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May 20, 2014 Nashville, Tennessee

The 67th National Seminar Education Writers Association Afternoon Deep Dive on a Timely Topic:  Keeping the Lights on to Keep Kids Learning BROADENING THE FRAME FOR LEARNING: TIME AND OPPORTUNITY DR. HEATHER B. WEISS

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May 20, 2014 Nashville, Tennessee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 67th National Seminar Education Writers AssociationAfternoon Deep Dive on a Timely Topic: Keeping the Lights on to Keep Kids LearningBROADENING THE FRAME FOR LEARNING: TIME AND OPPORTUNITY DR. HEATHER B. WEISS Director, Harvard Family Research ProjectHarvard Graduate School of Educationwww.hfrp.org May 20, 2014 Nashville, Tennessee

  2. EDUCATION = SCHOOLS? RightorWrong? • www.hfrp.org

  3. THE EDUCATION PROBLEMBehind Current Education Policy, Funding, and Practice • K-12 schools are the only places where and when children learn – this assumption is wrong. • Research shows economically and otherwise disadvantaged children have less access to non-school learning opportunities. • This Opportunity Gap substantially undermines learning and school success. • www.hfrp.org

  4. Research says… LEARNING EQUALS • Effective schools • Supportive families • Early childhood services • Health and social services • Out-of-school and summer learning • Libraries, arts and cultural institutions • Community schools and other community supports • Digital media • Colleges and universities • Others??? • www.hfrp.org

  5. Time to Change the Conversation…WHERE DO YOU LEARN? The National Writing Project is bringing students, parents and educators together to answer the question: “Where do you learn?” Join the conversation by tweeting using the hashtag #wherewelearnto share examples of where you learn and your reflections about how you support anywhere, anytime learning. • Learn more at http://digitalis.nwp.org/site-blog/where-do-you-learn-wherewelearn/6024 • See http://www.hfrp.org/family-involvement/fine-family-involvement-network-of-educators/fine-newsletter-archive/april-fine-newsletter-making-it-real-connected-learning-in-the-digital-age • www.hfrp.org

  6. THE POWER OF AFTERSCHOOL, SUMMER, AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING • www.hfrp.org SOURCE: Expanded Learning & Afterschool: Opportunities for Student Success

  7. 40 YEARS OF RESEARCH TELL US FAMILY ENGAGEMENT IS… • A very powerful predictor of school and life success • Important anywhere, anytime, not only at school but at home, in the community, afterschool, and during the summer • Critical for helping children and families access ALL learning opportunities • Important from birth through secondary school and beyond • Not an event, but an ongoing process • Lower (and especially important) for families impacted by income, racial, and ethnic inequities and immigrant status • www.hfrp.org

  8. www.hfrp.org

  9. www.hfrp.org

  10. www.hfrp.org

  11. www.hfrp.org


  13. AN EXPLOSION OF COMMUNITY INNOVATION: Connecting Learning & Reducing the Opportunity Gap Pittsburgh Chicago • Nashville • San Francisco Boston • Cambridge • Providence Others??? • www.hfrp.org

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