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Bradley - George - Dominique - Alwin - Lucas - Dodger - Matt- Qixiang

Bradley - George - Dominique - Alwin - Lucas - Dodger - Matt- Qixiang ~The Cool Kids Collective & Toxic Hurricanes~. Landfills. Definition: A system of waste disposal in which waste materials are buried under the ground (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

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Bradley - George - Dominique - Alwin - Lucas - Dodger - Matt- Qixiang

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  1. Bradley - George - Dominique - Alwin - Lucas - Dodger - Matt- Qixiang ~The Cool Kids Collective & Toxic Hurricanes~

  2. Landfills Definition: A system of waste disposal in which waste materials are buried under the ground (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) • Over 250 million tons of trash are buried in U.S landfills each year - enough to bury 16,000 football fields 10 feet deep 2 • Average person dumps 4.5 pounds of waste into landfills each day 2 • Emits 5.6 million tons of methane annually (70x stronger than CO2) 2 • Releases uncontrolled emissions including carcinogens, over 170 air pollutants and 44 air toxics 2 • Create leachate (toxic liquid) which can contaminate groundwater 2 • Accidental fires at landfills and uncontrolled burning of residential waste are the leading man-made sources of dioxin emissions in the U.S. 2

  3. E-Waste (Focus) Definition: Used electronics that are nearing the end of their useful life and are therefore discarded, donated or given to a recycler 6 • In 2010 the USA... • Generated about 2.4 million tons of E-waste, recycling only ~27% of that (excess was discarded/ended up in landfills) 3 • Disposed on average over 528 thousand computers and mobile devices each day (142 thousand in computers alone) 3 • Enough computers to cover the entire RPI campus in just over three months! • E-waste accounts for 40% of the lead and 75% of the heavy metals landfilled 4 • Other toxic substances include Beryllium, Arsenic, Mercury, Nickel, Antimony and Cadmium 5 • Although safe to use, after disposal in landfills the acidic conditions provide an environment in which the lead and other heavy metals can leak out of the electronic devices which could contaminate the groundwater 4

  4. Project Proposal • A flea market showcasing the used items and mainly technology of the area that would bring together RPI students and the Troy community in an event to help recycle these used items in an attempt to keep unnecessary waste out of landfills • A Craigslist-like website could operate all year when the event is not taking place

  5. Proposed Time • Would take place 2-3 times a year • Third Saturday of the month, for consistency • Proposed time of 10 AM - 2 PM

  6. Proposed Location Blitman Residence Hall Parking Lot • Central location to Troy and RPI • Adequate space and parking facilities • Accessible via shuttles and buses The Armory (During Winter Market) • Weather protection during winter • Central to RPI campus and easily accessible • Parking facilities near by, accessible by bus

  7. Why Should This Be A Priority? The event would... • Allow for the recycling of old technology which would prevent excess build-up in landfills • Provide low expense technology for other RPI students and Troy residents • Provide economic stimulus for region • Allow for the Troy and RPI community to build a good relationship

  8. Implementation Schedule Phase 1: Setup basic infrastructure of the group - establish club if necessary and delegate larger duties Phase 2: Talk to RPI administration - acquire permission for facility use Phase 3: Acquire resources and funding Phase 4: Advertise/Promote the event Phase 5: Host the event Phase 6: Evaluation - Opportunity for feedback collection and improvement

  9. Funding • Club funding via Student Union, or partnering with existing sustainability-themed club • Possible sustainability grants/funding from city or the Institute • Concessions at actual event • Possible fee for each table at the market ($2-3)

  10. Resources • Student labor • Resources to establish a marketplace (e.g. tables, chairs, gazebos, etc.) • Support from environmental and technology clubs • Support from students and faculty *Most of these can be acquired via the school*

  11. Stakeholders • RPI students • Residents of Troy • RPI administration/faculty/maintenance • City of Troy • Parents of RPI students • Recycling companies • Waste disposal companies • Environmental clubs • Technology/computer clubs • Blitman residents

