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Acta Cryst F: Rapid Publication of Macromolecular Structure Communications

Acta Cryst F is an electronic journal that provides a platform for the rapid publication of macromolecular structure communications. With an easy-to-use online submission and review system, authors can submit their articles for refereeing to a high standard. The journal also offers an open-access option for increased visibility. Acta Cryst F is accessible on the web to subscribers of Acta Cryst D and includes unlimited free color illustrations, movies, and other enhancements.

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Acta Cryst F: Rapid Publication of Macromolecular Structure Communications

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  1. Acta Crystallographica Section FStructural Biology and Crystallization CommunicationsAn electronic journal for macromolecular structure journals.iucr.org/f/

  2. Structural genomics communications Protein structure communications Crystallization communications principal categories of articles journals.iucr.org/f/

  3. easy-to-use online submission and review system all papers refereed to a high standard very rapid publication open-access option available for increased visibility unlimited free color illustrations, movies and other enhancements more generous limits on length Crystallization Communications:For authors journals.iucr.org/f/

  4. FREE to Acta Cryst. D subscribers accessible on the web as soon as ready links to Protein Data Bank and other structural databases full text, title, keyword, abstract/synopsis and author searching articles in PDF and HTML Crystallization Communications:For readers journals.iucr.org/f/

  5. citation links to IUCr journals Medline, CrossRef and ChemPort linking immediate access to supplementary data e-mail alerting service labor-saving features features journals.iucr.org/f/

  6. Section F and Section D will together provide a full range of options for the rapid publication of structural biology and crystallization research Acta Cryst. D will continue to welcome novel biological structures and papers on crystallographic methods and theory, including crystallization Relationship to Section D journals.iucr.org/f/

  7. Notes for authors and full details of the online submission system are available fromthe journal homepage at journals.iucr.org/f/ submission guidelines journals.iucr.org/f/

  8. Marek Brzozowski Paula Fitzgerald Felix Frolow Bill Hunter Gerard Kleywegt Pat Loll Alex McPherson Marc Pusey Bill Stallings Se Won Suh Isao Tanaka Tom Terwilliger Alice VrielinkAdriana Zagari Co-editors in bold specialize in crystallization communications Section Editors Co-Editors Mitchell Guss Howard Einspahr journals.iucr.org/f/

  9. Required Data • Sufficient disclosure to allow the reader to replicate the experiment and duplicate the result • http://journals.iucr.org/f/services/structuralcommunications/list.html • http://journals.iucr.org/f/services/crystallization/ • Review of required data by editorial boards of Acta Cryst. D & F • Comments and suggestions welcomed journals.iucr.org/f/

  10. What has been crystallized? • Reference to sequence or database accession number • Post-translational modifications or processing? • Tag? Tag removal? Tag remnants? • Chemical modifications? • Brief recounting of preparation if referenced to prior publication • Alternative for natural products journals.iucr.org/f/

  11. Crystallization conditions • Specify compositions of all crystallization solutions [N.B.:This means the protein solution, too.] • Specify relative volumes of solutions used • Setup hardware, temperature, other variables as needed • Similar requirements for cryo-preservation and cryo-treatment journals.iucr.org/f/

  12. TRENDS • Increasing expansion of crystallization communications to include data on structure solution • Inclusion of papers supporting NMR structure determinations • Growing interest in databases of crystallization conditions IUCr journals will support the important contributions that any crystallization databases provide to the crystallographic community and to the scientific community as a whole. journals.iucr.org/f/

  13. mmCIF Submission • Special pathway for prospective structure-report authors in ADIT • mmCIF file provided by PDB for transfer to journal • Journal will arrange mmCIF data into tables • Data missed can be added during editorial process • Over time, more and more data for deposition and publication will be collected for authors by software and automation • Authors will become more and more familiar with mmCIF and will build tools for their own use. journals.iucr.org/f/

  14. Future Plans • Enhanced referee system (speed, transparency) • NMR structure communications • Other enhancements • Author-driven evolution journals.iucr.org/f/

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