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Thailand Country Report 2008 on Information Technology. Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman Chairman of Thailand Chapter of the Computer Society of the IEEE. charm@ksc.au.edu. www.charm.au.edu.
Thailand Country Report 2008on Information Technology Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonman Chairman of Thailand Chapter of the Computer Society of the IEEE charm@ksc.au.edu www.charm.au.edu Keynote Address presented to IEEE Thailand Section International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2008, Rama Garden Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. November 4-5, 2008.
Thailand Country Report on IT • Introduction • eThailand and eGovernment • eCommerce • eIndustry • eEducation 2
Thailand Country Report on IT • eSociety • eParliament and eCourt • IT Infrastructure • Concluding Remarks 3
Introduction. • Computerization in Thailand may be said to have started in the year 1961 when HM the King visited IBM plant in San Jose, California, USA. • HM the King provided inspiration for Thailand to use computers for social and economic development. 4
Introduction (Cont.) • In order to prepare human resource for the computerization project, it was decided to give a scholarship to study for Ph.D. in the field of IT to the one who got the highest grade in the Master’s program at the SEATOSchool(South East Asia Treaty Organization)which later became AIT(Asian Institute of Technology), and the recipient was Srisakdi Charmonman, in the year 1961. 5
Introduction (Cont.) • He earned his Ph.D. in Engineering Computations at Georgia Institute of Technology in the United Statesin June 1964,becoming the first Thai to earn a Ph.D. in the IT field. 6
Introduction (Cont.) • Also in 1964,the first two computers were installed in Thailand while Singapore had the first computer installed that year and Malaysia had none. • Thus, it may be said that Thailand was ahead of both Singapore and Malaysia in the IT field in the year 1964. 7
Introduction (Cont.) • On August 8, 1967, ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)was established in Bangkok with five member countries and later increased to ten countries in April 1999. 8
Introduction (Cont.) • In September 1999, eASEAN was initiated with eASEAN Task Force as a high-level public-private sector advisory body. 9
Introduction (Cont.) • Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonmanwas appointed the private-sector member from Thailand in his capacity as the Project Manager of the eCommerce Pilot Project of the Ministry of Commerce and the Founding Chairman of Internet KSC, the first and largest ISP (Internet Service Provider) in Thailand at that time. 10
Introduction (Cont.) • ASEAN was the first to create a regional ICT development initiative, i.e. in the year 1999 while eEurope was established in the year 2000. 11
Introduction (Cont.) • In June 2003, ASEAN initiated another IT-related project called “eABC (eASEAN Business Council)”which was formally established in the year 2004. 12
Introduction (Cont.) • Prof.Dr. Srisakdi Charmonmanwas appointed by the Minister of Information and Communication Technologyto be the Head of the Thai delegation and was voted Chairman of eABC. • With the lead of eASEAN, Thailand established eThailand. 13
Introduction (Cont.) • Presented in this paper are: - eThailand- eGovernment- eCommerce - eIndustry- eEducation - eParliament- eCourt- IT Infrastructure 14
2. eThailand and eGovernment. • With the encouragement of ASEAN for all member countries to promote the utilization of ICT in the region, Thailand established eThailand in the year 1996 in the First National IT Policy of Thailand, called “IT 2000”. • IT 2000 was approved by the Cabinet, including a master plan to improve and develop IT infrastructure and computerization. 15
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • IT 2000 consists of three pillars and three pilot projects. • The three pillars are - National Information Infrastructure- Human Resource- Good Governance 16
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • The three pilot projects are - SchoolNet to provide Internet access to schools- GINet to develop Government Information Network- IT laws to draft Cyber Laws to be submitted to Parliament to provide legal framework to support IT applications in Thailand 17
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • In the year 2002, IT 2010 was approved by the Cabinet as the second phase of eThailand with three components- building knowledge-based human capital- promoting innovation in economic and social systems- strengthening information infrastructure and industry. 18
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • There are three goals for IT 2010. • The first goal is that by the year 2010, Thailand will be developed towards a Knowledge-Based Society and become one of the top countries in the second group of the four groups classified by the UN. 19
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • The four groups classified by the UN:- The first group is the “Leaders”- The second group the “Potential Leaders”- The third group the “Dynamic Adopters”- The fourth group the “Marginized Countries”. 20
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • The second goal of IT 2010 is to develop Thailand such that by the year 2010, 30% of the total workforce in Thailand will be knowledge workers. • Thethird goal of IT 2010 is to bring knowledge-based industries to50% of GDP. 21
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • In developing IT 2010, there are five flagships. • They are:- eGovernment - eCommerce - eIndustry- eEducation- eSociety 22
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • The eGovernment flagship is mainly to enhance public services thru the Internet such as by providing eRevenue and eRegistration. • The eCommerce flagship is to promote selling of Thai products and services thru the Internet. 23
