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Discussing holographic models for QCD using principles of AdS/CFT correspondence, focusing on the 5th coordinate and energy scales in the context of quark-hadron duality and chiral symmetry breaking.
Excited QCD 2010, February 3 (Tatra National Park, 2010) Holographic Models for Planar QCD without AdS/CFT Correspondence SergeyAfonin Ruhr-University Bochum (Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship) Based on S.S. Afonin, arXiv:1001.3105
A brief reminder AdS/CFT correspondence – the conjectured equivalence between a string theory defined on one space and a CFT without gravity defined on conformal boundary of this space. Maldacena example (1997): YM theory on AdS boundary Type IIB string theory on in low-energy (i.e. supergravity) approximation in the limit String theory AdS/QCD correspondence – a program to implement such a duality for QCD following the principles of AdS/CFT correspondence Bottom up Up down We will discuss QCD The 5-th coordinate – (inverse) energy scale Equivalence of energy scales
Main assumption of AdS/QCD: There is an approximate 5d holographic dual for QCD An important example of dual fields for the QCD operators: J Here
A typical model (Erlich et al., PRL 95, 261602 (2005)) For Hard wall model: The fifth coordinate corresponds to the energy scale: Because of the conformal isometry of the AdS space, the running of the QCD gauge coupling is neglected until an infrared scale . At one imposes certain gauge invariant boundary conditions on the fields. Equation of motion for the scalar field Solution independent of usual 4 space-time coordinates CSB - Ok where M is identified with the quark mass matrix and Σ with the quark condensate.
Soft wall model(Karch et al., PRD 74, 015005 (2006)) The IR boundary condition is that the action is finite at To have the Regge like spectrum: To have AdS space in UV asymptotics: The mesons of arbitrary spin can be considered, the spectrum is
Let us substitute the expansion (17) into the action (11) and integrate over z
Regge spectrum Reminder: the spectrum is obtained from Assumptions
The most viable model Requirements 1) Phenomenology: 2) Quark-hadron duality for J=1: The only possibility – the soft wall model! For positive-sign dilaton (except the scalars) This coincide with the AdS/CFT prescription if we interpolate the meson states (except the scalars) by the lowest twist operators in QCD and substitute their canonical dimension into
Example: soft wall model with positive-sign dilaton the spectrum is defined by After the replacement For the case in question (axial-vector mesons)
Conclusions • The holographic approach represents an alternative language for expressing the phenomenology of QCD sum rules in the large-N limit. • The practical results of holographic models can be reproduced without use of the AdS/CFT prescriptions. • The 4D ”visualization” of holographic CSB description leads to a natural emergence of the CSB scale and a natural degeneracy of highly excited vector and axial-vector mesons.