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SCIENCE 5. Topic 2: The plant kingdom. Pupil’s book. Summary. p. 20 What are the characteristics of plants ?. Plants make their own food . Plants can’t move from place to place. Most plants reproduce by seeds , which develops from flowers . Plants contain chlorophyll . .
SCIENCE 5 Topic 2: Theplantkingdom
Pupil’sbook Summary
p. 20 What are thecharacteristics of plants? • Plantsmaketheirownfood. • Plantscan’tmovefrom place to place. • Mostplants reproduce byseeds, whichdevelopsfromflowers. • Plantscontainchlorophyll.
Pupil’sbook Exercisecorrection
p. 20 ex 3 Plantcells • Plantcellscontain a nucleus, a strongcellwall, whichgivesthecellitsshape, a cellmembrane and cytoplasm. Theycontainchloroplasts, whichgiveplantstheirgreencolour and are used in photosynthesis. Finally, plantcellshave a largevacuole. Thiscontrainswater and minerals.
p. 21 ex 3 Parts of a plant • Mostplantshaveroots, stems and leaves. • Rootsabsorbwater and mineralsneededfornutrition.
p. 22 ex 1What do plantsneedtoperformphotosynthesis? In ordertoperformphotosynthesis, plantsneed: • Water (takenfromthesoil) • Minerals (takenfromthesoil) • Carbondioxide (takenfromthe air) • Sunlight (fromtheSun) • Chlorophyll (fromthechloroplasts, in theplantcells)
p. 22 ex 2ClassifywhatPlantstake in and whatplantsgiveout in a chart
p. 28 ex. 1 Plantnutrition • Therootsholdtheplant in theground and take in water and mineralsfromthesoil. • Theleavescontainchlorophyll and take in carbondioxidethroughthestomata. • Xylemcellscarrywater and mineralsalongthestem and totheleaves.
p. 28 ex 3 Photosynthesis Water + minerals + carbondioxide + sunlight + chlorophyll= glucose and oxygen
p. 28 ex 5 Plantclassification • Ferns reproduce usingspores. • Angiospermshaveflowers and seeds. • Algaedonthaveroots, stems, leaves and flowers. • Gymnospermsmakeseeds in cones. • Mosseshavevery simple roots, stems and leaves. • Themysterywordis: SOIL
p. 29 ex 6 Identifythekeywords Allplants share someimportantcharacteristics. Firtly, plants are producers, whichmeansthey can maketheirownfood. Secondly, allplantsinteractwiththeirenvironment. They can reacttolight, temperature and water. Thirdly, almostallplants are greenbecausetheircellscontainchlrophyll. Finally, allplantsreproduce. Someplants reproduce bygrowingflowerswhichthen produce seeds. Thisiscalledsexual reproduction. Otherplants use asexual reproduction.
p. 29 ex 7 Concept map • Respiration • Sexual • Gymnosperms • Non-flowering • Mosses • Roots • plantcell • cytoplasm
Activitybook Exercisecorrection
p. 7 ex 1 Writedescriptions of theplants in thephotos. • A) Thisisanangiosperm. It has roots, a stem, leaves and flowers. It produces seeds and fruittoo. • B) Thisis a fern. It has roots, a stemand leaves. Itdoesn’thaveflowers. Itdoesn’t produce seedsorfruit. • C) Thisis a moss. It has very simple roots, a stem and thinleaves. Itdoesn’thaveflowers. Itdoesn’t produce seedsorfruit. • D) Thisis a gymnosperm. It has roots, a stem, leaves and flowers. Itdoesn’t produce anyfruit. Theseedsdevelop in cones. • E) Thisisanalgae. Itdoesn’thave true roots, stems, leavesorflowers. Itdoesn’t produce seedsorfruits.
