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ALTERNATIVE GOVERNANCE PLANNING for RESTRUCTURING I & II SCHOOLS. Thomas Lewis Paula McGee New Mexico Public Education Department Priority Schools Bureau BEST WORKSHOP Albuquerque, NM May 1, 2006. OBJECTIVES…. Alternative Governance Overview.
ALTERNATIVE GOVERNANCE PLANNING for RESTRUCTURING I & II SCHOOLS Thomas LewisPaula McGeeNew Mexico Public Education DepartmentPriority Schools BureauBEST WORKSHOPAlbuquerque, NM May 1, 2006
OBJECTIVES… • Alternative Governance Overview. • Selecting the most appropriate Alternative Governance option(s).
Purpose ofAlternative Governance Alternative governance is an opportunity for educators to make significant, fundamental changes to increase student achievement.
NOT ‘ONE SIZE FITS ALL’ The plan should be developed in direct response to your school’s identified needs with input from all stakeholders.
Review and Analyze: What happened in previous years? What was implemented (or not)? What does the data indicate?
Consider Past Actions What worked (or didn’t) as you went through the school improvement process? List at least three successfully/unsucessfullly implemented initiatives of school improvement and identify why they did/did not improve student achievement.
Engage the Entire School Community Notify stakeholders (educators, staff, parents, community, Education Associates, EPSS Coordinators, school support teams, others) of how designation was achieved, what it means, and seek input on requested Alternative Governance remedy.
WHAT TO EXPLAIN TO PARENTS • School site designation. • Graphing and communication of student data. • How school is addressing its achievement problems.
NOTIFY PARENTSper No Child Left Behind & NM PED…to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand • Provide school choice option, with paid transportation. • Supplemental educational services, paid by Local Education Agency (LEA). • With parents, develop Individualized Student Academic Goal Plan for every student.
OBTAIN INPUT from PARENTS and EDUCATORSper No Child Left Behind & NM PED …to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand • Encourage parents and educators to participate in determining the Alternative Governance to address the academic issues that caused the school to be low achieving.
SCHOOL SUPPORT TEAMSper NCLB Engage school support teams that “shall be composed of persons knowledgeable about scientifically based research and practice on teaching and learning and about successful school wide projects, school reform, and improving educational opportunities for low-achieving students, including—” (see NCLB handout)
BE BRAVE!! Go where the data take you… Combining arrangement may be most beneficial for students.
Alternative Governance Arrangement per NCLB Action #1 Replace all or most of staff (which may include the principal) who are relevant to the failure to make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
Alternative Governance arrangement per NCLB Action #2 Enter into a contract with another organization (excluding private entities per NMSA 22-2C-7K) with a demonstrated record of effectiveness, to operate the school. • Appoint an outside expert to advise the public school
Alternative Governance arrangement per NCLB Action #3 Turn over the operation of the school to the state, if the state agrees.
Alternative Governance arrangement per NCLB Action #4 Major restructuring of a school’s governance arrangement that makes fundamental reforms, such as significant changes in the schools staffing and governance… A. Extend the school day or year B. Change the public school’s internal organizational structure.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I wasrdgnieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch atCmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrodare, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in therghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthita porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter byistlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Restructuring Year I Restructuring Year II Requirements2006-2007 School Year • Develop an Alternative Governance Plan using the PED template. • Implementation of the Alternative Governance Plan August 2007.
Item 1 from the AGP Template • Please describe briefly which restructuring action the LEA will be implementing during the 2007-2008 school year. • This is where you select your Alternative Governance Arrangements 1-4 or a combination of arrangement. • This must be a collaborative effort.
Item 2 from the AGP Template “Please explain how this action will increase student achievement in areas currently identified as not meeting adequate yearly progress. Include how the action will be measured and evaluated.”
Item 2 (Cont.) 1.Identify areas not meeting Adequate Yearly Progress. 2. Alternative GovernanceArrangement selected: • How will this action make a difference? • How will it be measured and evaluated?
Item 3 from the AGP Template Please attach the notices and documentation provided to parents and educators regarding the restructuring status of the school and the opportunity for comments by educators and parents.
Item 4 from the AGP Template Describe how educators and parents equitably participated in developing the Alternative Governance Plan.
Item 5 from the AGP Template Attach documentation to support that development of this plan occurred with input from an equitable representation of stakeholders.
Item 6 from the AGP Template Attach documentation or detailed information to explain the steps to be taken to provide educational services to those students who will be impacted by the restructuring of the school, should that occur.
Item 7 from the AGP Template Provide detailed information AND describe the specific impact pertaining to: • school budget, • transportation, and • supplemental educational services, as each relates to the proposed restructuring actions.
From Selection to Plan… Look for models of success: Have other LEAs and schools implemented a similar plan with success?
From Selection to Plan… Look at the “total cost of ownership”. Down the road, what implications will this plan have on future work?
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCEmay include • Analysis of data from assessments • Identification and recommendations of solutions for instructional difficulties. • Suggestions for addressing parental involvement requirements.
Session OBJECTIVES Review… • An overview of Alternative Governance. • Considerations for selecting the most appropriate option(s).
NEED ALTERNATIVE GOVERNANCE PLANNING HELP? • Thomas Lewis @ 827-8006 thomas.lewis@state.nm.us • Paula McGee @ 827-7933 paula.mcgee@state.nm.us