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Looking Forward: What’s Next for KRHA September 19, 2012

Looking Forward: What’s Next for KRHA September 19, 2012. KRHA exists to: Provide leadership on rural health issues in Kentucky. KRHA Member Survey Results June 2012 7 8 attempts, 61 completed Response Rate: approximately 20%. Type of KRHA membership:.

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Looking Forward: What’s Next for KRHA September 19, 2012

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  1. Looking Forward: What’s Next for KRHASeptember 19, 2012

  2. KRHA exists to:Provide leadership on rural health issues in Kentucky.

  3. KRHA Member Survey ResultsJune 201278 attempts, 61 completedResponse Rate: approximately 20%

  4. Type of KRHA membership:

  5. Number of employees at your organization:

  6. Your organization’s approximate budget size:

  7. Professional title:

  8. Zip code of professional address:

  9. Years of KRHA membership:

  10. Primary reason for joining KRHA:

  11. KRHA Member Satisfaction: • Networking • 22% very satisfied • 73% satisfied • Advocacy • 17% very satisfied • 70% satisfied • Continuing Education Opportunities • 15% very satisfied • 63% satisfied • 15% not aware/not applicable • Information on Issues • 20% very satisfied • 75% satisfied

  12. KRHA Member Satisfaction: • KRHA Newsletter • 15% very satisfied • 59% satisfied • 20% hit or miss • 5% not aware/not applicable • KRHA Website • 14% very satisfied • 55% satisfied • 22% hit or miss • 7% not aware/not applicable

  13. KRHA Member Satisfaction: • KRHA Conference • 36% very valuable • 34% generally valuable • 15% hit or miss • 15% not aware/not applicable • KRHA Legislative Day • 22% very valuable • 31% generally valuable • 14% hit or miss • 31% not aware/not applicable • KRHA Fall Teleconference • 9% very valuable • 31% generally valuable • 20% hit or miss • 34% not aware

  14. KRHA dues are:

  15. Please share any KRHA member benefits not being offered that would be useful to you/your organization: • More information on impact of Health Care Reform. • More information on understanding Medicare and Medicaid benefits. • Offer meeting and conference participation via ITV to engage those for whom lengthy travel is a barrier. • Consider rotating locations of meetings, as having a "centralized" location in Kentucky still necessitates a half-day or longer drive time just to get there. • More CEUs • Listserv • Webinars • Regional workshops on health-related topics -- e.g., grant writing, rural medical education, etc.

  16. Overall how satisfied are you with your KRHA membership? (n=58)

  17. Please rank the following rural health issues, with 1 being the most important/critical and 6 being the least important/critical:

  18. Single most critical rural health issue facing your community? (n=34)

  19. What should be the focus of KRHA in the future?

  20. What should be the focus of KRHA in the future?

  21. What should be the focus of KRHA in the future?

  22. Key Issues from the KRHA Strategic Planning RetreatAugust 15, 2012 • Governance • Increased visibility • Advocacy • Programs/Education • Membership

  23. KRHA Committees Why? • Learn! • Serve/Give Back • Connections/Networking • Share Your Expertise

  24. KRHA Committees What’s Required? • Web/phone meetings – commitment varies • Follow-through on tasks • Help recruit others • Enthusiasm to help KRHA achieve it’s mission

  25. KRHA Committees Finance Committee • The finance committee is responsible for assisting the board in ensuring the organization is in good fiscal health.  • Accurate and complete financial records are being maintained, Financial records are prepared and shared with the board prior to each meeting, • Prepare the annual operating budget for board approval, Safeguards the organization’s assets, • Ensures that the full board understands the organization’s finances, • Ensures compliance with federal, state and other filing requirements. • Chair: Debbie Duff, Chair, dlduff2@email.uky.edu

  26. KRHA Committees Membership Committee • The membership committee is responsible for marketing the Association to recruit new members, retain existing members and assure the organization is responding to member needs. • Activities might include assisting in the development of membership recruitment campaigns, acknowledging members, surveying members to identify their needs, assisting with the development of programs to meet member needs, etc. • Co-chairs: Ernie Scott, ernie.scott@uky.edu & Chris Workman, Chris.Workman@ky.gov

  27. KRHA Committees Communications Committee • The communications committee works to enhance the organization’s positive image with internal (members) and external (community, funders and the media) audiences. • Develop a public relations plan • Could assist with other communications activities, such as newsletters, press releases, etc.  • Chair: Andy Bledsoe, a.bledsoe@nekyrhio.org

  28. KRHA Committees Education/Programs Committee • The programs committee and its sub-committees exist to develop educational and networking opportunities for KRHA members. • Annual Conference Sub-Committee • Awards • Corporate support • Newspaper contest • Chair: Sheri Erwin, SheriL.Erwin@ky.gov

  29. KRHA Committees Legislative Committee • KRHA supports legislation of rural health interests and seeks to establish broad membership consensus on issues that affect access to quality health care. • Identify legislative issues of concern to KRHA members, • Facilitate the creation of legislative proposals, • Provide education on legislative issues, • Participate in coalitions to advance the interests of the public's health. • Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Cobb, ecobb@kyha.com, John Cain, john.cain@stelizabeth.com, Loretta Maldaner, lmaldaner@murraystate.edu

  30. Next Steps: • Survey sent via email. • Sign up! • Contacted by committee chair.

  31. KRHA Needs You! www.kyrha.org

  32. Questions?

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