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Fires in the Everglades: A Historical Perspective and Current Impact

Explore the ecological significance of fires in the Everglades over time, from Native American practices to modern-day challenges. Learn about the diverse vegetation affected by fires and the impact of human intervention on natural fire cycles.

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Fires in the Everglades: A Historical Perspective and Current Impact

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  1. Fire Ecology of the Everglades By: Nathan Maurer

  2. The History of Fire in the Everglades • Presettlement Florida was home to large scale fires that were relatively common. • These fires helped to shape the vegetative communities. • Native Americans used small scale fires to drive out game during a hunt.

  3. History of Fire in the Everglades • The coastal inhabitants of Florida like the Pine Flatwoods and the Sand Pine Scrub. Burned often. • Coastal Mangroves rarely ever burned. • Saw grass burned very intensely while wet prairies and sloughs did not carry the fire or burn as intensely.

  4. History of Fire in the Everglades • During the dry season and in droughts the sometimes 4 meter deep peat would burn and create inland pools. • This increased the diversity in the ever changing Everglades.

  5. Current Fire in the Everglades • Since the settlement of Florida naturally occurring wildfires have been controlled allowing for a large build up of fuels over time. • Large scale development, drainage, and manipulation of water levels have altered the environment. • Introduction of exotic species like Melaleuca and Old World fern have been detrimental.

  6. Current Fire in the Everglades • The Melaleuca leaves contain oils that are extremely volatile and cause the fires to burn much more intense. • The Old World climbing fern will carry the fire into the crowns of the trees causing unnaturally high damage. Fragments of the fern can be burned and carried away by thermals increasing the frequency of spot fires.

  7. Prescribed Fires • A prescribed fire is controlled by firefighters to reduce the fuel loading in a specific area. • This was introduced to the Everglades to attempt to mimic the natural fires.

  8. Pine stand before

  9. During the fire

  10. After the Fire

  11. Questions?

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