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Fugro EarthData, Inc. PLAZMAP – Planning & Zoning Modernization Application Presented by David Youngblood February 20, 2009. Contents. What is PLAZMAP NOTIFY FORECAST UPDATE ANALYZE VISUALIZE. PLAZMAP. PLAZMAP – Planning & Zoning Modernization Application
Fugro EarthData, Inc. PLAZMAP – Planning & Zoning Modernization Application Presented by David Youngblood February 20, 2009
PLAZMAP PLAZMAP – Planning & Zoning Modernization Application Furgro EarthData’s PLAZMAP suite of applications provides the City, County, and State Planner, property appraiser, assessor, and GIS professional with essential tools for creating, updating, and analyzing Land Use Data. Integrating PLAZMAP across the entire enterprise creates faster publishing cycles for data layers, performs complex topological and classification analysis , and allows the data manager to customize the function an control of the application suite. PLAZMAP allows you to take control of your GIS.
PLAZMAP Created in partnership with planning and zoning departments and based on ESRI software, this suite of five GIS tools function together or separately to meet user-specific needs for accurate and efficient GIS data management, reporting, and analysis.
NOTIFY Zoning adjustments are frequently requested by property owners and once made, activate a formal and often labor intensive reveiw and adjoining property owner notification process. PLAZMAP’s NOTIFY tool automates this effort. Running on ArcView, ArcInfo, ArcEditor, or ArcGIS 9.X, NOTIFY is cusomized to community zoning requirements for notification distances producing:
NOTIFY • Customized mailing labels and form letters which include information about the public hearing schedule as well as the specific change requested • Legal “exhibits” for board packages and archives, including location maps, zoning information, public facilities data, area change requests, a notification mailing list and parcel history • Digital archives of all required documents for future reference
NOTIFY • The City of Clearwater • Miami Dade County • Brevard County • Anne Arundel County • City of Modesto • City of Beaumont • City of Phoenix
FORECAST Every community has a population for public service and public works planning. Unfortunately many communities lack the ability to understand the distribution and character of thos forecasts within sections of the community. PLAZMAP’s FORECAST tool runs with ArcGIS to help user model the impact of land development trends and regulations on the distribution of growth
FORECAST • With FORECAST users can: • Identify the development potential of each parcel relative to it’s unique environmental and regulatory characteristics • Forecast growth at the parcel level for aggregation to traffic analysis zones, school attendance areas, or any other area required within a community • Determine where population and employment will be distributed over time • Provide data to support transportation planning as well as residential commercial, and economic development
FORECAST • Miami Dade County • The City of Miami • The City of Clearwater • New York City and Long Island • Harris County, TX • The City of Phoenix • The City of Portland
UPDATE One of the biggest challenges of an Enterprise GIS is the ability to make quick and seamless updates to planning and zoning data layers. PLAZMAP’s UPDATE tool provides an efficient workflow process to synchronize databases and integrate changes throughout the enterprise on a transactional basis.
UPDATE Running on ArcEditor, ArcInfo, ArcGIS 9.X, UPDATE makes it possible to: • Align existing planning and zoning data to the city/county base map layers • Track changes and updates over time, linking historical records of amendments and resolutions • Capture feature-level metadata to keep track of the source-of-change information • Produce relevant zoning and land-use maps • Leverage the power of ArcGIS to improve workflow efficiency and reduce staff hours dedicated to mundane but critical data maintenance efforts
UPDATE • Miami Dade County • Brevard County • Sarasota County • The City of Phoenix • Orange County, FL • Southern California Association of Goverments • Dallas County of Goverments - TX
ANALYZE With tremendous resources dedicated to the operation of a sound planning and zoning function, data often are not accessible to the non-technical, key decision makers. PLAZMAP’s web-based ANALYZE tool answers this need, allowing users with little training to quickly extract and query datasets for better decision making. This tool is a fusion of ArcGIS and COGNOS Business Intelligence software.
ANALYZE The ANALYZE tool provides: • Exploration of spatial and non-spatial data relationships using a drag-and-drop” interface for non-technical users, allowing the simple creation of sophisticated tables and charts • Fast data retrieval even with very large datasets where the number of records exceeds 2 million records
ANALYZE • Infinite reporting possibilities, in tabular and graphic formats
Miami Dade County – Over 2 million records • New York City – Over 4 million records • Sarasota County, FL. Over 1 million records • Los Angeles County, CA – Over 4 million records • The City of Clearwater, FL. Over 250k records
VISUALIZE Seeing really is believing when it comes to proposed construction projects!!! In terms of permitting and public hearings, compelling and accurate presentation help stakeholders understand how a given project will impact the built and natural environment. Running on 3D Analyst, ArcScene, and ArcExplorer, PLAZMAP’S VISUALIZE tool incorporates new or existing geospatial data to provide 3D Visualizations.
VISUALIZE The VISUALIZE tool provides: • The ability to create viewshed analysis / utility corridor view studies • The ability for users to look into and around a site, “fly through” an area, and observe surroundings from a specific viewpoint or location • Exploration into “what if” scenarios from diverse perspectives to better understand the potential impacts of a proposed infrastructure
VISUALIZE VISUALIZE can also provide: • The ability to see critical infrastructure and it’s architectural aesthetics. • Detailed economic development and industry planning analysis using tabular data displayed in a 3D City Model. .
VISUALIZE Washington DC Fugro EarthData, Inc. creates and updates most large cities in a 3D model data set complete with building attributes, street names, X,Y, and Z points, plus land structures Chicago Boston Los Angeles
QUESTIONS THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THIS SESSION PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS David Youngblood – National Sales Manager – GIS FUGRO EARTHDATA, Inc. 904-451-8285 Cell 904-298-0991 Office dyoungblood@earthdata.com www.earthdata.com