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When you say, ‘in the curriculum’, you actually mean ‘on the time-table’, don’t you ? Opportunities and limitations when supporting transition in the mainstream curriculum. Steve Rooney and Marta Ulanicka. A (very) brief introduction. Our work consists of…. s upporting departments.
When you say, ‘in the curriculum’, you actually mean ‘on the time-table’, don’t you?Opportunities and limitations when supporting transition in the mainstream curriculum. Steve Rooney and Marta Ulanicka
Our work consists of… supporting departments study consultations (incl. Maths Help) resource development central workshops peer-assisted learning (PAL)
Balance of teaching activities Central Provision Departmental Provision 2000 - 2004 2004 - 2008 2008 - 2012
Drivers, Fuel and Co-travellers • Drivers • Demand from students for contextualised academic support • Demand from academic departments to support them in supporting their students • Team’s commitment to supporting the development of learning across the institution • Fuel • 3 x full-time Learning Developers (1 post currently vacant) • 1 x 0.3 Learning Developer • 1 x 0.7 Information Specialist • Co-travellers • Academic colleagues in departments • Course Designers and Developers • Librarians • Educational Developers • Learning Technologists Soon to be more formally aligned
yes Integrated? no Embedded? no yes Some (inconsistent) observations Interactive and timely workshop or consultation Module with strong links to formative and summative assessment and feedback Generic, untimely content-heavy, workshop Themed transitional skills module (e.g. year 1, semester 1)
Lecturer A asks for an essay writing workshop in the first week of the autumn term. The deadline for the submission of the students’ first essay is in January
You’ve been assigned 50 mins. to ‘teach’ presentation skills to a group of 80 students. The venue is a tiered lecture theatre
provision might remain separated from relevant assessment and feedback processes
The assessment for module X (on writing development) consists of one summative assignment
In year 1, department B asks you to run two workshops. In year 2 this rises to 4 and in year 3 requests for 8 sessions are made (meanwhile demand from other departments is growing, too)
Over to you (1) How have you sought, or how might you seek to address and overcome these, and other, challenges in your own interactions with academic departments?
Over to you (2) Have a look at the examples we’ve brought along and: raise any questions you have comment on any experiences you have had of trying similar approaches discuss any concerns, risks, limitations you perceive
Steve RooneyLearning Development Manager, University of Leicester sgr3@le.ac.ukestebanrooney Marta UlanickaLearning Development Adviser, University of Leicester mmu1@le.ac.ukmarta_u