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The First Kennedy in the New World

By: Chris Nguyen Nick Labella Isiah Rivera. The First Kennedy in the New World. Historical Context During Irish Immigration. Great Irish Famine of 1840’s S ole crop Starvation and diseases Immigration New opportunities Transportation .

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The First Kennedy in the New World

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  1. By: Chris Nguyen Nick Labella Isiah Rivera The First Kennedy in the New World

  2. Historical Context During Irish Immigration • Great Irish Famine of 1840’s • Sole crop • Starvation and diseases • Immigration • New opportunities • Transportation These maps represents the percent of Irish immigrant ration population in the U.S.

  3. Where They Settle and Worked • East Coast cities • California Gold rush, 1848 to 1849 • Unemployment • Choose metropolitan areas to settle in • Employment of Irish men and women An Irish family in their apartment. Many Irish men would find work on railroads.

  4. Poverty and Prejudice • Experienced prejudice • “No Irish Need Apply signs” • Discriminated against and oppressed • Local newspaper companies • Turned to drinking • Slums, ghettos, and homelessness • Increased crimes and violence Local newspaper would print these satires of Irish men who were lazy drunks. Irish women were represented as beastly, demanding creatures.

  5. Assimilation • The Catholic Churches • Promoting American patriotism • Churches, schools, Covent and colleges • Reduced prejudice • Middle Class • Marriages A typical catholic church filled with Irish immigrants. After a couple years, Irish immigrants blended in with the American population.

  6. Patrick Kennedy: The First Kennedy in America • James Kennedy and Maria Kennedy • Three siblings • Farmer • Potato famine • Washington Irving • Settled into Boston • Cooper • Married Bridget Murphy • Four children: Patrick Joseph “P.J.” Kennedy Patrick Joseph Kennedy is JFK grandfather.

  7. Leaving a Legacy • Patrick’s marriage: Mary Augusta Hickey • Joseph Patrick Kennedy • Overcome discrimination • Successful politicians • Multimillionaire • John F. Kennedy • Today Joseph Patrick Kennedy is JFK father.

  8. Roots of the Fitzgerald Family • Rural Country Limerick Village • Escape to America • Thomas Fitzgerald and Rose Anna Cox • John Francis Fitzgerald • Mayor of Boston • Married Marry Josephine Hannon • Their daughter, Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald John Francis Fitzgerald

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