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Status of Thailand’s Nuclear Program

Status of Thailand’s Nuclear Program. www.tint.or.th. Dr. Somporn Chongkum, Executive Director. International Cooperation for Nuclear Export and Technical Support to Developing Countries Kyeongju, KOREA May 28, 2008. Topic of Presentation. History of Nuclear Energy in Thailand

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Status of Thailand’s Nuclear Program

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  1. Status of Thailand’s Nuclear Program www.tint.or.th Dr. Somporn Chongkum, Executive Director International Cooperation for Nuclear Export and Technical Support to Developing Countries Kyeongju, KOREA May 28, 2008

  2. Topic of Presentation • History of Nuclear Energy in Thailand • Structure of Nuclear Activities • TINT • Electricity Generating • Nuclear Power Plant Program

  3. History : Nuclear Energy in Thailand 1957 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 1961 Atomic Energy for Peace Act - Thai AEC - Office of Atomic Energy for Peace (OAEP) 1962 1 MW. Thai Research Reactor - Nuclear Science R&D - Nuclear Medicine - Nuclear Engineering Technology 1972 1st Nuclear Power Plant Project / Chonburi 1975 Thai Irradiation Center (Co-60/ 400,000 Ci) - Food Irradiation - Sterile Insect Technique - Plant Mutation Breeding 1997 Ongkharak Nuclear Research Center (Rx,IP,WM/18 Blds) 2006 Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT) 2007 Power Development Plan (PDP2007) - NPP 4 x 1,000 MW (2020/2021) - Nuclear Power Infrastructure Preparation Committee

  4. MOST Thai A.E.C OAP TINT Organization Structure - Thai Atomic Energy Commission (Thai A.E.C) - Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) - Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT)

  5. Thai A.E.C. Sub-Committees 1. Licensing for nuclear materials 2. Licensing for X-ray machines 3. Reactor Safety 4. Radiation Safety Officer 5. Emergency Preparedness 6. Nuclear Application in Medicine 7. Nuclear Application in Agriculture 8. Nuclear Application in Industry 9. Nuclear Application in Food and Nutrition 10.Nuclear Energy Policy and Planning

  6. Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) Office of the Secretary Bureau of Radiation Safety Regulation Bureau of Nuclear Safety Regulation Bureau of Atomic Energy Administration and Management Bureau of Technical Support for Safety Control

  7. TINT Organization Structure TINT BOARD Internal Audit Unit Executive Director Nuclear and Radiation Safety Unit Quality Assurance Unit Public Relations Unit Deputy Director (Research and Technology) Deputy Director (Business and Management) Information Technology Unit Technology Transfer Unit Business Development Division Management Division Planning and Policy Section Strategic Business Section Special Project Section Research and Development Division Nuclear Technology and Reactor Operation Division Human Resource Section * Medical and Public Health Research Group * Biotechnology and Agriculture Research Group * Materials Science and Industry Research Group * Environment Research Group * Advanced Technology Research Group Thai Irradiation Center Organization Development Section Radioisotope Production Center Accounting and Financial Section Nuclear and Radiation Safety Radioactive Waste Management Center Procurement Section Legal Affairs Section Nuclear Technology Service Center Reactor Management Section International Relations Section Gems Irradiation Center General Affairs Section

  8. Main Facilities 1. 2MW. Research Reactor (TRR-1/M1) 2. Am.241/Be Neutron Source (50 Ci) 3. Isotope Production 4. Electronic/Mechanical Workshops 5. Waste Management System 6. Thai Irradiation Center (Co-60/400,000 Ci) 7. X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis 8. X-Ray Diffractometer 9. ICP/MS 10. MS

  9. Products & Services 1. Isotope Production 2. TC-99m – Kits 3. Analytical Samples 4. Co-60 Irradiation 5. Waste Management 6. Foods Measurement 7. Consultancy on Isotope Hydrology 8. Survey Meters 9. NDT 10. Radiotracer in Industry 11. Gems Irradiation 12. HRD, Training Courses 13. R&D

  10. Radioisotope • Radiopharmaceuticals • Radionuclide imaging • PET Positron Emission Tomography • SPECT Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography • Tc99m • I131 • Sm153 • P32

