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Core Set of Indicators for Water. Core set of water indicators. Former ETC/IW and ETC/MCE both proposed core sets of indicators Now merged and modified into on core set for water Quality Quantity Rivers, lakes, groundwater, transitional waters, coastal and marine waters.
Core set of water indicators • Former ETC/IW and ETC/MCE both proposed core sets of indicators • Now merged and modified into on core set for water • Quality • Quantity • Rivers, lakes, groundwater, transitional waters, coastal and marine waters
Seven policy questions • To what extent do existing policies and measures serve to reduce critical pressures on the water environment and how is the general state of the water environment improving as a consequence? • Are human health standards being met as set down by international water policies and legislation? • What is the result of actions to address specific impacts on aquatic ecosystems and are ecological standards being met? • What are the impacts of climate change on the water environment • How are socio-economic sectors contributing to the sustainable use of water? • Are the external costs of water management captured by market prices? • Are changes in the quality of water and the water environment contributing to sustainable development and improvements in our overall quality of life?
Issues covered • eutrophication and organic pollution of surface waters • hazardous substances in surface waters and groundwater • groundwater quality and quantity • water stress • climate change • drinking water quality • microbiological contamination • impact of fishing • ecological quality
Summary of proposed indicators in terms of the DPSIR framework
Core Set of indicators for water - climate change • North Atlantic Oscillation-index • Annual average European temperature (1860 – 2000) • Annual precipitation • Exploitation index =mean annual total demand long-term average freshwater resource • Consumption index =mean annual water consumptionlong-term average freshwater resource • [Long-term average freshwater resource = long-term average precipitation minus the long-term average evapotranspiration plus the long-term average inflows]
Water indicators affected by climate change • Level of water in aquifers - groundwater quantitative status • Sectoral water demand: Unit demand for urban and agricultural use • Ecological status of rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters • Number of natural disasters: floods and droughts [Kiev report]
EUROWATERNET - Quantity • Methodology to obtain comparable European data on renewable water resources • Extension of implementation and piloting to other countries • Spain, Greece, Denmark, UK and Hungary to date
Core set of indicators for water • Sub-set for ESR 2002 • Sub-set for Kiev report • Sub-set for TERM/EERM reports • Sub-set for AERM report? • Indicator based report on Europe’s water in June 2002