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Orientation to Steps to Success for 2011-12 NH SINI 4 Restructuring Planning Year Schools . May 5, 2011 PSU – COGS, Concord Karen Laba, Title I Support Consultant . Welcome !. Purpose of the meeting Desired outcomes Agenda overview Introductions: . Complete the sentence :
Orientation to Steps to Success for 2011-12 NH SINI 4 Restructuring Planning Year Schools May 5, 2011 PSU – COGS, Concord Karen Laba, Title I Support Consultant
Welcome! • Purpose of the meeting • Desired outcomes • Agenda overview • Introductions: Complete the sentence : “This meeting will be a success if we/ I . . .” NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
What is ‘restructuring’? A school that misses its annual achievement targets for five or more years is identified for restructuring. If a school does not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) (Year 4 SINI) for five years, the LEA must create a plan to restructure the school. If the school does not make AYP for six years (Year 5 SINI), the LEA must implement the plan. Restructuring means a major reorganization of a school’s governance structure by the LEA that: makes fundamental reforms, such as significant changes in the school’s staffing and governance, to improve student achievement in the school; has substantial promise to improve student academic achievement and enable the school to make AYP as defined by the State’s accountability system; and is consistent with State law. ESEA http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg2.html#sec1116 NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Where you need to go: RESTRUCTURING means . . “alternative governance arrangements” (Governance describes "the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented”) that represent “fundamental reforms” with “substantial promise” of ensuring the students meet academic targets (http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/pg2.html#sec1116). “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might wind up someplace else.” Yogi Berra NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
What are Federal options for restructuring? 5 options in federal regulations • Close and reopen as a charter school • Replace all or most of the staff responsible for the school’s deficiencies • Contract with an external management operator • Turn the school over to the state* • “other major restructuring” • “other” option • “fundamental reforms” • “substantial promise” NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
What are some examples of restructuring in action? • Changing the governance structure of the school in a significant manner that either diminishes school-based management and decision-making or increases control, monitoring and oversight of the school’s operations and educational program by the LEA focusing specifically on school improvement; • Closing the school and reopening it as a focus or theme school with new staff or staff skilled in the focus area; • Reconstituting the school into smaller autonomous learning communities; • Dissolving the school and assigning students to other schools in the district; NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
What are some examples of restructuring in action (cont’d.)? • Pairing the school in restructuring with a higher performing school so that grades K-3 from both schools are together and grades 4-5 from both schools are together; • Expanding or narrowing the grades served; • Implementing a new administrative structure where administrative and supervisory responsibilities and accountability for student outcomes are shared among properly qualified staff; • Hire a qualified outside expert supervised by the LEA to be responsible for curriculum, instruction and assessment with specific focus on school improvement. NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Other Requirements: • School Responsibilities • Revise and implement corrective action plan • Offer public school choice option • Offer supplemental educational services (SES) • LEA Responsibilities • Oversee and provide assistance in plan for restructuring the school • Notify parents and teachers of school status • Enlist parent and teacher participation and input on development of restructuring plan • Prepare to implement the plan NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
NH Requirements : Keep at it! While you spend 2011-2012 planning for restructuring – ** Do not stop what’s working! ** SINI 3 Corrective Action Plan Complete the Title I SINI 2010-2011 Progress Report and Action Plan for 2011-2012 NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Restructuring Definition Requirements Questions? NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Phase II: Develop the Restructuring Plan – Using Steps to Success What is Steps to Success? Steps to Success in NH’s version of Indistar, an online continuous improvement planning tool built around a comprehensive set of research-based indicators of effective educational practice. The components and products of the tool are housed on an online website maintained by the Academic Development Institute (ADI), host of the national Center on Innovation & Improvement (www.centerii.org ). NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Assess Plan Implement Revise Monitor Steps to Success Process Continuous