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April Ramirez. IPAD Mountain Writing Project 2011. Who is April Ramirez???????. Wife. Mother. Kindergarten Teacher @ MJP Martha Jane Potter. Resouces. Writer’s Workshop “The Essential Guide” by Ralph Fletcher and JoAnn Portalupi
April Ramirez IPAD Mountain Writing Project 2011
Resouces • Writer’s Workshop “The Essential Guide” by Ralph Fletcher and JoAnnPortalupi • Talking, Drawing, Writing by Martha Horn & Mary Ellen Giacobbe • Step-by-Step Writing Lessons for K-1 (Scholastic Book) by Waneta Davidson, DeneenWuest, and Deanne Camp • Colleagues/Friends
IPAD HAS CHANGED AND NOW DEVELOPED • First it was getting kindergarten students to write a story. • Then it was “How can I get kindergarten students to write formative pieces?” • After that, it was all about getting ready and showing students Writer’s Workshop. • Finally as of today, my question is: How can I get kindergarten students to use their resources that they have around and in front of them when writing? But I also have the Writer’s Workshop to go along with it.
Writer’s Workshop • “ Creates an environment where students can acquire these skills, along with the fluency, confidence, and desire to see themselves as writers.” Ralph Fletcher and Joann Portalupi – Writing Workshop- The Essential Guide
Requirements/Guidelines of Writer’s Workshop • Crucial for frequent and predictable time set aside for them to write • Materials and writing tools should be readily accessible to students • Common place for sharing time. (rug, corner, etc.) • Follow protocol of writer’s workshop • Foster a love for writing
Short Term Goals of Writer’s Workshop • Getting students to love writing time • Establishing a safe environment so that kids can take risks in their writing • Setting up a workable management system to handle the flow of papers, folders, etc.
Writer’s Workshop Protocol( based on hour long workshop) • Minilesson (5-10 min.) whole group common area (rug, carpet, corner, etc) • Students Writing Time/Teacher Conferencing (35-45 min **** less for lower primary) students work individually at seats for writing while teacher is conferencing with students • Share Time / Author’s Chair (10-20 min.) teacher chooses a few students to share their writing with rest of the class in the common area
Talking, Drawing, & WritingBy: Martha Horn and Mary Ellen Giacobbe Storytelling Drawing Writing Words Assessments Booklets
Step- by- Step Writing Lessons for K-1 • This book helped me this year because it gave me ideas for what to do and helped me in the time of need. I had to add other pieces of writing to this to get all of my standards in. • It’s based on reading a book and a mini lesson with writing. • Here are some examples that I did with my students: routines, concepts of printing, labeling, mechanic of the writing process, telling stories, punctuation, and writing for many purposes.
Materials: Book, Number-Word lists, mini-offiices, and materials around the room. Target: I can write number words , and if I need help I can use my mini-office as a writing tool. Read the BOOK and explain the importance of numbers. Point out the numbers around the room and their resources. Practice: Have each student find a number word on their own list. Turn to your partner and tell him or her list and spell it for you. Take turns. Reflect: What did we learn today? If we don’t know how to write something what can you do to help? Now we know how to use the list of number words and the resources that we can find all around us.
Anchor Charts---What are they? Anchor charts are learning tools in the classroom for students to recall. EXAMPLES/FREEBIES