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Mixed mode in the data collection of SBS statistics within Statistics Sweden Cecilia Hertzman. Seminar om Statistical Data Collection, Geneva 2013-09-26. Background to the project. Simplify the data collection process Reduce the response burden
Mixed mode in the data collectionof SBS statistics withinStatistics SwedenCecilia Hertzman Seminar om Statistical Data Collection, Geneva 2013-09-26
Backgroundto the project • Simplify the data collection process • Reduce the responseburden • Investigate the possibilitytouse the standardised Swedish format SIE SIE is an open standard for transferring accounting data between different software products by different software suppliers. • Extend the useof the Swedish chartofaccounts, BAS Tests have previously yielded positive indicatorsof increased data quality and reduced non-response.
SpecRR – Oneofthreespecially designed samplesurveys The Swedish SBS containsof a numberof different sourceswhere the core is administrative data from the Tax Agency complemented by threespecially designed samplesurveys. SpecRR – A specificationof the Income Statement • Purpose: Obtaindetailed information aboutincome and costs • Data collection: Web-application (SIV) with pre-printed totals from the Tax Agency • The respondent areaskedtospecify the pre-printedvalues • Samplesize: Approx. 16.500 enterprises
Actions taken by the project Mappingofvariables: • Manyof the SBS variablescan be mappedto the BAS-accountsbut not all. • Thereare new versions of the BAS-accountingschemeeveryyear Adjustmentof the data collectiontool, SIV: • The respondents upload a SIE-file and the questionnaire is filled in wherethere is a uniquelinkbetween SIE-BAS-SBS • Othervariables must be filled in manually Developmentof a communication plan with respondents
Design of the experiment • Limitations withrespecttoindustry (NACE) and size (10-249 employees) • 658 enterpriseswas chosen outof approx. 2 600 enterprises Outof the 658, 537 (82%) answered the questionnaire. Outof the 537, 134 choosedtoanswerthorugh the SIE supported solution.
Evaluation The evaluationwasdone in three parts: • Quantitativeevaluation • Qualitativeevaluation • The respondent perspective
Quantitativeevaluation Is there systematic differencesbetweenthosewho chose or did not chose the SIE alternative? • A significantlyhigherpercentagechanged the pre-printedvalues • Useofmorevariables • Significantlylower proportion ofcosts on otherexpenses
Qualitativeevaluation A reviewwasmadeof all enterprisesthatchangedtheir pre-printedvaluesexceeding 5 percentof the original value Most frequent deviations: • Changes in inventories and work in progress – the useof BAS differs from its original thought • Allocationofcostsbetween different typesofcosts • Consumableinventories – part ofseveral BAS accounts
The respondent perspective 30 enterpriseswereinterviewed, 15 hadused the SIE alternative and 15 had chosen not touse SIE. The general impressonwas: • The technical solution workedwell • The respondent experienced a lowerburden • Respondents wouldhavewantedto get rid of manual completion • Respondents wouldhave chosen SIE againiftheyhad the opportunity Reasons for not using SIE: • No technicalconditions at the enterprise for creating or using SIE • BAS wastoo old • Lack of practical experienceof SIE
Conclusions and future plans Conclusions: • Overall positive reactions from respondents and moderate costs for Statistics Sweden • Technical support for mapping is needed • The access todetailed information from the accounting systems madeusawareofqualityaspects in the SBS Future plans: • Offer around 4 000 enterprises the opportunitytoupload SIE files • Continue the cooperationwith BAS-stakeholder association • Offer the technical solution toothersurveys