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  1. Was Weimar Germany the Golden Age from 1924 to 1929?B aim – to analyse how far Weimar Germany was a golden age by assessing the four key areas A/A* aim – to analyse how far Weimar Germany was a golden age by assessing the four key areas and suggest what impact this would have on minority parties http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/weimar-germany-1919-29-problems-and-solutions/2438.html 1 min 44s “Germany is dancing on a volcano. If the short term credits are called in, a large section of our economy would collapse” 1928 “A wonderful ferment is working in Germany. Life seems more free, more modern, more exciting than in any place I have ever seen” 1928 Considering what you studied on Monday, what evidence can you find to support both quotes? Which one do you agree with?

  2. What is the message of this cartoon?

  3. Tidying up last lesson • Look at source 3.23 on p. 76 and the first paragraph of p. 77 • How supportive would the people have been of the Weimar government in light of it’s welfare system? • Extremely supportive, fairly supportive, quite supportive • Was their spending viable? • Industrial growth was low, which kept unemployment fairly high, as the circulation of money was tightly controlled

  4. Your Task • Create a giant mind map by completing the tasks at the different source stations. • There is a lot to cover in each place. You have 15 minutes per station. I will circulate to assist you.

  5. Politics p. 67 • How was German democracy strengthened from 1924-1928? • How was German democracy weakened from 1924-1928? p. 69 • How was Hindenburg elected and did this strengthen or weaken democracy?

  6. Culture pp. 90-93 Make a mind-map of Weimar culture. Make a branch per subheading then have branches coming off it for the facts. Make links between the branches. Who would have approved of the cultural changes? Who would have been suspicious of the cultural changes?

  7. Foreign Policy pp. 80-83 Define the key agreements that Stresemann made. Who would have approved of his foreign policy agreements? Who would have disapproved of his foreign policy? How successful do you think his foreign policy was?

  8. How popular was Stresemann? Include economic, cultural and political factors. Very Popular Not very popular

  9. P. 70 • Which speech bubble belongs to each individual? • Justify why you have matched together these speech bubbles.

  10. Was Weimar Germany the Golden Age from 1924 to 1929?B aim – to analyse how far Weimar Germany was a golden age by assessing the three key areas A/A* aim – to analyse how far Weimar Germany was a golden age by assessing the three key areas and suggest what impact this would have on minority parties Where does Stresemann deserve to go? Write bullet points about the four areas to support your answer.

  11. Homework – Due Monday 2nd December b. How far do the years of 1924 to 1928 deserve to be called the ‘Golden Years’? (40) Use sources 1, 3 and 4 on p. 98 of the pink book and your own knowledge. Use the sheet to help you. Debate

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