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Network of Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation. TRESMED4 Sofia, 3 June 2013. Aims.
Network of Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation TRESMED4 Sofia, 3 June 2013
Aims In this context, the Networks play the role of antennas, meeting & exchange points within the 42 ALF member countries and ensure that the initiatives, actions, interventions of their members converge towards common objectives. (Anna Lindh Foundation, Work Programme 2012- 2014) Our purpose is to bring people together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures. Since its launch in 2005, the Anna Lindh Foundation has launched and supported action across fields impacting on mutual perceptions among people of different cultures and beliefs, as well as developing a region-wide Network of over 3000 civil society organisations.
Network of Networks Structure BoG ALF Secretariat (Alexandria) Executive Director President Heads of Network Institutions (in 42 Euro-Med countries) Members (3,941) (in 42 National Networks)
ALF strategy in Phase III (2012-14) WHAT: • Improving mutual perceptions and promoting mutual understanding, generating positive improvements in intercultural relations and policies • Fostering the role of the Foundation in promoting ICD at the grass-root level by implementing civil society initiatives and promoting cooperation with governments and institutions • Reinforcing the Anna Lindh Networks of civil society and building their capacities • Enhancing civil practices of citizenship and social participation, and encouraging the development of a regional and intercultural citizenship beyond the borders HOW: • ‘4Ds’ (Dialogue, Diversity, Democracy, and Development)
ALF is putting in place a ‘4D’ Strategy for the years to come: Dialogue / Diversity / Democracy / Development, which has been approved by the ALF Board of Governors and endorsed by the Anna Lindh National Networks.
The Programme Activities Overview • Co-organised and Granted Activities • Multiannual Initiatives(Education, Culture, Urban Spaces and Media) • The Anna Lindh Forum 2013 • ALF Report on Intercultural Trends • «Believe in Dialogue, Act for Citizenship» Programme • Network Strategic Development Scheme (NSDS Step 5)and Trainings • Institutional Activities and ALF Awards • Calls For Proposals(CfP)
ALF Report on Intercultural Trends • Work Plan • Constitution of a new Scientific Committee (Opinion Poll and Report) • Opinion Poll on IC Trends in 15 Euromed countries • Access to permanent scientific and reliable data on Social Changes • Preparation of the Report with Scientific Committee, Experts and Networks • Chairs on Euromed Intercultural Dialogue • Online Anna Lindh Digest on Intercultural Affairs and Euromed Media Review Launching the second edition of the ALF Report on IC Trends based on the success of first edition and the need to understand Social Changes and their impact on the Euromed Intercultural Dialogue Conceiving the Report as the core of a permanent tool of analysis of relevant trends and changes collecting data and facilitating analysis to support the ALF mission and intercultural action Providing the ALF Networks and the Advisory Council with a reliable tool for their activity, involving them in the making of the Report and its dissemination, and decision makers for elaboration policies related to intercultural relations
Institutional Activities and Awards • The Anna Lindh Foundation raises the visibility of actors for intercultural dialogue through a series of regional Award schemes. • The Award programmes include four editions of the Euro-Med Award for Dialogue between Culture and three editions of the Anna Lindh Journalist Award for Reporting Across Cultures among other prizes and recognitions. 2012 Winner: Rima Marouf • Euro-Med Award or 2012, the Award theme is Youth for Change, Social Justice and a Shared Development. Winner: Teatro Valle Occupato
‘Believe in Dialogue, Act for Citizenship’ • Work Plan • First stage of Exchange Network Fund and south-south network cooperation • Cross Network activities on civic participation • Implementation of Young Arab Voices first phase (until March 2012) and development of the programme through the second phase (April 2012 to March 2013) • Citizens for Dialogue and Democracy Programme. Concept and progressive launching in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. • Developing skills for Intercultural Dialogueand active Citizenship • Fostering Dialogue and Cooperation among CSOs • Training Youth about Debate and Civic Participation • Promoting Dialogue between Civil Society about Diversity as a challenge for Good Governance, at the regional, national and local level • Main Programmes: • Exchange Network Fund with Euro-Med scope • South-South Network Cooperation based on Cairo recommendations • Young Arab Voices Programme • Citizens for Dialogue Programme
About the programme "DAWRAK-Citizens for Dialogue”response to the historic Arab awakening. • It aims to develop the capacitiesof civil society organisations(CSOs) • Through 2012-2014, the programme will be developed at the national and regional level focusing in the first case on bridging CSOs with official institutions and local authorities, in collaboration with the Anna Lindh National Civil Society Networks. Countries where the Programme will take place • In the Arab countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM): Mauritania, Morocco Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Libya (once the latter will join the UfM). • Regional actions of capacity building and advocacy are implemented in three major fields: culture, education and youth participation, with different and complementary components: cross-border, South-SouthNorth-South, particularly the participation in the Anna Lindh Mediterranean Forum 2013 .
Calls for Proposals New partnerships between CSOs and stakeholders from both shores of the Mediterranean in line with ALF’s strategy Addressing issues of common interest for the EuroMed societies, promoting better knowledge, understanding and common values Based on the experience of the six CFPs launched since the ALF inception, with 416 projects funded and more than 1000 partnerships established ALF will launch two CFPs during Phase III for granting about 75 projects and involving about 300 CSOs
Network Strategic Development Scheme -NSDS The Network Strategic Development Scheme (NSDS) as a TOOL to implement the ALF Programme at local, national and regional level….
Online Tools - & Services www.euromedalex.org • New website structure focused on services • Management of National Sections and Internal Tools • Language of National Sections