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International Dialogue on TVET Hosted by NSA and QCTO 2 nd -3 rd April 2012. Ute Hippach -Schneider & Michael Wiechert Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Bonn. Session 1 Overview of Labour market and VET Structure. Social Partners. Social Partners.
International Dialogue on TVET Hosted by NSA and QCTO 2nd-3rd April 2012 Ute Hippach-Schneider & Michael Wiechert Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Bonn
Session 1 Overview of Labour market and VET Structure
Social Partners • represented in all relevant TVET-Boards on all levels, e.g. main board at BIBB • involved in process of change or development of new training regulations and framework curricula • agree on proposals for the development or revision of training regulations before they are taken up by the Federal Government
Labour Market • Table: Key figures of the German labour market to Year 2010 and 2011 Table: Employed persons aged 15+ by Economic sector of activity as % of total employment), 2010 Source: Eurostat; Employment persons aged 15+ by economic sector of activity (NACE rev2) in thousands and as % of total employment
Labour Market Table: Unemployment rates related to highest educational level (in %; age group 15 to 64), III/2011
Basic structureofthe German educationandtrainingsystem Continuing education Tertiary level over 19 years Continuing vocational training Universities Secondary level II 15 to 19 years Dual System Company/part-time vocational school Full-time vocational schools Senior level at compr. secondary school Secondary level I 10 to 15/16 years Lower secondary school Intermediate school Comprehensive secondary school Primary level 6 to 10 years Primary school
Governance State level State government Minister of Education Federal level FM of Education and Research in cooperation with other Federal Ministries responsible Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Conference of the Ministers of Education Employers’ associations Trade unions Training ordinances, Laws Relevant agency (Chamber) Framework curricula Curricula Examination boards Works council Youth representative Vocational school In-company training Dual system of vocational education and training
Labour marketasdriverofthe TVET system • Social partners – • involved in process of change or development of new training regulations • represented in all relevant TVET-Boards on all levels, e.g. main board at BIBB • Chambers – • self-governing bodies of industry and crafts • public tasks in dual training (competent bodies) • training advisers • receive training contracts, check and register them, • take care of the overall organisation of examinations.
Laws - Overview • Vocational Education and Training Act (BBiG;Berufsbildungsgesetz ) • - establishes the framework conditions for vocational training, which come under economy and labour laws. • Promotion of Vocational Education and Training Act (BerBiFG; Berufsbildungsförderungsgesetz) • - safeguards and improves youth training opportunities and high-quality vocational training for all young people. • Ordinance on Trainer Aptitude (AEVO; Ausbilder-Eignungsverordnung) • - prescribes standards for the occupational and work-related teaching abilities of instructors.
Vocational Education and Training Act • Private-public partnership • Clear financing rules • Organisational infrastructure through the chambers • Core elements of vocational education and training • Mandate of Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BiBB)
Laws - Overview • Works Constitution Act (BetrVG;Betriebsverfassungsgesetz) • prescribes the participation rights of works councils in promoting and implementing training measures. • Crafts Code (HwO; GesetzzurOrdnung des Handwerks ) • regulates vocational training in greater concurrence with the Vocational Education and Training Act in crafts trades. • Protectionof Young People in EmploymentAct(JArbSchG; Gesetz zum Schutz der arbeitenden Jugend) • contains particular protective regulations for trainees and young employees.
Session 2 Young Learners / Other Learners
Pathways TVET vs. HE Table: Career plans of school leavers in spring 2010- in percent 1 secondary general school, intermediate school, integrated comprehensive school, grammar school, secondary vocational school, vocational grammar school 2 one or two year full-time vocational school not leading to vocational qualification, basic vocational training year, prevocational training 3 work, internship, military/civil service, voluntary social/ecological year, other Source: BIBB-school leaver surveys, weighted data
Programmes foryounglearners • Career Guidance and career education at an early stage • Prevocational training as bridge from school to VET • Programmes and initiatives to support transition, e.g. “Education chains leading to Vocational Qualifications”, career start coaches etc.