  12. Essential Skills • Dealing/communicating with administration • Technological worth estimation • Driving/vehicle operations • Attendance estimation • Organizational skills • Public-relations • Marketing

  13. Essential Jobs President of Operations - Leader of student organization - Moderates group politics VP of Student Relations - Administrative liaison VP of Facilities - Works closely with maintenance - Clean up/Tear down VP of Inventory - Manages collection and storage of donations VP of Web Services - Webmaster for online services

  14. Potential Barriers • Securing adequate funding • Labor for setting up and/or taking down the event would most likely come from the students or hired helpers • Finding space for storage of all the technology and other items during the time between markets • Possibility that unusable tech trash comes to be donated, could get out of hand

  15. Solutions • Funding: Fundraising/RPI grants • Volunteers: Provide an incentive • Storage: Rent a storage space • Unusable/Trash Donations: Put limitations/filters on donations

  16. Potential For Scaling Up And Out • Could possibly expand into more of the normal assets of an average flea market and maybe merge with the local farmer’s market • Depending on popularity could end up expanding it to make it happen more often during the year • Could end up merging with similar events that go on at other universities, expanding seller and consumer base • By doing this RPI students may find the initiative to establish a local flea market when they graduate wherever they go (both nationally and internationally) • The website would allow an even wider audience to be reached and could spread this idea even farther

  17. Related Projects and Organizations • RPI tech dump • Regarding school/university flea markets • Palo Alto High School Flea Market • Kennedy High School Flea Market • Elgin High School Flea Market • Colorado State University • Arcadia University Flea Market • Quote: “Sometimes the little walls around Arcadia can seem like we’re trying to keep the community out and the students in, but that’s never been the case. With the flea market, and all the other events run by the Community Service Office, we get the chance to invite the community literally onto our campus to participate in events that students have organized.” ~ Stephanie Oddi (Junior) 1 Arcadia University Flea Market

  18. Conclusion This event would not only help the environment in keeping unnecessary waste out of landfills but would also help for people to find cheap and affordable goods while at the same time strengthening the relationship between RPI and Troy residents

  19. Works Cited 1 Arcadia University. (2013, September 25). Unique and Affordable Finds at the Fall Flea Market, Sept. 29. Retrieved from The Bulletin: http://bulletin.arcadia.edu/2013/09/unique-and-affordable-finds-at-the-fall-flea-market-sept-29/ 2 Covanta Energy. (2013). Harmful Effects of Landfills. Retrieved from Covanta Energy: http://www.covantaenergy.com/what-we-do/energy-from-waste/harmful-effects-of-landfills.aspx?source=efw_info 3 Electronics TakeBack Coalition. (2013). Facts and Figures on E-Waste Recycling. Retrieved from Electronics TakeBack Coalition: http://www.electronicstakeback.com/wp-content/uploads/Facts_and_Figures_on_EWaste_and_Recycling.pdf 4 Iowa Department of Natural Resources. (n.d.). E-Waste: Environmental and Health Hazards. Retrieved from Iowa Department of Natural Resources: http://www.iowadnr.gov/Environment/LandStewardship/WasteManagement/Recycling/Ewaste/HazardsofEwaste.aspx 5 Recycling for Charities. (1999-2013). Electronic Waste Environmental Effects. Retrieved from Recycling for Charities: http://www.recyclingforcharities.com/environmental-effects-of-e-waste.php 6 The Environmental Protection Agency. (2011). Cleaning Up Electronic Waste (E-Waste). Retrieved from United States Environmental Protection Agency: http://www.epa.gov/oiamount/toxics/ewaste/index-uew.html#ewastetabs 7 The Environmental Protection Agency. (2012, Novemeber 14). Wastes - Resource Conservation - Common Wastes & Materials - eCycling. Retrieved from United States Environmental Protection Agency: http://www.epa.gov/osw/conserve/materials/ecycling/faq.htm

  20. Questions?

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