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Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville, Tennessee. CII Annual Conference. Bill Brubaker NASA Washington, D.C. Bringing High Technology to Capital Facilities. Bill Brubaker Director, Facilities Engineering National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Construction Industry Institute 2000 Annual Conference

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Nashville, Tennessee

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  1. Nashville, Tennessee CII Annual Conference Bill Brubaker NASA Washington, D.C.

  2. Bringing High Technology to Capital Facilities Bill Brubaker Director, Facilities Engineering National Aeronautics and Space Administration Construction Industry Institute 2000 Annual Conference Nashville, Tennessee August 9, 2000

  3. What is FIATECH? • Conceived by CII, NIST as breakthrough opportunity • Modeled after highly successful National Center for Manufacturing Sciences • Established by CII during 1999/2000 • Research, Development, and Deployment • Industry-led, collaborative, not-for-profit cooperative research corporation • Will seek leveraged funding • Full time staff develop funding & manage projects

  4. CII Role in Founding FIATECH • Industry catalyst to launch consortium • broad owner/contractor/supplier participation • critical early seed money • IPR, liability, anti-trust protection through UT • Direction, guidance, leadership establishing FIATECH’s underlying principles • Ongoing leadership support through FIATECH governing board

  5. Founding Principles • Industry Integration • coalesce industry consensus on FIAPP • Collaboration • focus on FIAPP items of common interest • Competition • individual application and adaptation of RD&D • Intellectual Property • differential IP, access for all FIATECH members • Leveraged Funding • key financing strategy for projects • Anti-Trust Protection • Provided by University of Texas

  6. Structuring FIATECH Established Launch Team Established BOD and role Developed Vision & Mission Defined operating model Developed draft charter, by-laws Developed Managing Director position description Developed dues structure Building FIATECH Developed detailed Timeline Developed new brochure Story and advertisement in ENR Recruited OOF into FIATECH Membership Development Plan Develop FIATECH presentation Recruited over 30 members Selected Managing Director Progress to Date

  7. Managing Director Criteria • Known and respected in industry • Experience in development of large capital projects • Vision and high energy • Strong selling and customer interactions skills • Ability to exploit IT and other advanced technologies • Experience running a significant enterprise or program • Knowledge of relevant USG agencies involved in construction R&D

  8. Ric Jackson • Director of Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory at National Institute of Standards and Technology • Provided measurements, standards, and advanced technology to US manufacturing industry • Performed collaborative R&D in enterprise integration and flexible automation • Well-known in public and private sector manufacturing community • Frequent keynote speaker on advanced manufacturing, especially information-based manufacturing

  9. Nashville, Tennessee CII Annual Conference Ric Jackson FIATECH Austin, Texas

  10. Vision and Path Forward Ric Jackson Managing Director The FIATECH Consortium Construction Industry Institute 2000 Annual Conference Nashville, Tennessee August 9, 2000

  11. FIATECH Vision Owners, operators, contractors, and suppliers working together to accelerate the realization of Fully Integrated and Automated Project Processes for major capital facilities Accelerating and realizing the full promise FIAPP!

  12. Fully Integrated & Automated Project Processes • Seamless integration of information flow among all participants throughout entire project life cycle • Application of latest available proven technologies: • CAD and CAE • Advanced communications • Field sensing and tracking • Modularization • Pre-construction • Field automation • Construction automation • Breakthrough improvements in quality, schedule, cost, resulting in improved ROI FIATECH makes FIAPP happen !

  13. Roadblocks to Achieving the Promise of FIAPP • Highly fragmented industry • No common vision for FIAPP • No roadmap to achieve that vision • No common industry voice to lead development • Anti-trust and intellectual property issues • Low research and development budgets • Costs too high for any one company • Lack of common protocols and standards Each company is trying to do FIAPP independently!

  14. FIATECH will... • Document industry needs and priorities • Develop common industryvision for FIAPP • Develop roadmaps to achieve FIAPP vision • Develop projects to follow the roadmap • Obtain leverage funding to accelerate progress ...make FIAPP a reality for the construction industry!

  15. Funding Opportunities • Cooperative R&D agreements • National Science Foundation • Advanced Technology Program • Sloan Construction Program/UT Austin • National Institutes of Safety & Health • U.S. Congress • Others

  16. Funding Facts • U.S. Government spends $500M/yr on construction-related R&D • Many are FIAPP-related projects • Same interests as commercial industry • Owners, contractors, suppliers, IT companies spend millions also • Technologies for major capital facilities construction, operation, & maintenance

  17. FIATECH Objectives • 30-40% reduction in cost & schedule • Reduced design changes and rework • concurrent engineering • supply chain management • Rapid detection &correction of differencesbetween design intent &construction • Highly accurate "as-built" information for O&M and renovation

  18. Early Deliverables • Interoperability protocols and software • Effective deployment of existing IT technologies • Field “as is” measurement systems • IT applications adapted from manufacturing • Virtual FIAPP test bed • Simulation tools • Economic assessment tools Focus on exploiting existing technologies.

