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Ch.9 what’s in the meat. A Jack Diesel Production Katie Wilmes Olivia Bradley . How food is produced. Industrialized food process -modern processes make it easier for more people to become effected by contaminated food This makes the spread of disease much more rapid. .
Ch.9 what’s in the meat A Jack Diesel Production Katie Wilmes Olivia Bradley
How food is produced • Industrialized food process • -modern processes make it easier for more people to become effected by contaminated food • This makes the spread of disease much more rapid.
Did you know that ¾ of food related illnesses and death in the U.S. are caused by infectious agents that have yet been identified • There are no regulations on this process right now, but yet you can recall bats and toys, but not potentially lethal ground beef.
White Castle • Helped popularize hamburgers • Before, ground beef was considered meat for the poor and was very cheap meat • But because of the popularization hamburgers soon become a staple of American children’s diets. • The average American ate three hamburgers a week, with 7 to 13 year olds eating the most.
Feed Lots • Modern feed lots are gross and disgusting, they are comparable to crowed European cities during the Middle Ages.
What are cows fed? • Poultry waste products • Sawdust and old newspaper • Dead sheep, cattle, dogs and cats • FDA banned that feeding cows the dead sheep, cattle, dogs and cats because it caused “mad cow disease” • The FDA allows dead horses, pigs, and chickens to be fed to the cattle
Cows stomachs are not meant to digest other animals, they are designed to eat diets high in cellulous.
A single animal that is infected with E. coli 0157:H7 can contaminate 32,000 pounds of ground beef. • A single fast food hamburger contains meat from dozens or even hundreds of different cattle .
Meat Inspection Act of 1906 • Roosevelt called for mandatory federal inspection. • The Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was not as strict as Roosevelt wanted and it made taxpayers pay for the new regulations.
The Jungle • This book raised concerned about the nation’s beef, but the industry repeatedly denied that the problem’s existed and avoided any responsibly for outbreaks of food poisoning.
The USDA began microbial testing at random to try and keep consumers safe from E. coli 0157:H7. • The American Meat Institute filed a lawsuit, but Judge James R. Rowlin allowed the testing to proceed. • The big meat packing industry only cared about profits, and often ignored their responsibility to provide safe food for consumers.
The USDA currently informs the public about every Class I recalls 9 cases in which consumers faced a serious and potentially lethal threat; but the USDA does not reveal exactly where the contaminated meat is being sold (unless it is being distributed under a brand name at a retail store).
Irradiated Foods • Bacteria birth control • Created by the U.S. Army and NASA • This disrupts the DNA of bacteria and they can not longer reproduce.
For a long time, the most questionable meat in the US was bought by the USDA and distributed to school cafeterias. This meat most likely contained pieces of spinal cord, bone, and gristle. • NBC News investigated The Cattle King Packing Company (USDA’s largest supplier of ground beef) and found that they often processed cattle that had died before arriving at its plant. • They also mixed rotten meat that had been returned by customers into new packages of hamburger meat.
Salmonella • USDA continued purchasing thousands of tons of ground beef from Supreme Beef for distribution to schools. • Supreme Beef failed a series of test for Salmonella, the test showed 47% of the company’s ground beef contained salmonella. • That is five times higher than the regulations allow and such high level indicated fecal matter in the meat.
The safely of your food depends greatly on who handles it and what precautions they use. Many restaurant workers have been found serving food that fell on the floor, not washing their hands, or even knowingly serving bread that had mice feces on it.
Chapter 10Global Realization • The author describes Plauen, Germany; a small city undergoes tragedy in the 1900’s which include both world wars and the cold war crisis. But after the Berlin Wall falls, just miles of Plauen signifying the end of the Cold War, McDonalds announced plans to open their first restaurant in East Germany marking the first new building in Plauen since the coming of new Germany.
Uncle McDonald • McDonald’s Corporation recently used a new phrase to describe its hopes for foreign conquest: “global realization” • Over 15,000 restaurants overseas in 117 countries • The “Americanized Germany” was the most profitable country for McDonalds overseas by influencing young traumatized customers (children) that the restaurant was a comfortable environment after WWII
At the Circus • The exotic city of Las Vegas recreates major cities from all around the world while everywhere else builds fast food restaurants • Milkhail Gorbachev, Soviet Leader, spoke in Las Vegas but was actually symbolizing a conquered leader on display of a circus • People lost interest in politics due to the interest in fast food, a “new way of life”
Empire of Fat • More than half of all American adults and one-quarter of all American children are now obese or overweight. • This rise in obesity is from our eating and living habits. • For example many schools cut physical education only to find how important that is to the students’ health.
BIG! BIG! BIG! • The fast food industry has greatly increased its portion sizes. • Over the past forty years in the U.S. the soft drink consumption per capita has more than quadrupled. • A “large” coke at McDonald’s is a 32 ounce and has about 310 calories.
Super Size Fries have 610 calories an d29 grams of fat. • McDonald’s tried to go healthy with meals such as the McLean Deluxe, a hamburger partly composed of seaweed, but that was attempt failed. • Restaurants sell about 70% of the bacon consumed in the U.S; 10 years ago they only sold 20%.
Other countries are now feeling the negative effects of fast food. • The proportion of overweight teens in China has tripled. • Obesity is hard to cure because our bodies are designed to gain weight and store fat.
To prevent obesity some nations has ban the television advertising directed at children. • 95% of food ads encourage kids to eat foods high in sugar, salt, and fat.
Mclibel • Many anti-American demonstrations across the world target fast food chains. • Some demonstrators saw the fast food chains as “U.S. imperialism.” • “What’s Wrong with McDonald’s Everything They Don’t Want You To Know?” • - this was a six page leaflet distributed by the members of London Greenpeace
McDonald’s vs. Morris and Steel • McDonald’s said everything in the leaflet was libelous. • Morris and Steel were members of London Greenpeace and fought one of the biggest corporations without lawyers and won.
Back at the Ranch • The McDonald’s in Plauen, Germany served potato dumplings, and hamburgers and fries. • McDonald’s was the nicest place in the whole town, that was were every one gathered. • Also in Plauen was a western themed Night Club decorated with farm implements, saddles and wagon wheels. This was inspired by the American west, but all the item were from nearby farms.
Plauen has a few western wear shops and an American Car Club • Children in Plauen wear bolo ties and cowboy hats. • Everyone goes to the Ranch on Wednesday nights for line dancing.