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Learn about Instituto Comprensivo 1 in Modena, a cultural and educational hub serving a diverse student population including immigrants and socially disadvantaged students. Discover how the CLIL approach enriches learning experiences, fosters inclusivity, and enhances social and language skills.
EDUFUTURE August 2018 Best practicespresentation Flaviana Fabozzi i Istituto comprensivo1 Modena
Ourschoolstarts from a contextbased on the knowledge of an industrial and suburban area whereourinstituteislocated.Inthis area the schoolstands for an educational and cultural referencepoint. Ourinstitutesupports the students' educational needs: 1200 a quiteremarkablenumber of them are immigrants( 199 peopleforeignnational and 136 born in Modena from foreignparents), moreoverthereis a significantminority with a social and cultural disadvantage( gypsies of differentethnicgroups); while the otherstudentsneed to improvetheirskills in order to face the complexity of the Knowledge Society. Oureuropeanprojectsaims are: promoting a life long learning, as an educational perspective for teachers,toinvest in human resources, building a net of exchangeseither in Italy and Europe; to put in practicelinguistic and methodologyteachers' skills (through CLIL and Drama), to implement ICT skills, and generally to improvecreativity and expressivity in teaching. Our background
CLIL is a goodexperienceboth for teachers and students and wecan’tnever stop learning…
I am a primaryschoolteacher and I startedmy CLIL training experience in 2014, and soon I seized the opportunity to offerdifferentdidacticmethods for mypupils and a new challengingmoments for me. CLIL training and practice
There are manydefinitionsabout CLIL, but the onethat I prefer, is by David Marsh: «CLIL is an approachthatmayconcernlanguages; interculturalknowledge, understandingand skills; preparation for internationalisation and improvement of educationitself.» • The last concept, according to me, isvalidboth for students and for teachers. WHAT IS CLIL
When I startedmy CLIL experience, I soonrealizedthat, duringthiskind oflessons, students’ thinking and theirlearningskills are integrated.Thisapproach can involve manymethodologies from bothsubject and learningteaching, so itpresents new challenges for me as a teacher, butalso for mylearners! Hands on subjects for me and mypupils
Pupils are at the samelevelduring CLIL lessons (immigrants and mothertonguestudents)and they are eager to communicate and to learn. They work in groups and I changedmyclassroom , adapting in a suitablelearningenvironmentputting desks altogether to formislands. Itis inclusive
CLIL is a joy for students and teachersbutittakes a lot of time, preparing, changingtexts, etc. Tailor- made materials and tests
Duringthesefouryears I noticedthatclassroomenvironmenthasimproved, becausemypupilsreinforcedtheir social skillsthroughcommunication. • Buttheyalsoimprovedsubjectknowledge and languageskills. Results