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Company Presentation. Peter Cullen, VP Sales, WUSA. +.
Company Presentation Peter Cullen, VP Sales, WUSA
+ „We are a family-run, technically oriented company with more than 80 years of experience. We operate on an international basis and employ more than 140 people. Our headquarters are based in Bad Wünnenberg, Germany, and we are the leading manufacturer of measuring, inspection and cleaning technology.“ Company profile
History 1932 1965 1978 Founding Wilhelm Wöhler ran a registered brush making factory in Berlin Wöhler A 66 Flue gas analyzer to determine CO2 content; the beginning of developing analyzers at Wöhler in Bad Wünnenberg Wöhler SM 78 – first Suspended Particulate Analyzer to determine the content of dust in flue gases resulting from household fires burning solid fuels
History 1986 1995 1998 1994 2001 Wöhler A 86 Development of electronic flue gas analyzers begins Wöhler SK 95 – the flue camera opens the market for video inspection technology Wöhler E 98 – the world's first fully electronic flue gas analyzer for less than DM 800 Wöhler DP 94 – the first electronic leakage detection device to examine exhaust ways Wöhler DC 2000 – first hand-held analyzer offering a measuring range of 1 : 200 000
History 2005 2008 2010 2012 Wöhler VIS 220 At the time, the most favorably priced service camera on the market Wöhler SM 500 First TUV tested and approved suspended particulate analyzer on the market for measurements complying with the 1st German Federal Immission Control Act Wöhler A 400 flue gas analyzer with heating check functionality and 4 Pa test Wöhler DC 430 – fully automatic leakage measurements
Locations Deutschland Bad Wünnenberg Bochum Munich Headquarters Sales and Service center West Sales and Service center South Field servicestaff Sales and Service center
Locations Europe Hilversum Pelhrimov Bolzano (Bozen) Toulouse St. Pölten Netherlands Czech Republic Italy France Austria
Locations Asia/North America Boston Shanghai United States of America (U.S.A.) China
Target group national 7% Construction 12% Industry 50% Chimney Sweeps 31% HVAC
Target group Chimneysweeps HVAC Industry / Construction ... trust Wöhler, because Wöhler analyzers are easy to operate and provide the desired information in a user-friendly format. ... installers trust Wöhler, because precision and reliability top their list of priorities. ...industrial/construction companies trust Wöhler, because precision measurements provide an objective basis for factual assessments.
Top export countries according to turnover 4% 7% Netherlands Czech Republic 27% 8% other countries Austria 13% USA 22% 19% Italy France
+ „In close cooperation with our customers we develop, produce and market inspection and cleaning technology that provide tailor-made solutions for heating, ventilation and building applications. “ The measure of technology
+ Our innovations set the standards the market follows. Our successful innovations are based on four rock-solid foundations: Our fascination with technology, all of our development engineers have a university degree, our many years of experience and we never stop talking with our customers. development
Expert workmanship is required to implement innovative developments. The reason: Wöhler gives top priority to the reliability and high standards of quality of its products. Alone the precision and efficiency of working procedures during production ensure we are able to deliver "the measure of technology". + Production
+ We offer customers planning investments all the support we can give based on our experience and technological know-how. Because development, production and marketing are all under the same roof at Wöhler we are able to call on a great deal of competence. This enables us to offer our customers the best possible solutions to support them during their work. Consultation/Sales
+ We focus on providing competent service, because professional equipment maintenance helps to safeguard customer investments. As the manufacturer Wöhler is able to offer absolutely reliable maintenance, inspection and calibration services at all times. Service
+ Precision flue gas analyzers are indispensable to ensure compliance with statutory regulations and resolute environmental protection. Data processing functionality as well as interfaces to a PC and mobile terminal device support the user when evaluating and documenting measurement data. + flue gas Analysis
+ Innovative Wöhler products are causing a stir in the industry: Back in 2012 the Wöhler SM 500 was the first particulate matter analyzer to fulfill the more stringent requirements imposed by the first German Federal Immission Control Act (1. BImSchV) with regard to particulate matter limits. + measuring particulate matter
+ Wöhler pressure measurement and leakage detection devices make it possible to reliably monitor systems critical to safety in accordance with (German) technical rules for gas installations; as a consequence, they help to detect and avert hazardous situations endangering the lives of residents. Heating Systems
+ Objective assessments based on measurement results create transparency and provide a solid basis for making suggestions for improvements. Utilizing Wöhler measurement technology it is possible to set-up ventilation and air-conditioning systems to operate at the best-possible level of efficiency and to monitor their long-term performance. Ventilation/Building
+ When chimneys, waste water pipes, flue gas and ventilation systems or industrial facilities need inspecting video inspection systems from Wöhler keep you in the picture. High-quality technology, for example the pan&tilt color camera head, ensure you can see as clear as a bell even in the most inaccessible of places. Inspection technology
+ We develop mechanical cleaning devices for tradespeople and industry to clean flue gas systems and ventilation lines. Cleaning heads made of different materials and strengths guarantee on-the-job satisfaction. + Cleaning Technology
Quality- and environmental awareness Eco-profit Service-Quality Customer satisfaction At Wöhler we enjoy excellent relationships with our customers. A fact confirmed by TUV NORD. Wöhler is a participant in the project ECO-PROFIT run by the district of Paderborn with the objective of pursuing ecological and economical concepts. Beginning with the initial contact through to our after-sales customer care TUV NORD has confirmed the quality of our excellent service.
