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Fifth Grade Curriculum Night. Our Mission Statement: To facilitate maximum learning for all students!. CIP Vision Components An active partnership with parents and community Respectful, caring and safe environment Research based, student-focused instruction
Fifth Grade Curriculum Night Our Mission Statement: To facilitate maximum learning for all students! • CIP Vision Components • An active partnership with parents and community • Respectful, caring and safe environment • Research based, student-focused instruction • Collaboration focused on improving student learning • Information-driven decision making • Focused and Challenging curriculum
Mrs. Lee Ann Hogan • Twelve years of teaching experience: one year in 2nd grade, one year 4th grade and eleven years in 5th grade. • Married to David Hogan, American History Prof at Heidelberg University • Four children: Allyssa (24), Tim (23), Brendan (7), and Lilly (5). • In my spare time I play outside with my kids, visit with my neighbors, read, cook, and let my four dogs outside, inside, outside, inside…. • This year I will be teaching three blocks of science as well as my home base language arts.
Science The fifth grade students will be studying the following concepts during their time with me: This year your students will begin the State Of Ohio new science concepts : The Common Core. I will also be teaching a bit of the old curriculum to help fill in any gaps the transition to the new Core standards may cause, it will be a busy year!
Mrs. Sarah Travis • I have 13 years of teaching experience here at Arrowhead. I spent 6 years in 2nd grade, 6 years in 5th grade and 1 year in 4th grade. • My husband is a 4th grade teacher in Newark City Schools. • We have three children. Abigail is 11, Ian is 7, and Ava is 4. • Last year we moved onto my parent’s farm. • I really enjoy gardening and taking care • of my chickens and guinea fowl.
Social Studies • In social studies this year we will be learning about: • American History (pre-civilization through American Revolution) • Economics • Geography • United States Government • Cultures of the United States • Citizenship • Research projects: • Fall- European Explorer • Spring- American Revolution Hero
Mrs. Natasha Corwin ~ 11 years of teaching experience- 10 years in 4th grade, 1 year of 5th ~ Married to Jon Corwin- attorney at Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease ~ Two children- Nathan, age 4 & Katelyn age 2 ~ Extra curricular activities- playing with my kids, reading, spending time with family ~ I will be teaching 5th grade math this year
Mrs. Jen Hedrick • Twelve years of teaching experience: two years in 5th grade and ten years in 4th grade. • Married to Dan Hedrick, Loan Processor at Chase • Three children: Elise (8), Kylie (5), Caden(2) • In my spare time I run the recreation program at Central Ohio Gymnastics and Cheer, and also enjoy spending time with family and friends • This year I (we) will be teaching three blocks of 5th grade math, as well as our home base language arts.
Miss Erica Boone • I have 10 years teaching experience in gifted education. • This is my 2nd year at Arrowhead . • In my free time, I like to travel, garden, and visit with friends and family. • This year, I will be teaching gifted math and language arts
Math, Math, Math • Patterns, Functions and Algebra • Analysis of patterns, relations and functions involving variables • Data Analysis and Probability • Collect, organize and interpret data to predict and draw • conclusions. • Number, Number Sense and Operations • Understanding and using numbers, systems and • relationships. • Measurement • Use appropriate tools/units to measure and estimate. • Geometry and Spatial Sense • Analyze the properties and relationships of shapes. • Mathematical Processes • Mathematical problem solving skills.
Math, Math, Math • Homework: • Homework is practice. It is corrected but not taken as a grade. We will give out multiple problems as we see needed (probably will be most nights). If your child is struggling please use your judgment and adjust the number of problems. • Test/grades: • Math grades will come from the summative assessments at the end of the unit.
Name_________________________________________________ 2:00-2:45 B Schedule 9:05-9:15 Arrive/Morning Work 9:15-10:00 Block 1 10:00-10:45 Block 2 10:45-12:30 Reading/Language Arts 12:30-1:30 Recess/Lunch 1:30-2:30 Block 3 2:30-3:30 Language Arts/Specials
Behavior, Behavior, Behavior Student Money! Each student in fifth grade has been given the same amount of dollars. Students are responsible for keeping their own money. Students will lose dollars for behavior and missing homework. At the end of the grading period there will be a reward for the entire fifth grade. Students must have a certain amount of money in order to attend the reward.
Grades Students will be receiving letter grades in fifth grade. 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 59 or below F Grade Cards will be online again this year. You must request a paper copy from the office. Login to My Olentangy
Conferences Please schedule your conferences with your child’s homeroom teacher. The sign ups are on your homeroom teacher’s table. If you have individual concerns other than language arts please contact the teacher of that content area.
Questions? Contact Us: Lee Ann Hogan Leeann_hogan@olentangy.k12.oh.us School (740) 657-4650 Home (740)362-4555 Cell (740)360-1693 Web site www.wix.com/leeann_hoga1/class-page-2011-2012 Natasha Corwin Natasha_corwin@olentangy.k12.oh.us School 740-657-4650 Cell 614-203-6245 Jen Hedrick Jennifer_hedrick@olentangy.k12.oh.us School 740-657-4650 Cell 614-657-1082 Sarah Travis Sarah_travis@olentangy.k12.oh.us Home (740)924-9506 Cell(740) 817-1509 ** If you have not already done so, we would really appreciate if you would send us a quick e-mail so that we have your e-mail address in our system. This is a quick and easy way to stay in contact.