P. 7 ex 2 – Readthedefinitions and writethewords. • Cone : thisiswherethegymnosperm’sseedsdevelop. • Fronds: These are large, longleaveon a fern. They are dividedintomanynarrowsections. • Floweringplants:Thesetypes of plants produce flowers. P. 7 ex 3 – Oddoneout. Algaemossleaffern Becauseitis a plantpart. Becauseitisnot a type of plant
p. 8 ex 4 Thecharacteristics of theplants a. How do plantsgettheirnutrients? Plantsgettheirfoodbyphotosynthesis b. What do plantsreactto? Plantsreacttosunlight. c. How do mostplants reproduce? Mostplants reproduce byseeds
p. 8 ex 5 Theparts of theplantcell a. Thecellmembranecontrolswhatenters and leavesthecell. b. Thecellwallprotectsthecell and givesititsshape. c. Thenucleuscontrolsthefunctions of thecell. d. Thevacuolecontainswater and minerals. e. Thecytoplasmiswherechemicalreactionshappen. f. Thechloroplastshelpduringphotosynthesis.
p. 8 ex 6 Theparts of theplant • Leaves are theparts of theplantwhereitmakesitsfood. Theycontainthechlorophyllwhihisnecessaryforphotosynthesis. Ontheunderside of theleafthere are tinyporeswhich are calledstomata. Carbondioxideistaken in and oxygenpassesoutthrougheach of thesepores. • Thestemsupportstheplant. Water and mineralstravelthroughthestemtotheleavesforphotosynthesis. Thestemthendistributesthefoodtotheotherparts of theplant. • Therootsholdtheplant in theground. Ifyou look closely at a root, you can seetinyhairs, which are calledroothairs. Rootsabsorbwater and mineralsneededfornutritionfromtheground.
p. 8 ex 7 Oddoneout • BladeStemPetioleStomata • Stembecauseit’snotpart of a leaf. • Stembecauseitsupportstheplant.
p. 9 ex 8 Photosynthesis • Plantcellscalledxylemcells, carrysap, a mixture of water and mineralsfromthesoil.. Thissaptravelsthroughthestemtotheleaves. Colourthissapgreen. • Thechlorophyll in thechloroplasts in theplantcellstrapsenergyfromthesun. Colourthesunlightyellow. • Theleavesabsorbcarbondioxidefromthe air throughtheirstomata. Colourthis gas red. • ThechlorophylltrapsenergyfromtheSuntomakeglucose. Plantcellscarrytheglucose in phloemsaptotherest of theplant. Colourthissaporange. • Theplantexpelsexcessoxygenthroughthestomata. Colourthis gas blue.
p. 9 ex 9 Photosynthesis • What do therootstake in duringphotosynthesis? Therootstake in water and mineralsduringphotosynthesis. b. What do theleavestake in duringphotosynthesis? Theleavesabsorb (=take in) carbondioxide c. WhathelpstheplanttrapenergyfromtheSun? Thechlorophyll in thechloroplasts in theplantcellstrapsenergyfromtheSun. d. Whatsapisproducedbyplantcells in theleaves? Thephloemsapisproducedbyplantcells.
p. 9 ex 10 Oddoneout • Oxygenbecausetheplant: • doesn’ttakeit in • doesn’tabsorb • expelsitthroughstomata • givesitout
p. 10 ex 11 Sexual reproduction in plants • Mostfloweringplants use sexual reproduction. Theflowershavebothmale and femaleorgans. Themaleorgans are calledstamens. Eachone has a longfilament and ananther at theend. Thisiswheretheplant produces pollen. Thefemaleorganis in the centre of theflower and iscalledthepistil. Itcatchesthepollenwith a stickypartcalledthestigma. Fromherethepollentravelsdown a longtubecalledthestyle and intotheovary. Whenthepollen and anovulejointogether, theymake a seed.
p. 10 ex 12 How do they reproduce? • Thisis a strawberryplant. It uses stolonsto reproduce. • Thisis a potatoplant. It uses tubersto reproduce. • Thisis a fern. It uses sporesto reproduce.
p. 10 ex 14 Oddoneout • Stamenbecauseit’s a maleorgan.
p. 11 ex 15 Why are rainforestsimportant? • Whatwillhappentosomespeciesifwedestroytherainforests? Theywillbecomeextint. • Whatwillhappentotheplanet’s air ifwedestroytherainforest? Itwillbecomeunbreathable • Whatwillhappentotherivers and lakesifwedestroytherainforests? Theywillbecomedry. • How can weprotecttherainforests? We can plant new trees; we can recyclepaper…
p. 11 ex 11 Mysteryword Leaf ; Stem ; Oxygen; Stamen Themysterywordis (A S T M O T A) = Stomata Definition: These are smallholes in theplant’sleaves.