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Success Factors in PPP Projects: EBRD Experience

Discover key elements for successful PPP projects based on EBRD case studies in Turkey, Russia, Albania, Georgia, Armenia, and more. Learn about project selection, concession authorities, procurement procedures, security issues, and dispute resolution. Gain insights from various infrastructure projects like airports, motorways, and water utilities. Explore PPP outlook in Turkey, covering airports, seaports, motorways, railways, hospitals, and electricity distribution.

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Success Factors in PPP Projects: EBRD Experience

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  1. Infrastructure PPP Projects EBRD Experience April 2012

  2. Case StudyTurkey: Istanbul Ferries Privatisation, Istanbul 2

  3. Case StudyRussia: Pulkovo Airport, St. Petersburg

  4. Case StudyAlbania: Mother Teresa International Airport, Tirana

  5. Case StudyGeorgia:International Airport, Tbilisi

  6. Case StudyArmenia: Zvarnots International Airport, Yerevan

  7. Case Study R1 Motorway, Slovak Republic

  8. Case Study M5 Motorway, Hungary

  9. Case Study M6 Motorway, Hungary

  10. Case Study M6-M60 Motorway, Hungary

  11. Case StudyBulgaria: Sofia Water

  12. Case StudyRomania: Apa Nova, Bucharest

  13. Lessons Learnt – Key Elements for successful PPPs • 1) Choice of Project - Is this project the right one? • Undertaken for sound developmental and economic reasons. • Positive economic internal rate of return; rigorous cost/benefit analysis • Politically acceptable • Environment/development balance • Will it achieve the Government’s development objectives? 2) What do the concession granting authorities wish to achieve? • Minimum cost to government and maximum use • Low environmental impact • Motor for development • Private Sector Efficiencies • Traffic diversion / free flowing traffic for road project • Projects completed on time and within original budget

  14. Lessons Learnt – Key Elements for successful PPPs • 3) National Policy Framework for Public Private Partnerships. • Establishment of PPP unit at central government level to: • Create and maintain know-how • Introduce standardisation • Clarity in market • Speed in repeat transactions • Maintain consistent government position • Legal Environment • Need for clarity in the law governing PPPs and a structure which avoids loopholes • 4) Procurement Procedure and Tender Process • Legislation to allow for procedures appropriate for award of concessions • Sensible and clear timeline with consistency • Prequalification and equal treatment to all bidders with transparent and objective process • Timing and process (scoring process) developed to produce comparable bids

  15. Lessons Learnt – Key Elements for successful PPPs • 5) Security Issues: Whose money? 80% - BANKS 20% - SPONSORS • If things go wrong the banks need to be able to fix it before the concession is at risk (Step-in rights) • Unilateral change or termination to be balanced by economic compensation – even if termination for grantee’s fault (Debt Assumption) • These could be achieved via Direct Agreements • 6) Dispute resolution • If things go wrong the banks need to be able to resolve disputes arising within the structures of PPPs in a manner that would allow parties from different legal and cultural backgrounds to resolve their disputes, generally without the formalities of their respective legal systems. Therefore, the requirement for international arbitration is crucial.

  16. PPP Outlook in Turkey Airports • Third Istanbul Airport, Izmir Airport, Cukurova Airport Seaports • Derince Port, Galata Port, Izmir Port Motorways • Eurasia Tunnel BOT, Privatisation of Motorways and Bridges, Gebze Izmir Motorway BOT, Third Istanbul Bridge BOT Railways • Municipality Metro projects, Rail Station BOTs Hospital PPPs • Kayseri, Etlik, Bilkent, Ikitelli and 24 others Electricity Distribution

  17. Contacts For all further enquiries, please contact :

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