  19. Membership in FIATECH Open to owners, operators, contractors, suppliers and others committed to achieving FIAPP and seamless integration of facilities to improve enterprise performance.

  20. ABB Lummus Global AEA Technology Engineering Software ASD International Air Products and Chemicals Army Corps of Engineers Aspen Technology BASF Corporation B E & K Bechtel Bentley Systems Burns and Roe Enterprises Cadcentre Cyra Technologies Day & Zimmermann International The Dow Chemical Company Dow Corning E.I. DuPont de Nemours Eichleay Holdings FileNET Fluor General Motors ICARUS INOVx Intergraph Jacobs Engineering Group Kvaerner Lockwood Greene Engineers Merck & Co. Millennium Inorganic Chemicals NASA NIST/Building & Fire Research Lab Parsons Energy & Chemicals Primavera Systems Quillion SAP America Stone & Webster Engineering Union Carbide H. B. Zachry Company Current FIATECH Members The FIATECH train is moving out of the station! Get on board.

  21. FIATECH Organization Board of Directors Strategic Focus Area #1 Strategic Focus Area #2 Strategic Focus Area #3 Project A Project C Project E Project B Project D Project F FIATECH is an industry-driven organization!

  22. Strategic Focus Areas • Led by elected Boards to develop • high level goals and objectives • strategy for accomplishing them • sponsorship of projects • Hold workshops to develop projects SFAs are essential operating units of FIATECH!

  23. Interested Parties Workshops: purpose • Focus on member needs • Develop strategies for meeting them • Coalesce project teams • Develop scope and funding strategies • Identify project member responsibilities

  24. Interested Parties Workshops: operation • Generally open • Three each year • Plenary/overview sessions • Topical working sessions • Culminate in committed project teams

  25. Initial FIATECH Projects • Interoperability Protocols and Software • Field “as is” Measurement Systems • Virtual FIAPP Testbed • Facility Simulation Tools • Geo-Spatial Maintenance

  26. Interoperability Protocols and Software • Integration of software for facility design, construction, operation & maintenance • Product, project and process data exchange standards for • equipment design • plant design • plant construction • plant modification • maintenance • replacement

  27. The Owner-Operator Forum, a FIATECH SFA • Life Cycle Data Management Project • Initiated early in 1999 • “defining business drivers and requirements for software related to plant life cycle” • Awareness, requirements, sustain change • Program management: Trinity Technologies • Four workshops in 2000 An excellent first project for FIATECH! And we’re glad to have the OOF on board.

  28. Field Measurement Systems • Cost-effective technologies for collecting, compiling, maintaining “as is” field data • Advanced sensing andscanning tools • Wireless technologies • Interoperability protocols • Visualization software • Analysis software Courtesy: NIST Building and Fire Research Laboratory

  29. FIAPP Testbed • Low risk environment to test and demonstrate • new technologies like virtual reality • software tools and best practices • Address IT integration in project processes • NIST “Cybernetic Building Systems” Project • integrates • smart sensors • control systems • computer software • optimizes • operation • maintenance • emergency response

  30. Facility Simulation Tools • Interactive tools for understanding • new operational procedures • technology impacts • performance analysis • Plant & facility • operation • modification • change requirements Courtesy: Burns & Roe

  31. Geo-Spatial Maintenance • Technical and economic feasibility of 3D monitoring facility condition data • Use completed facility sub-system information • Draw on baseline equipment condition data from commissioning activities • Monitor building envelope internal systems for reliability, operability, and interdependability • Determine economic/technical feasibility

  32. Summary • FIATECH is about INTEGRATION • Brings together stakeholders in capital projects industry • Focuses on results: ROI on RD&D • Leverages individual member resources • FIATECH means dramatic improvements in capital projects • FIATECH makes FIAPP happen

  33. Why Join FIATECH? • Guide industry’s direction in implementing FIAPP for major capital facilities • Better leverage internal IT investments • Accelerate application of latest, “best available” technology • Network with potential clients, contractors, and suppliers FIATECH membership will help make your company an industry leader in capital projects!

  34. Fully Integrated and Automated Technology Applications Consortium

  35. ...will help the US lead the world in the integration and automation of this vital industry.

  36. FIATECH Ric Jackson Managing Director, FIATECH 3208 Red River St., Suite 300 Austin, Texas 78705-2697 (512) 232-3036 jackson@fiatech.org

  37. Thank you

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