Untertit + As a manufacturer we are not only able to draw on many years of experience and offer high levels of expertise, we are always right up-to-date with relevant laws and standards. At the Wöhler Institute of Technology we pass on our comprehensive knowledge to the customer. Wöhler Institute of Technology
Untertitl + The idea behind the Wöhler Power Partner program is quite simple: We wish to support our market partners operating in the chimney sweep, sanitation, heating and climate control trades to the best of our ability as they go about their daily work. To achieve this objective, we have developed a well-thought through program to ensure our customers receive the best support possible. Wöhler Power Partner
+ Dialog with the customer forms the basis for planning, developing and optimizing our products. That´s why we not only take every available opportunity to talk with our customers, we also create the opportunities too: The innovations forum to be held in Fulda, from the 29-30th May 2015 not only offers customers unparalleled experiences, it also offers the place where essential knowledge is passed on. Innovations-forum
+ We also strive for first class quality amongst ourselves. We wish to achieve the goals we set ourselves – and we do it by working in partnership with one another. A continuously increasing number of colleagues feel at ease at their place of work and in the Wöhler environment. Wöhler the employer
+ Bad Wünnenberg is a small, family-friendly town in the Paderborn region of Germany. Beautiful countryside offers an open invitation to relax. Nevertheless, with the university town of Paderborn just 20 minutes down the road it is possible to benefit from all of the advantages that a large town has to offer. Living & working in Bad Wünnenberg
Welcome! Wohler SM 500 SuspendedParticulate Matter (SPM) Analyzer WIT Product Training Seminar
Program Wohler SM 500 SuspendedParticulate Matter Analyzer • Basics • Wöhler SM 500 • History • Measurement Technology • Features • Advantages • Accessories • Measurement • 15 min. test • continuousmeasurement • Service and Maintenance • Final test
Basics Effortstoreducegreenhouse gas emissionsand a significantrise in costsfor fossil fuelsleadto an increaseoffiringequipmentfor solid fuels (wood). Problem! Raise in Total SuspendedParticulate Matter (SPM) Solution! Reduction and control of Total SuspendedParticulate Matter (SPM) with new measurement Technology required with instant results and cost effectiveness
Basics German EPA Standard 2010 (1. BImSchV) • solid fuelapplianceswithoutput ≥ 4 kW (13,500 BTU/hr)requiresannualemissionmeasurement(exceptsingleroomstoves) • SPM, dust 20 to 150 mg/m³ • CO 0.3 to 1.0 g/m³ • emissionlimitsdepending on fuel, sizeanddateofconstruction • approx. 200,000 appliancestobemeasuredannually,(exactamountcurrentlyunderdetermination ) • furtherdecreaseoflimits in 2015
Basics Link: http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/uba-info-presse-e/2010/pe10-016_small_firing_installations_ordinance_enters_into_force_on_22_march_2010.htm
Wöhler SM 500 Wohler SM 500 SPM Analyzer - EVEN THE FINEST CANNOT ESCAPE -
Dust Measurement Technology by Wöhler • since 1970 • Wohler SM 78 and Wohler SM 96 SuspendedParticulate Matter (SPM) Analyzer • since 2007 • Research and Development of an online measurementtechnologyfor SPM (Wöhler SM 500) • December 2011 • TÜV (authorizedgovernmentaltesthouse) testedandcertifiedcompliancewithBImSchVrequirementsfor Wöhler SM 500 • Autumn 2011- Spring 2012: • Stress andfieldtestingtogetherwiththeInstitute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology (IFK), Stuttgart, Germany • August 2012 • Start of serial production of the Wöhler SM 500,
