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FOOD CHAIN. FOOD CHAIN. F ood chain is the path by which energy passes from one living thing to another. The sun feeds plants, Greenfly eats leaves, Ladybird eats Greenfly, Robin eats Ladybird, Hawk eats Robin. What is in a food chain ? Producers Consumers Decomposers. PRODUCERS.

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  2. FOOD CHAIN Food chain is the path by which energy passes from one living thing to another. The sun feeds plants, Greenfly eats leaves,Ladybird eats Greenfly, Robin eats Ladybird, Hawk eats Robin.

  3. What is in a food chain? • Producers • Consumers • Decomposers

  4. PRODUCERS • Producers make • their own food • Green plants use • energy from the • sun to make food • Producers are on • the bottom of the • food chain

  5. CONSUMERS Consumers hunt, gather, and store food because they cannot make their own.

  6. There are three types of consumers • Herbivores • Carnivores • Omnivores

  7. Herbivores • They are the animals who eat plants such as: • Grasshoppers • rabbits • squirrels • deer • pandas

  8. Carnivores • Animals who only eat other animals such as: • Tigers • Lions • Hawks • Wolves • Cougars, …

  9. Omnivores • Animals who eat both plants • and animals such as: • human • bear • gorilla

  10. Decomposers • Microorganisms that are able to break down large molecules into smaller parts • Decomposers return the nutrients that are in a living thing to the soil

  11. Types of Food Chains Aquatic Water-related food chains with sea plants and animals Terrestrial Land-related food chains with land plants and animals

  12. Ecology Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organismsand their physical environment; it seeks to understand the vital connections between plants and animals and the world around them.

  13. Living things are intimately connected to their physical surroundings. Even small changes in thetemperature of the air, the moisture in the soil, or the salinity of the water can have significanteffectson theenvironment. Each species is affected by such changes individually.

  14. Climate change is also driving changes in the timing ofseasonal biological activities. Studies have found that the seasonal behaviors of many species now happen 15–20 days earlierthan several decades ago. Migrant birds are arrivingearlier, butterflies are emerging sooner, and plants are budding and blooming earlier.

  15. For example, a small black-and-white bird called the European pied flycatcher has not changed the time it arrives on its breeding grounds even though the caterpillars which feeds its young are emerging earlier. Missing food availability means fewer chicks are surviving. If it continues like that, it means, their population will DECREASE.

  16. caretta caretta Caretta carettas eat jellyfish. If they become extinct, the number of jellyfish may increase. Jellyfish is dangerous for humanbeing.

  17. Honey, another example, is produced in a beehive, but the bees depend on pollen and nectar from the plants they pollinate. These plants depend on bees to pollinate them. The soil depend on the worms to aerate the soil. This diverse array of creatures is key to the functioning of the entire system. When one of them disappear, it means, the other will disappear too: If there are no bees, there are no flowers; if there are no flowers, there are no worms, if there are no worms, the soil cannot aerate the soil. So, plants cannot survive, and many species become extinct.

  18. According to searches, there are approximately1.7 million identified species on the globe. Between 300,000 and 600,000 species could be committed to extinction--primarily as a result of human activities.

  19. Plants and animals are simultaneously coping with climate change and many other humancreatedstresses. Rivers—many of which are polluted by fertilizers or other chemicals—are dammed to provide water for crops or for people. Roads, cities, and farms break up habitatsand migration routes, and human activities carry nonnativespecies into NEW ecosystems.

  20. Caribou—or wild reindeer—are a key species in the arcticecosystem. They are a critical food source for bears,wolves, and a range of carrion feeders, as well as forindigenous people across the region. If they become extinct, bears and wolves become extinct, too. If plants become extinct, Caribou become extinct. If bears and wolves become extinct, there will be plenty of Caribou, there will be less plant to feed all Caribou, and so on.

  21. According to Prof. Dr. Nihat AKBAŞ who has been searching «Dorylus» ants in İskenderun declared that Dorylus ants have continuously migrated towards the north(north is cooler) He states that this is the sign of the climate change and approaching desertification. The climate of İskenderun has been hotter and hotter year by year. These ants which live as a colony and do not have stable anthills have not passed the Bolkar Mountains until 2012, but, thisyear, they have been seen in the north of Bolkar mountains.

  22. Many species of birds are migrating to Europe from Africa via Turkey in March and April, and returning back in September, October and November. There are three corridors for millions of migratory birds in Turkey, bosphorus, Çoruh Valley and Hatay-Belen. It is estimated that 5 billion of birds are migrating over Turkey.Mostly migrating birds are storks, pelicans, birds of prey, swallow, wild ducks, geese, and so on.

  23. Planes are not allowed to land or take off during the day to Hatay airport, at the time of migrating. They can only land and take off very early in the morning and at night when the birds are asleep.

  24. What should be done? The climate challenge is large and complex. It is unlikelythat this challenge can be solved by using any singlestrategyor by the people of any single country. But it is verylikely that the dedicated efforts of many peoplecan help address this important challenge and its ecologicalconsequences. This is what we ( ) are trying to do!

  25. Questionnaire : Foodchain Attendants:450 students and their families

  26. The place where a species of animal lives is a …………. Zoo [41] Earth [70] Nest [46] Habitat [293]

  27. When we say food chain, we understand……... Grain [47] Plants [33] Animals [46] The chain which creatures eat other creature [324]

  28. Habitat can be both a very small part of rotten wood and very large area like meadow. Wrong [133] Right [317]

  29. Did you know that «food chain» is composed of Producers, Consumers and Decomposers? No [52] Yes [398]

  30. When a species become extinct, some other species may also be become extinct. Hayır [43] Evet [407]

  31. Climate change ……………. food chain. does not break [41] breaks

  32. If all bees and insects die, …………… . • Human being will relief [52] Humanity may be ended [398]

  33. When/If all insects in nature become extinct, the number of birds ……………………….. . increase [19] do not change increase [406]

  34. The increasing number of jellyfish, ……………...... is related with the pollution in the sea [187] is related with decreasing number of their hunter creatures [263]

  35. When a species become extinct, the creatures which are fed by them might be become extinct. This situation cause …………………………… for human beings. No problem [37] a problem [413]

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