1. Airway Management in the Trauma Patient: Review EMS Professions
Temple College
2. Objectives of Airway Management & Ventilation Primary Objective:
Provide unobstructed passage for air movement
Ensure optimal ventilation
Ensure optimal respiration
3. Objectives of Airway Management & Ventilation Why is this so important in the trauma patient?
Prevention of Secondary Injury
Shock & Anaerobic Metabolism
Spinal Cord Injury
Brain Injury
4. Anatomy of the Upper Airway Pediatric vs Adult Upper Airway
Larger tongue in comparison to size of mouth
Floppy epiglottis
Delicate teeth and gums
Larynx is more superior
Funnel shaped larynx due to undeveloped cricoid cartilage
Narrowest point at cricoid ring before 10 yoa
5. Anatomy of the Upper Airway
6. Ventilation Defined as movement of air into & out of lungs
stimulus from respiratory center of brain (medulla)
transmitted via phrenic nerve to diaphragm
diaphragm flattens during contraction
intercostal muscles contract
ribs elevate and expand
results in ? intrapulmonic pressure (pressure gradient)
results in air being drawn into lungs & alveoli inflated
7. Ventilation Expiration
Stretch receptors in lungs signal respiratory center via vagus nerve to inhibit inspiration
Hering-Breuer Reflex
Natural elasticity of lungs passively expires air (in non-diseased lung)
Control via Pons
Apneustic & Pneumotaxic centers
8. Ventilation Chemoreceptors
Carotid bodies & Aortic arch
Stimulated by ? PaO2, ? PaCO2 or ? pH
PaCO2 considered normal neuroregulatory control of ventilations
Hypoxic Drive
default regulatory control
Senses changes in Pa02
9. Ventilation Other stimulations or depressants to ventilatory drive
body temp: ? w/ fever & ? w/hypothermia
drugs/meds: increase or decrease
pain: increases but occasionally decreases
emotion: increases
acidosis: increases
sleep: decreases
10. Respiration Ventilation vs. Respiration
Exchange of gases between a living organism and its environment
External Respiration
exchange between lungs & blood cells
Internal Respiration
exchange between blood cells & tissues
11. Respiration Oxygen saturation affected by:
low Hgb (anemia, hemorrhage)
inadequate oxygen availability at alveoli
poor diffusion across pulm membrane (pneumonia, pulm edema, COPD)
Ventilation/Perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
blood moves past collapsed alveoli (shunting)
alveoli intact but blood flow impaired
12. Respiration Carbon Dioxide content of blood
Byproduct of work (cellular respiration)
Transported as bicarbonate (HCO3- ion)
? 20-30% bound to hemoglobin
Pressure gradient causes CO2 diffusion into alveoli from blood
increased level - hypercarbia
13. Inspired Air: PO2 160 & PCO2 0.3
14. Causes of Hypoxemia Traumatic
Reduced surface area for gas exchange
pneumothorax, hemothorax, atelectasis
Decreased mechanical effort
pain, traumatic asphyxiation, hypoventilation
sucking chest wound, obstruction
15. Assessment & Recognition of Airway & Ventilatory Compromise Visual Assessment
Rise & Fall of chest
Paradoxical motion
Audible gasping, stridor, or wheezes
Obvious pulm edema Visual Assessment
Skin color
Flaring of nares
Pursed lips
Accessory Muscle Use
Altered Mental Status
Inadequate Rate or depth of ventilations
16. Assessment & Recognition of Airway & Ventilatory Compromise Respiratory Patterns
brain stem
increased ICP Respiratory Patterns
Central Neurogenic Hyperventilation
increased ICP
brain anoxia Ch - deeper faster followed by shallower, slower
biot - irregular rate and depth w/ apnea
cnh- deep rapid respirations
kus - deep slow or rapid, gasping breathing
Ch - deeper faster followed by shallower, slower
biot - irregular rate and depth w/ apnea
cnh- deep rapid respirations
kus - deep slow or rapid, gasping breathing
17. Airway & Ventilation Methods: BLS Progress from Non-invasive BLS to invasive ALS
Supplemental Oxygen
increased FiO2 increases available oxygen
objective is to maximize hemoglobin saturation
Fi - Fractional concentraion o fair - concentration of o2 in inspired airFi - Fractional concentraion o fair - concentration of o2 in inspired air
18. Airway & Ventilation Methods: BLS Airway Maneuvers
Jaw thrust
Sellick’s maneuver Airway Devices
Oropharyngeal airway
Nasopharyngeal airway
CombiTube ®
19. Airway & Ventilation Methods: BLS 1/2/3 person BVM
One Person BVM
difficult to master
mask seal often inadequate
may result in inadequate tidal vol
gastric distention risk Two person BVM
most efficient method
Useful in C-spine inj
improved mask seal and tidal volume
20. Airway & Ventilation Methods: BLS Partial Airway Obstruction Techniques
Removal via Direct laryngoscopy
21. Airway & Ventilation Methods: BLS Gastric Distention
Common when ventilating without intubation
pressure on diaphragm
resistance to BVM ventilation
avoid by increasing time of BVM ventilation
22. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Gastric Tubes
caution with facial trauma
tolerated by awake patients but is uncomfortable
interferes with BVM seal
usually used in unresponsive patients
larger tube may be used
safe in facial trauma
23. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Endotracheal Intubation
present or impending respiratory failure
unable to protect own airway
secures airway
route for a few medications
optimizes ventilation and oxygenation
24. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Complications of endotracheal intubation
Bleeding or dental injury
Laryngeal edema
Vocal cord injury
Dislodged tube or esophageal intubation
Right or Left mainstem intubation
25. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Patient Positioning for Intubation
Align the 3 planes of view, so that
The vocal cords are most visible
T - trachea
P - Pharynx
O - Oropharynx
26. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Surgical Cricothyrotomy
absolute need for a definitive airway AND
unable to perform ETT due for structural or anatomic reasons, AND
risk of not intubating is > than surgical airway risk
absolute need for a definitive airway AND
unable to clear an upper airway obstruction, AND
multiple unsuccessful attempts at ETT, AND
other methods of ventilation do not allow for effective ventilation and respiration
27. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Surgical Cricothyrotomy
Contraindications (relative)
No real demonstrated indication
Risks > benefits
Age < 8 years (some say 10)
evidence of fx larynx or cricoid cartilage
evidence of tracheal transection
28. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Needle Cricothyrotomy & Transtracheal Jet Ventilation
Same as surgical cricothyrotomy along with
Contraindication for surgical cricothyrotomy
None when demonstrated need
caution with tracheal transection
29. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Jet Ventilation
Usually requires high-pressure equipment
Ventilate 1 sec then allow 3-5 sec pause
Hypercarbia likely
Temporary: 20-30 mins
High risk for barotrauma
30. Airway & Ventilation Methods: BLS & ALS
31. Airway & Ventilation Methods: BLS & ALS Combitube®
Gag reflex
Ingestion of corrosive or volatile substances
Hx of esophageal disease
32. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Pharmacologic Assisted Intubation (“RSI”)
Used for
anxious or agitated patient
hypotension (e.g. hypovolemia 2° to trauma)
33. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Pharmacologic Assisted Intubation (“RSI”)
Neuromuscular Blockade
Induces temporary skeletal muscle paralysis
When Intubation is required in a patient who
is awake,
has a gag reflex, or
is agitated or combative
34. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Pharmacologic Assisted Intubation (“RSI”)
Neuromuscular Blockade
Most are Specific to the medication
inability to ventilate patient once paralysis is induced
enables provider to intubate patients who otherwise would be difficult or impossible to intubate
minimizes patient resistance to intubation
reduces risk of laryngospasm
35. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Pharmacologic Assisted Intubation (“RSI”)
Disadvantages & Potential Complications
Does not provide sedation or amnesia
Provider unable to intubate or ventilate after NMB
Aspiration during procedure
Difficult to detect motor seizure activity
Side effects and adverse effects of specific meds
36. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS
37. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Needle Thoracostomy (chest decompression)
Positive sx/sx of tension pneumothorax
Cardiac arrest with PEA or Asystole when the possibility of trauma and/or tension pneumo exist
Absence of indications
38. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Tension Pneumothorax
severe respiratory distress
? or absent lung sounds (unilateral usually)
? resistance to manual ventilation
Cardiovascular collapse (shock)
asymmetric chest expansion
anxiety, restlessness or cyanosis (late)
JVD or tracheal deviation (late)
39. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Chest Escharotomy
In the presence of severe edema to the soft tissue of the thorax as with circumferential burns:
inability to maintain adequate tidal volume even with PPV
inability to obtain adequate chest expansion with PPV
Rarely needed
40. Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS Chest Escharotomy
must rule out the possibility of upper airway obstruction
Intubate if not already done
Prep site and equipment
Vertical incision to anterior axillary line
Horizontal incision only if necessary
Cover and protect
41. Airway & Ventilation: Risks & Protective Measures BSI
Face & eye shields
Respirator if concern for airborne disease
Be prepared for