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A man has a wolf, a goat, and a head of cabbage...?

A man has a wolf, a goat, and a head of cabbage...? A man once had to travel with a wolf, a goat and a cabbage. He had to take good care of them, since the wolf would like to taste a piece of goat if he would get the chance, while the goat appeared to long for a tasty cabbage.

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A man has a wolf, a goat, and a head of cabbage...?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A man has a wolf, a goat, and a head of cabbage...? A man once had to travel with a wolf, a goat and a cabbage. He had to take good care of them, since the wolf would like to taste a piece of goat if he would get the chance, while the goat appeared to long for a tasty cabbage. After some traveling, he suddenly stood before a river. This river could only be crossed using the small boat laying nearby at a shore. The boat was only good enough to take himself and one of his loads across the river. The other two subjects/objects he had to leave on their own. How must the man row across the river back and forth, to take himself as well as his luggage safe to the other side of the river, without having one eating another?

  2. The wolf The goat And the Cabbage

  3. ·There is a boat large enough to carry the man and only one of the other three. ·        The man and his entourage wish to cross to the right bank, and the man can ferry each across, one at a time. ·  However, if the man leaves the wolf and goat unattended on either shore, the wolf will surely eat the goat.

  4. ·Similarly, if the goat and cabbage are left unattended, the goat will eat the cabbage. ·       Is it possible to cross the river without the goat or cabbage being eaten? ·        The problem is modeled by observing that the pertinent information is the occupants of each bank after a crossing as shown in Following figure:

  5. C-Cabbage G-Goat M-Man W-Wolf G MWCG G M C G W C C G W W C W G M G MWCG G

  6. C MWCG- WC-MG MWC-G W-MCG M G G MWG-C W G-MWC MG-WC MWCG G M C-Cabbage G-Goat M-Man W-Wolf

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