ‘we have to deal with emergencies’ Then… Harsh Realm of Political Truth Put out fires Restore health Help to safety http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
The Cloud over Barney (and Betty ) GNL definition: ‘Barney’ is someone who: • senses many things are awry (danger) • is vexed by one particular issue • will commit small time to resolve that issue And is willing to help his neighbors in concert with others of his community as a team. The GNL system is designed to dispel ‘Barney’s Cloud’ of anxiety … …by opening door to shed light on source of problem. GNL: Sunlight is our business! …effortlessly dispelling… http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
GNL Barney’s Cloud Part of Bigger Cloud … what I have called the Barrier Cloud. Barney does not have to be aware of all Threats to be effective vs. his. Barney’s 1-2-3 for joining the GNL World: • Pick a Threat—from the Threat Matrix (or choose own issue) • Commit the time—(per month): • Moonbeam: 4-8 hours • Sunshine: 8-12 hours • Starchild: 12-20 hours • ‘Show Up’… at ‘City Hall’ —take part in ‘public official bodies’ proceedings Open the door:Walk in the sunshineDispel the Cloud/Threat(s) http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
GNL Opening the Door and ‘Showing Up’ Join with others working on the threat… Pick Threat from menu. … by learning all about the threat. … work ‘effortlessly’ with others to remove the threat. Shine your light to… http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
How? Coordination of the ‘Many Hands’ The 4-5-6 of the Good Neighbor Libertarian system. Simple Reporting Share Coordinate-Motivate Recruit Spread GNL County Action Table Motivational Mtgs. http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
‘Many Hands’ Approach Turns This… Empty Seats All our great and noble causes, but … Typical City Council Meeting One-Way Beef Box Alex Fera Liberty-Cause Persons Big problem for liberty causes is lack of warm bodies confronting public officials. http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
GNL … into This Walkin’ in the Sunshine, Sing a Little Sunshine Song, Put a Smile Upon Your… Barney will initially imagine the Guy Fawkes masks to be GNL Sunshine faces. http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
Summary of Good Neighbor Libertarianism Rolling Out the Good Neighbor Libertarian System—Three Aspects: Recruit Barneys and Bettys Convince the L/libertarians Hand everyone the GNL blueprint GNL book(let) is blueprint, makes clear the details, and inspires GNL to motion. http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
General Observation The US federal government has told all the Barneys and Bettys of the country that by policy it practices: • Torture • Blanket Surveillance • War Crimes • Indefinite Detention w/o Trial • Illegal Wars of Aggression • Civilian Massacres Researchers know the USG is also guilty of false-flag acts of terror, toxic assaults, etc. http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
Pause to Let Previous Slide Sink In “We have to do something, Barney, or no more Bedrock!” http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
Researchers Have Catalogued the Following Major Categories of Threat: 1/2 http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
Researchers Have Catalogued the Following Major Categories of Threat: 2/2 http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
Pause to Let Previous Two Slides Sink In “Okay, Barney, let’s each pick a Threat to help remove using this really nifty GNL empowerment system.” http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
II: Now Convince ‘the Libertarians’ • GNL process is defined. • Barneys and Bettys will be coming aboard. • They will need leadership and guidance from those who grasp the nonaggression principle. • … and from all those in the trenches whose cause is based on the nonaggression principle. • Bare bones demo, remainder in the book. http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf
FLOW My own system offering maximum results via ‘effortless power’ Coming from a Thrive Perspective THRIVE Foster Gamble Shakabuku Regardless of path we must first succeed inside for success outside. Whole package, spiritual, millions on board Satyagraha http://brianrwright.com/GNL.pdf