Basic Elements of the Dual System In-company training School training Learning venues Vocational school Enterprise Legal basis for recognised occupations Framework curricula Training ordinances Legal basis for training relationship Compulsory vocational school Apprenticeship contract Content of training Curriculum Company training schedule Legal basis for training School acts of the states Vocational Training Act Vocational school teacher Trainer Training personnel Counselling and monitoring Chambers and other competent bodies District Presidents or School supervisor Training enterprises Funding States, districts and municipalities
Programmes forotherlearners • CVET for adults • Recognition of non-formal and informal learning: examination for external candidates • again: pre-vocational training for people with difficulties or social disadvantages
Programmes forotherlearners Continuing education and training Continuing general education Continuing political education Continuing vocational education and training On-the-job learning Further training Retraining Updating training Upgrading training
Session 3 Vocational Programmes
Vocationaltrainingprogrammes(trainingregulations) „CVET“ „IVET“ Retraining Continuing vocational education and training (1 year) Initial vocational education and training (2 -3,5 years) Vocational training preparation • Qualification for another type of job or occupation • Maintaining, upgrading or broadening vocational competence • Career advancement • Approx. 150 • Skills, knowledge and competences • Occupational experience • 349 • Basic skills required for the acquisition of vocational competence
What do vocationaltrainingregulations (IVET & CVET) stipulate? Designation of the training occupation „Car Mechatronic“ Duration of the training „2 - 3,5 Years“ „Occupational Standard“ Occupationalprofile „Training Standard“ Training programme „Assessment Standard“ Examination requirements
Need fornewoccupationalprofile (modernized / merged)? Broadvarietyofskills, knowledgeandcompetence? Sufficientdemand in labourmarket (fornewoccupation)? Duration oftraining (generally 3 years)? Perspectiveforlastingemployment? Suitableforyoungpeople (age 16-19)? Checklist forproposalstoMinistries Source: BIBB
ProcedureforrevisingexistingtrainingregulationsordevelopingnewtrainingregulationsProcedureforrevisingexistingtrainingregulationsordevelopingnewtrainingregulations BIBB research projects / advisory opinions Preliminary talks between employers and trade unions Work to develop draft vocational training regulations Instructions issued by the competent ministry
Start of the regulation process --- assignment to BIBB Call of occupational experts from companies/ unions Development of draft regulation (moderation: BIBB) Directive of the competent Ministery Hearing the head organizations of the social partners Coordination: company program and school curricula Statement by the main board of BIBB Joint session by experts of Federal Government and the Länder Procedureforrevisingexistingtrainingregulationsordevelopingnewtrainingregulations Responsible Ministry in conjunction with BMBF issues the training regulation and publication in Federal Gazette: start IVET August 1st
Trend:Numberoftrainingregulations (occupations) 900 349 1990 1992 1994 1997 2000 2005 1950 1960 1970 1975 1980 2012 1985
New andmodernisedtrainingregulations (IVET) Source: BIBB, VET Data Report, 2010
Progressionpathways technical business economist Master-Level level 7 business economist strategic Professionals professional practice Bachelor-Level business specialists operative Professionals Meister, Technician (industry, crafts) level 6 professional practice level 4 Specialists / Journeyman professional practice (Dual System: IVET) Source: BIBB
Services offeredby BIBB Vocational training regulations Instruction andlearning materials Pilot projects Explanatory notes
Detailed description and explanation of changes or new provisions Illustration of the training content with the help of examples Exemplary learning projects concrete picture of skills, knowledge and competences Examples for interim and final examinations Services offeredby BIBB Explanatory notes and implementation guides Source: BIBB
Development and testing of instruction and learning material, usually in cooperation with experts from the actual in-company training practice Broad range of didactic approaches and a variety of instruction methods In Addition to written materials large number of audiovisual materials Services offeredby BIBB Media – Instruction and learning materials Source: BIBB
Set up to develop and test innovations Implementation of a particular innovation in day-to-day vocational training practice success of an innovation depends on the degree to which it proves itself under practical conditions Dissemination of the findings Services offeredby BIBB Pilot projects Source: BIBB
Session 4 Impact Mesurement and Supporting Systems
Monitoring activities • German National Education Report (Scientific Community) • Report on VET (BMBF) • Data Report on VET (BIBB)
Productivity: gross costs, gains and net costs per trainee and year Source: BIBB Research Project
Productivity: trainees high level of productivity reduces training costs
Productivity: gross costs, gains, net costs per trainee and year broken down by company size and sectors Source: BIBB Research Project
Productivity: hiring trainees upon completion of their training saves recruitment costs Source: BIBB Research Project
Placement Source: BIBB Research Project
Placement Source: BIBB Research Project
Supporting systems • National Pact for Training and Young Skilled Staff • Information campaign: VET – Practically unbeatable • JOBSTARTER
E-Learning programmes by BMBF • Self-organized learning: CVET for trainers and teachers • http://www.qualifizierungdigital.de/index.php?id=105 • mediencommunity 2.0: Innovation in print and media • http://www.qualifizierungdigital.de/index.php?id=155 • E-learning in 2.0 in crafts: CVET in crafts sector • http://www.qualifizierungdigital.de/index.php?id=159 • Patongo: Pattern and tools for NGOs • http://www.qualifizierungdigital.de/index.php?id=232 • WebZubi: Industrial and technical occupations of Deutsche Bahn • http://www.qualifizierungdigital.de/index.php?id=282 • BLIP- VET in production process: Assessment support for occupations (Daimler/IGM) • http://www.qualifizierungdigital.de/index.php?id=286 Source: BMBF Homepage
Thank You for Your Attention! Contact: Ute Hippach-Schneider / Michael Wiechert0049-228-107-1630/1604 hippach-schneider@bibb.de wiechert@bibb.de Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Bonn