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Towards 1:1 Digital Classroom: Starting from Interactive Response System

Towards 1:1 Digital Classroom: Starting from Interactive Response System. PhD: Steven Liang Advisor: Prof. Tak-Wai Chan Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NCU. Introduction. ICT in School. Infrastructure Trend Computer classroom School network

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Towards 1:1 Digital Classroom: Starting from Interactive Response System

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  1. Towards 1:1 Digital Classroom:Starting from Interactive Response System PhD:Steven Liang Advisor: Prof. Tak-Wai Chan Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NCU

  2. Introduction

  3. ICT in School • Infrastructure Trend • Computer classroom • School network • Computer(s) into ordinary classroom • Student computer • … • Purposes of Computer in Ordinary Classroom • Computer skill training • Management and data collection • Presentation (PPT, CD Title, Web…) • Learning activity supporting tool

  4. 1:1 Educational Computing • Every student in a class has a learning device to participate inlearning activities • These devices are mobile and equipped with wireless communication capabilities • Hypothesis • In approximately ten years, more and more students will bring a range of computing devices into the classroom for learning (www.g1on1.org) • Ultimately these devices will become indispensable educational tools like pens, papers or chalkboards • Digital technology will spread into every classroom, transforming everyday educational activities

  5. Digital Classroom Environment (DCE) • A kind of system environment • Supports 1:1 educational computing • Inside classroom • Include a set of hardware/software tools to support application models

  6. Motivations • How to using one computer in ordinary classroom? • How to help teacher applying IT into their ordinary instruction activities? • Beside one way presentation, do we have other choices? • Bringing only a computer into a classroom may not help much more • For supporting interaction and expanding more possibilities on enhancing instruction and learning, relevant devices may needed • Is there a design framework of DCE could support above criteria?

  7. Overview of All Works DCE 1(IRS/EduClick) • Design and evaluate 1st version DCE to explorer DCE basic features DCE 3 DCE 2(WiTEC) • Extend 1st version DCE with more powerful device DCE 2.1(ELMD) DCE Framework • Propose a design framework of 1 : 1 DCE

  8. DCE 1 -- EduClick

  9. Interactive Response System (IRS) • A technology-enabled learning environment for enhancing learning interactivity by transferring, collecting, processing, and displaying students’ responses in an ordinary classroom.

  10. IRS Environment 1. A set of signal transmitters 2. Response signal receiver(s) 3. Large-size display 4. Classroom computer

  11. 1st (1999) 2nd 3rd 4th EduClick • Wireless IR • Card size • Numerical keypad • 20M distance • Low cost (USD4) • Add teacher’s transmitter Teacher’s Student’s

  12. EduClick Main Screen 1 Question Stem 1 3 2 Options 3 Multimedia attachment 4 2 4 Timer 5 Giving response 7 6 6 Red Light: responded 5 7 Gray Light:out of range

  13. General Features of IRS • Device accessibility – enabling many people to co-use one computer via the signal transmitter (1:1) • High efficiency – reducing teachers’ time- spending and workload • Common response display – showing students’ response status and statistic results • Anonymity – sending responses privately

  14. EduClick Improvement • Hardware • Low cost IR wireless technology • Longer distance • Collision reduction • Multiple receivers • Software • Remote controlling • Multiple application modes • Resource server solutions • Connected classroom

  15. Interaction-supporting Functions of EduClick • Quiz Functions • Multiple-Choice • Match-up Quiz • Competition Quiz • Buzz-in Quiz • Ad-hoc Quiz • Self-paced Quiz • Statistical Functions • Show-all Responses • Show Frequency Chart • Show Correct Answer • Show Scoreboard

  16. Application Features of Quiz Functions Flexibility Teacherexpertiseneed Ad-hoc Quiz Buzz-in Quiz Competition Quiz Multiple Choice Contentpreparation Self-paced Quiz Organized

  17. Basic Flows of Integrating Interaction-supporting Functions Curriculum Design Content Preparation Instruction(Presentation) /Learning Engagement Actions Multiple - Match - up Ad-hoc Competition Buzz - in Choice Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Quiz Classroom Learning /Instruction Activity Show - Show - Show - All Show - Frequency Correct Responses Scoreboard Chart Answer Oral Feedback & Discussion Report Analysis

  18. Implementation and Findings

  19. Adapting EduClick into Classroom • Phrase 1 (1999) • 3 classrooms • Phrase 2 (2000) • 61 classrooms • Model • Basic Flow

  20. Evaluation of Adapting EduClick in Classroom Instruction • Quantitative evaluation • Questionnaires: single group pre- and post-test experimental designs • 42 primary school teachers who had used a classroom computer for at least one year • Participants applied EduClick in real classroom situations for six weeks • 38 out of the total 42 participants took both the pre- and the post-tests

  21. Quantitative analysis • Does EduClick increase the utility timeof classroom computers?

  22. Quantitative analysis • Does EduClick improve the quality of teaching and students’ motivation and attention?

  23. Special Learning Activities • Group Project Learning • Self-evaluation and peer-evaluation • Voting • Millionaire Game • Classroom management

  24. Group Project Learning Flow Group Tasks Assign ment Info Gathering & 1 2 instruction 3 Group Discussion G1 G4 G3 G2 Co - construction of 4 p resentation & questions Conclusion s 7 Group Clea n Powe r Peer - Presentation & quiz 6 5 evaluations

  25. Other Models

  26. 同儕教學法Peer Instruction • 1991年 哈佛大學物理系Eric Mazur教授提出 • 一種教育方法能夠讓學生主動參與教學過程

  27. 大班物理課堂

  28. 背景 大班物理課堂 • 教授忙著傳送資訊給大班裡的學生,而學生則是被動的接收 • 大部分的學生並非物理系 • 問題: 學生到底學會多少所教導的東西沒有?

