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AIR BIOTECH. a division of MR&D. Microbial Assistance and Scientific Support in Biofiltration Your technological partner in biological VOC air treatment. SAFE START-UP with selected BIOMASS. AIR BIOTECH. a division of MR&D.

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  1. AIR BIOTECH a division of MR&D Microbial Assistance and Scientific Support in Biofiltration Your technological partner in biological VOC air treatment SAFE START-UP with selected BIOMASS

  2. AIR BIOTECH a division of MR&D The Spin-off structure of AIR BIOTECH ensures High Tech and Scientifical Approach with technical support of R&D teams at the Institut MEURICE, Brussels. Mobile Pilot Equipments enable case specific optimization and dimensioning of industrial scale Biological Air treatment technologies . Degradation rate, pressure drop, stability of microbial activity SERVICES  PRIOR EFFLUENT ANALYSIS  DIAGNOSTIC ON SITE PILOT TEST  BIOAUGMENTATION  MICROBIAL FOLLOW-UP  EQUIPMENTS OPTIMIZATION  INDUSTRIAL DIMENSIONING

  3. INNOVATIVE BIOAUGMENTATION MODES CELL ENTRAPMENT IMMOBILIZATION  Higher CELL DENSITY Higher removal efficiency COMPACT EQUIPMENTS PROTECTION against dehydratation, pH, high concentration,… Protection against TOXICITYof some pollutants  Direct START-UP INOCULUM SPECIFICITY STABILITYof selected biomass HIGHER metabolic ACTIVITY SELECTED MICROBIAL BIOAUGMENTATION Bioaugmentation refers to supplying biofiltration beds with microbial consortia of selected strains. The biological formulations are tailor-made, adapted to qualitative and quantitative specifications of industrial gaseous effluent. Advantages :  Optimal degradation by selection of highly active strains  High volumic degradation rate by enhanced cell density  Direct Start-Up  Better Control of nutrients additions

  4. AIR Biotech. Asbl MEURICE R&D X. NICOLAY, Eng. R. LAVALLEE, Eng. Tél: 00 32 2 526 73 80 Tél: 0032 2 526 73 82 Email: xnicolay@ceria.be Email: rlavallée@ceria.be 1, avenue E. Gryzon build 2 B-1070 BRUSSELS BELGIUM Web: www.meurice.org A partnership AIR BIOTECH, Institut MEURICE, asbl MEURICE R&D (Brussels), sa SIMA-SACA (Mouscron, Belgium)

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