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Plan a sustainable holiday in Galicia, Spain, and Northern Portugal away from mass tourism. Explore traditional culture, food, and masked carnivals. Learn about local food, sustainable travel options, and eco-friendly accommodation.
A Good Holiday • Galicia, north-west Spain, and Northern Portugal • Where and when there are no other foreign tourists, away from mass tourism. • To experience the traditional culture, food and wine of more remote rural areas. • To travel as part of the holiday experience • To travel more sustainably than flying • To see traditional masked carnivals (Entroidos), and related cultural heritage.
Local food and meals • Buying local is a good bet for reducing pollution and the energy used to transport, store and refrigerate food. • Choosing local food is good for the planet, good for your health and good for local farmers.
Sustainable Travel • European train travel www.seat61.com • Interrail www.myinterrail.co.uk • Eurolines Buses www.eurolines.co.uk • Freewheelers www.freewheelers.com • Carpooling www.carpooling.co.uk • Bla Bla Car www.blablacar.com
Comparative carbon emissions • Transport Direct Www.transportdirect.info • Small Car only • 76.5 kg of CO2 per passenger with 2 occupant(s) Large Car only • 153.8 kg of CO2 per passenger with 2 occupant(s) Train only • 63.8 kg of CO2 per passenger Coach only • 35.8 kg of CO2 per passenger Plane only • 204.8 kg
Airlines • Ryanair – claims to be Europe's greenest airline. Ryanair believes itself to already be the best. A study (without sources) claims the airline has the greenest fleet: • www.ryanair.com/en/about/ryanair-and-the-environment • No carbon offsetting policy. For most airlines, but not Ryanair, Carbon offsetting is still optional. Only Silverjet includes it in flight costs. • No-frills airlines tend to fly with more seats occupied: in 2009, the average for an easyJet flight was 86 per cent and for Ryanair 82 per cent. They have newer fleets, higher densities of seats and direct flights compared to full-service airlines. • This compares with an average of 68 per cent on Europe’s full-service airlines, according to the Association of European Airlines.
Accommodation • Green Tourism Schemes www.ecolabelindex.com/ecolabels/?st=category,tourism • EU Ecolabel for Tourist Accommodations • Http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel/documents/hotels.pdf • Global Sustainable Tourism Council • http://www.gstcouncil.org/images/pdf/global%20sustainable%20tourism%20criteria%20h-to%20version%202_final.pdf
EU Ecolabel • The EU Ecolabel on Tourist Accommodation Service is the only ecological label certified by an independent and competent body and recognised across Europe. • www.ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel • Reduce use of resources • Reduce CO2 emissions and pollution to air, water and soil • Reduce waste • Conserve nature