  29. 更深層的問題 記憶還是理解? 傳統的考試問題: • 請計算: • 2-Ω 電阻的電流 • P和Q的電位差 解決這個問題需要使用克希荷夫定律處理兩個方程式

  30. 更深層的問題 記憶還是理解? 概念性的問題: 當按下S開關時,下面這些狀況是增強、減弱還是不變? • A 和 B 的亮度 • C 的亮度 • 電池輸出的電流 • 每個燈泡兩端的電位差 • 整個電路的總功率 這需要簡易電路的基礎知識

  31. Sample Question A container of water rests on a scale. If you dip your hand into the water, without touching the container, what will happen to the reading on the scale? 1. Decreases 2. Remains the same 3. Increases

  32. Peer Instruction • 課前預習 • 上課中: 著重在深層重要概念, 而非廣泛的知識 • 教授的內容用幾個關鍵重點來取代詳細講述教科書的全部內容 • 每個 “關鍵重點” 講述完後就緊接著做概念測驗 • 概念測驗 • 針對剛剛教過的內容做個概念題測驗 • 讓學生積極參與教學過程

  33. 步驟1:問概念性問題 • 學生運用彩色紙卡回應 • 學生運用閃示卡回應 • 學生運用IRS系統回應

  34. 學生基於自己的理解來解釋以說服別人認同他的答案學生基於自己的理解來解釋以說服別人認同他的答案 釐清想法最好的方式就是解釋給別人聽 步驟2:說服旁邊的同學 • 學生經由下列方式學習 • 自我解釋 • 同儕討論解釋 • 更深層且中肯的問題會由討論中引出

  35. 步驟3: 再問相同或類似的問題 • 學生運用彩色紙卡回應 • 學生運用閃示卡回應 • 學生運用IRS系統回應

  36. 流程圖 • pose question • think • first answer answercorrect? < 35% > 70% 35% - 70% 4. convince-your-neighbors 5. second answer answercorrect? minority majority slow down, re-address topic 6. explain 7. go to next topic

  37. Reflections

  38. Constrains of EduClick • Quiz activities only • Limit feedback information • Limit question type • Can not support after class learning • Can not support individual learning

  39. 運用EduClick應避免的方式 • 連續單純下一題、下一題測驗達5分鐘以上 • 學生作答後沒有顯示統計資訊, 也沒有做解釋 • 學生作答後沒有根據整體結果做教學調整之因應 • 過度的強調分數成績,並在不適當的時候揭露成績排名 • 沒有考慮學生的心理狀況, 逕行翻牌公佈回應結果 • 未經修改, 直接將測驗卷的總結性評量題目用在課堂的形成性評估中 • 運用系統來處罰同學 • 讓IRS變成考試為主的工具,直接採計成績

  40. 運用EduClick的好方式 • 短時間,重點式的使用評量模式,約占1成的課堂時間使用系統 • 運用Peer Instruction概念於科學課程中 • 每月實施一次學藝問答比賽 • 題目經過特別設計或修改,適用於全班回答與討論 • 用於形成性評估時,題目內容是核心概念,而且預估為中等的通過率 • 用於診斷先輩知識時,題目內容能連貫課程結構的重要概念點,且有助於釐清本課程所需的必要概念 • 使用搶權模式來鼓勵與引發題目內容的討論 • 對於答題的同學給予加分的鼓勵 • 充分了解所有題目,並使用跳題功能適時調整題序

  41. Next Try: DCE 2.1 ELMD

  42. ELMD System • Motivation • Electronic dictionary is very popular in Taiwan, China and Japan • Learning English is in high priority • Goal • At least provide EduClick benefit • Break through the constrains of EduClick • Support whole-day-long English learning • Link in-class and after-class English learning

  43. Pocket electronic dictionary Flash memory(learning program, data) Wireless comm. chip (RF) HIC HIC HIC Module Module Module ELMD module card

  44. Select question Lesson name Question stem Function buttons Question options Free type-in Correct answer Statistical chart Posting list Student status

  45. parents teacher teacher On the bus On the bus parents 1. 1. practice practice 2. 2. e e - - dictionary dictionary Enter classroom Enter classroom At home At home 1. 1. sync. with the Resource sync. with the Resource 1. 1. student doing homework student doing homework and Class Management and Class Management 2. 2. parents check the parents check the Server to upload homework Server to upload homework communication book communication book and download learning and download learning 3. 3. parents check the student parents check the student   s s materials materials learning portfolio learning portfolio wireless 2. 2. practice practice through communication 4. 4. e e - - dictionary dictionary Internet Resource and Class Management Server In class In class communication wireless 1. 1. teacher presentation and teacher presentation and free type free type - - in in On the way home On the way home 2. 2. teacher conducts teacher conducts wireless 1. review today 1. review today   s learning s learning interactive activities interactive activities communication 3. 3. text text - - based conversation based conversation between students between students After class After class Daily Cycle 1. 1. download homework download homework 2. 2. download communication book download communication book

  46. DCE Framework

  47. 3.Classroom shared display Six Major Components of DCE Teacher 5.Classroomserver 4.Teacher’s device 3.Communication network 6.Device management system 1.Student device Student

  48. Educational Computing Devices

  49. DCE Series • DCE 1 • Response pad, IRS:EduClick, Components 1-4 • DCE 2 • Web pad, WiTEC, Components 1-5 • DCE 2.1 • Electronic dictionary, ELMD, Components 1-5 • DCE 3 • Tablet PC, DCE3, Components 1-6

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