  11. Thai Irradiation Center Mango, Pineapple, Mangosteen , Rambutan, Longan, Lychees

  12. Radioisotope in Industry • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) • to analyze irregularity in distillation • columns of oil refinery • Radiotracer • Export Product • Survey Meter

  13. Waste Management • Radiation Safety System Monitoring Project • Radiation Safety Analysis • Personal Radiation Uptake Evaluation and Monitoring • Radioactive Waste Management Program • Radiation Safety Regulation

  14. Human Resource Development • Seminar / Workshop / Training / Education • Research Reactor • Nuclear Safety and Security • Radiation Protection • Nuclear Applications (Medical, Agriculture, Industry, Environment) • Emergency Preparedness

  15. Non-Power Application Statistics • Radioisotopes • Radiopharmaceuticals • X-Ray Generators • Accelerators • Research Reactor Medicine 70 Industries 290 Education & Research 112 Housing 128 X-Ray Machine 8,000

  16. History of NPP Project 1970 IAEA approved site selection at Chonburi Province 1972 Approved BWR 600 MWe 1974 U-Fuel Reservation : ERDA 1976 Started International Bidding 1978 NPP Project delayed 1980 Natural Gas was found in Gulf of Thailand

  17. Electricity Generating Statistics Thailand (2006) World (2004) 17,450 TWh 142 TWh Source: Key world energy statistics 2006, IEA

  18. Power Development Plan (PDP 2007) Main Plan Purchase Nuclear SPP Petroleum Oil Natural Gas Million / unit Coal (import) Lignite Hydro 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

  19. Nuclear Power Plant Project Schedule @ COD @ GO NUCLEAR @ Site APPROVAL @ CONTRACT APPROVAL @ CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL @ Operation APPROVAL 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Source: Manpower Development for Nuclear Power - A Guidebook, International Atomic Energy Agency

  20. Nuclear Power Infrastructure Preparation Committee (NPIPC) 1. Legal and Regulatory System and International Commitments 2. Industrial Infrastructure and Commerce 3. Technology Development and Transfer and Human Resources Development 4. Nuclear Safety and Environment Protection 5. Public Relations and Public Acceptance 6. Nuclear Power Utility Planning

  21. Legal and Regulatory System • Legal affairs, regulatory system and international commitments relevant to the use of nuclear power for electricity generation • The study on the pattern of the regulation body establishment, the amendment to related laws and regulations with a view to constructing a nuclear power plant

  22. Industrial Infrastructure and Commerce • The industrial infrastructure and commerce for the preparation of electricity generation from nuclear power • The economic and financial analyses related to the establishment of the industrial infrastructure and the improvement of the domestic fundamental industrial potential

  23. Technology Transfer and Human Resources Development • Technology transfer and development of nuclear power technology for electricity generation and related industries, at both domestic and international / interregional levels • Human resources development planning in all aspects to be prepared for electricity generation from nuclear power

  24. Nuclear Safety and Environment • Development of guidelines on nuclear safety and environmental protection for the preparation of the feasibility study on electricity generation from nuclear power

  25. Public Relations • The build-up of knowledge accurate understanding and acceptance of the general public with regard to the development and promotion of nuclear power deployment for electricity generation

  26. Nuclear Power Utility Planning • The preparation of organizational structure to accommodation electricity generation from nuclear power • The planning for the selection of appropriate nuclear power plant technology and manufacturers • The planning related to nuclear safety, fuel management, radioactive waste, waster and protection of environmental effects of a nuclear power plant construction • The implementation of project feasibility study and site selection for nuclear power plant construction • The undertaking of a study on energy economics and financial planning for a nuclear power utility • The planning for power plant designing, construction, system trial and operation as well as the decommissioning of a nuclear power utility

  27. Current Status of NPP Program • Technology Transfer • Infrastructure • Safety Control • Waste Management • HRD • Public Understanding • Feasibility Study • Siting • EIA Studies • Nuclear Regulator Body • Legislation • Technology Development

  28. Conclusion • Thailand; increased confidence in economical and safe operation of nuclear plan will likely be demonstrated and recognized. This in turn will also increase confidence in nuclear waste management. • Natural Resource (Gas, Oil) have been diminished • AS the concern over the global climate change grows in magnitude, nuclear power because an environmentally desirable source of energy. • Nuclear energy should remain as an option in the long-term energy strategies.

  29. THANK YOU www.tint.or.th

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