Improvement Cycle: • Assess current practices • Teacher actions linked to student outcomes – root causes • Prioritize for greatest success • Plan for change • Vision of full implementation • Actions, Person responsible • Resources, timeline, monitoring methods • Implement, Monitor, Review, Revise NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Steps to Success Sequence • Comply with federal and state requirements • Parent notification, choice options, SES • Superintendent assurances (MOU) • Assess current status against Rapid Improvement Indicators • Current level of implementation – with evidence! • “Priority” of the practice for your school • “Opportunity” for implementing the practice in your district • Check your work – confirm priority indicators accurate • Cluster indicators – identify common themes among priority objectives • Draft goal statements for clusters • Develop detailed plan for improvement • Priority indicators for each goal • Complete plan documents through Steps to Success • Submit document packet to DOE • Implement and monitor plan’s impact and activities NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Steps to Success Timeline NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Questions on Steps Process, Sequence or Timeline? NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Steps to Success Tour *This tour will use the practice site. When you register your school for Steps, you’ll receive a password to your school’s private site. • Login to www.centerii.org • Indistar® Login: Nhschool/ nhschool (sample blank site for “practice”; caution: Public – do not enter REAL data or names) • Dashboard: Support for School Improvement ‘Steps to Success’ School Indicators • Step 1: Register the School NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Steps to Success Tour (cont’d.) *This tour will uses the practice site. It is a public site. Do not enter real names or identifiable information.* • Step 2: Provide school information, assessment results (optional) • Step 3: School Team ESEA Required: Principal, lead reading/ ELA teacher, lead math teacher, special educator, parent Recommended: other staff reps, district liaison, external provider/ coach *School Process Main = Return to School Main Page* NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Steps to Success Tour -- Step 4 Step 4: Assess School Indicators 82 Rapid Improvement Indicators Categories: -- Team Structure -- Principal’s Role -- Professional Development -- Instruction – aligned, differentiated, preparation, teacher-directed, interaction, student directed -- Classroom management -- Assessment – periodic, classroom -- Parent communication NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Steps to Success Tour – Step 4 1. Choose level of implementation Check out Wise Ways “No development” Not a priority or interest OR will include in plan “Limited development” Priority Score How to rate priority: Opportunity Score How to rate opportunity Describe current level of implementation “Full Implementation” Please provide evidence that this indicator has been fully and effectively implemented. Also, describe the continued work that will be necessary to sustain your efforts NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Steps to Success Tour – Step 4 Guidance for Managing the Work: -- Role of Process Manager School process main Plan your Meeting Worksheets -- Organizing the process: Divide and conquer or All for one, one for all NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Looking Forward: Steps 5 and 6 • Produce a report of ranked indicators • Confirm priority indicators link to student outcomes • Make connections between priority objectives, existing school or district plans • Step 5: Create the Plan • What resources will be allocated/ needed for this activity? • How will you monitor implementation of activities/ tasks? • How will you monitor impact/ effectiveness of the activities? • Step 6: Implement and track progress NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Who ya’ gonna call? NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Next Steps 1. Submit Steps registration form for school. 2. Complete requirements for parent notification. 3. Complete and submit SINI 3 Progress Report and revised SINI 3 Action Plan 4. Recruit Restructuring Team. Assign role of “process manager.” 5. Continue implementing revised SINI Action Plan through 2011-2012 while planning for restructuring. 6. Discuss and decide how to manage the work of Step 4: Assessing Current Status. 7. Watch for follow-up meetings and webinars with your SINI 4 colleagues. NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Other Resources for Steps to Success • Guidance docs to be posted on NH DOE website • Practice Assessing and Indicator • From Assess to Plan • Action Plan Practice Worksheet • Submitting a Restructuring Plan using Steps to Success Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan. Tom Landry NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Feedback • Please provide your feedback on today’s meeting Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better. Pat Riley, NBA Coach NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps
Thanks for your participation today. “I have a plan of action, but the game is a game of adjustments.” Mike Krzyzewski, Duke basketball NH SINI 4 Orientation to Steps