Measurement Technology Wöhler SM 500 • Flue gas analysisandsuspendedparticulate matter (SPM) analysis (finedustmassconcentration) forfiringequipmentfor solid fuels • Measurement of: • SPM massconcentration • Oxygen level • Carbonmonoxide
Design an Function Wöhler SM 500 Particulate-matter-sampling-probe Telescopic stand withclamps Heated sample intakehose Controlunithousingthehighprecision digital massscaleunit Flue gas condenser Probe TA / Pd Condensatetrapmodule, O2and CO gas sensors 2 1 3 4 7 6 5
Measurement Technology - Probe • Heatedsystemupto 167 °F • Heatedhose • Heatedmassscalemodul heatedhose heated digital massscalemodul probe
Measurement Technology – gravimetricanalysis • Wohler SM 500 SPM Analyzer • Measurement offinedustmassconcentrationwiththe Wohler digital massscalemodule • High precision digital massscaleunit: • Gravimetricanalysis • 0.0 mg/m³ to 1000.0 mg/m³ dustmass • concentration in flue gas
Measurement Technology – Filter Cartridge • Characteristics • Hydrophob material, temperatureresistantupto 210 °F (100°C), chemically inert • Filter characteristicsidenticaltostandard filter technologyused in VDI 2066 • Low tareweightcombinedwithhigh filter capacityandlowpressuredrop
Accuracy – Test Results Accuracytestresult (ifk) Reference 927,9 mg/m³ S1 1200 mg/m³ S2 1000 mg/m³ S3 1142 mg/m³ Dustmassconcentration [mg/m³], SM 500 3 testsamples Dustmassconcentration [mg/m³], referencesystem Quelle: Institution forFire- and power plant engineeringifk
Advantages • In fieldmeasurementwith instant results • Simple anduserfriendly design: • Adjustabledisplayunitheight • Measurement • Integrated O2- and CO- measurement • Completeanalysisandverificationonsite • Fullfeaturedunit • including probe forstacktemperatureanddraft • Take readingsandprintreport • Realtimegraphicfunctiondisplay • Simple and intuitive menu • Brilliantfullcolor LED display • All readings on onescreen
Advantages • Data transfer • The Wohler SM 500 computersoftwarepackageallows extensive dataanalysisanddisplay. • Integrated USB port • IR portforonsite portable printer
Advantages • Costeffectiveand transparent calibrationprocedure • Twosignificantmeasurements • Massreadingofscalemodule: • Reference weight e.g. filter cartridgemax. tolerance ±5% ofreferenceweight • (digital caratscale $150) • 2. Flowrate:3.0 SL/min or 4.5 SL/minmax. tolerance ±5% ofreferenceflowrate(e.g. gas utilitymeter) caratscale Gas utilitymeter
Summary Wohler SM 500 SPM Analyzer • Simple use • Switch ON - Measure – Take Readings - Verification - Done! • Ergonomic Design • Adjustabledisplayunitheight • All in oneunit • SPM, Stacktemperature, draft, O2 and CO measurement • Maintenance friendly • cleaningkitincluded
Break ! Wohler USA Inc. Danvers, MA www.wohlerusa.com Wohler Messgeräte Kehrgeräte GmbH Germany www.woehler.de
How I do a measurementwiththe Wöhler SM 500? Wohler SM 500 SuspendedParticulate Matter (SPM) Analyzer WIT Product Training Seminar
Measurement procedure • Preparationforfieldtestingoffiringequipmentfor solid fuelstocomplywith German EPA standard. • Watertemperature: ≥ 60°C (140°F) • Start ofmeasurement: • 5 minutes after applyingthemaximumamountoffuel (seemanufacturershandbook) • Presuppose: Basic firebedforignitionavailable • Simultaneousmeasurementof • SPM • O2 • CO Source: 1.BImSchV Anlage 2
Pre-Test Checklist check all filter check if all hosesareconnected check ifthesilicabeadshave a orange color connecttheexhausthose