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • The eIndustry flagship is to promote the use of computers and Internet in Thai industries. • The eEducation flagship is to use IT in education and provide education thru the Internet. • The eSociety flagship is on bridging the digital divide, quality of life, culture, health, and public participation. 24
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • In addition to eGovenment, eCommerce, eIndustry, eEducation, and eSociety, IT 2010 also includes- National IT Infrastructure- IT Liberalization 25
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • National IT Infrastructure is focused on improvement of IT infrastructure in Thailand for new economy or digital economy, i.e. - public telecommunication network, - IT applications,- IT-related human resource,- IT laws, and related matters. 26
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • IT Liberalization is concerned with liberalization of - telecommunication services - free trade agreement (FTA) - related matters. 27
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • In comparison with other countries, there is a list of IT Industry Competitiveness Index from “www.eiuresources.com”which stated that Thailand ranked 42th in the year 2008, and 41st in the year 2007. 28
eThailand and eGovernment (Cont.) • Table 1 shows the top 10 countries in the year 2008 together with their ranks in the year 2007. • Table 2 shows the ranking for countries in Asia, with Thailand ranking higher than Philippines, India, Russia, China, Indonesia, and Vietnam. 29
Country 2008 Rank 2007 Rank 1. USA 1 1 2. Taiwan 2 6 3. UK 3 4 4. Sweden 4 7 5. Denmark 5 8 6. Canada 6 9 7. Australia 7 5 8. South Korea 8 3 9. Singapore 9 11 10. Netherlands 10 12 Table 1. Top 10 Countries with IT Industry Competitiveness Indices, 2008 30
Country 2008 Rank 2007 Rank 1. Taiwan 2 6 2. Singapore 9 11 3. Japan 12 2 4. Hong Kong 21 21 5. Malaysia 36 36 6. Thailand 42 41 7. Philippines 47 47 8. India 48 46 9. Russia 49 48 10. China 50 49 11. Indonesia 58 57 12. Vietnam 61 61 Table 2. IT Industry Competitiveness Index in Asia 2008 31
eGovernment (Cont.) • There are three main objectives of eGovernment for Thailand. • The first objective is to provide government services for the public thru the Internet which may be said to be the “front office” part of eGovernment. 32
eGovernment (Cont.) • The second objective is to provide the “back office” part of eGovernment which is to develop all the systems to support the front office part. • The third objective is to develop good governance for all government services. 33
eGovernment (Cont.) • The major goal of eGovernment is to have 100% of services or the front office part operational by the year 2010. • Five strategies for eGovernment were declared. 34
eGovernment (Cont.) • The first strategy of eGovernmentis to establish plans and budgets- the IT Master plan for the public sector- the operational plan for each department of the Ministry 35
eGovernment (Cont.) • The second strategy for eGovernment is mainly to establish organizational reform or Cabinet resolutions for the establishment of a central organization to map out a plan for development and promotion of IT application in the public sector. 36
eGovernment (Cont.) • The third strategy for eGovernment is mainly to develop the public sector workforces with appropriate IT knowledge and skills at all levels- top executives- intermediate executives- operational officers- IT officers 37
eGovernment (Cont.) • The fourth strategy for eGovernment is to improve public administration by establishing standards for back-office software applications and assigning responsibilitiesfor the development of five back-office applications. 38
eGovernment (Cont.) • Five back-office applications are- record keeping- inventory control- human record management- finance and accounting- budgeting works 39
eGovernment (Cont.) • The fifth strategy for eGovernment is to improve public services in three aspects. • The first aspect is to use IT to provide the public with efficiency, convenience, speed, coverage, and quality. 40
eGovernment (Cont.) • The second aspect is for all agencies to be able to share information. • The third aspect is to promote cooperation among the public sectors, government agencies, and private agencies that extend service to the general public. 41
eGovernment (Cont.) • From the “United Nation eGovernment Survey 2008: From eGovernment to Connected Governance” the ranking for South Eastern Asia is shown in Table 3. 42
Country 2008 2005 1. Singapore 23 7 2. Malaysia 34 43 3. Thailand 64 46 4. Philippines 66 41 5. Brunei Darussalam 87 73 6. Viet Nam 91 105 7. Indonesia 106 96 8. Cambodia 139 128 9. Myanmar 144 129 10. Timor-Leste 155 144 11. Lao 156 147 Table 3. eGovernment Readiness 43
eGovernment (Cont.) • Thailand has implemented several eGovernment projects. • The eRevenue project will be given as an example. 44
eGovernment (Cont.) • eRevenue in Thailand is one of the most successful eRevenue projects in the world as can be seen from the fact that by March 31, 200874% of all taxpayers use the Internet for filing their income taxes. 45
eGovernment (Cont.) • The eRevenue services include the followings: - Tax Identification Number (TIN), and Personal Identification Number (PIN)- Information for VAT Refund for Tourist - VAT Registrant Information 46
eGovernment (Cont.) -VAT Exempted Jewelry Business Information • Personal Income Tax Calculation • Tax Collection Summary Information • Joint Venture and Foreign Company Information • Corporate Income Tax Information 47
eGovernment (Cont.) • There are about 13.4 millions Internet users in Thailand in the year 2008. • That number is about 20.5% of the population and should increases gradually. • When the number of Internet users increases, the number of those filing income tax thru the Internet will increase accordingly. 48
eGovernment (Cont.) • In addition to eRevenue, many departments of government and private organizations implemented eGovernment such as: - Department of Business Development- Department of Employment- Department of Provincial Administration 49
eGovernment (Cont.) • The Social Security Office • TOT Corporation Limited • CAT Telecom Public Company Limited • Bangkok Metropolitan Administration 50