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Gray Literature: what it is and how to find it Technical Reports

Gray Literature: what it is and how to find it Technical Reports. Nancy Doran Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Portland, OR September 16, 2005. Three questions. What is meant by “gray literature” or “technical reports” ? Why are technical reports important?

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Gray Literature: what it is and how to find it Technical Reports

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  1. Gray Literature: what it is and how to find itTechnical Reports Nancy Doran Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Portland, OR September 16, 2005

  2. Three questions • What is meant by “gray literature” or “technical reports” ? • Why are technical reports important? • How are they made available? 2

  3. What is gray literature? "foreign or domestic open source material that usually is available through specialized channels and may not enter normal channels or systems of publication, distribution, bibliographic control, or acquisition by booksellers or subscription agents." http://graylit.osti.gov/whatsnew.html 3

  4. Technical reports “Scientific and technical reports…convey the results of basic or applied research and support decisions based on those results.” ANSI/NISO Z39.18-1995 4

  5. Why is gray lit important? 5

  6. Columbia River AND salmon AND dams Web of Science - 51 GrayLit Network: • Department of Energy - >250 • Department of Defense - 12 • Environmental Protection Agency - 143 6

  7. How do I find a technical report? Does my library own it? Is it online ? How can I get it? 7

  8. Sample citation Perkins, RW, UP Jenquin (1994) Identification of radionuclides of concern in Hanford site environmental cleanup. Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA • No entry at: OCLC’s WorldCat Oregon State University University of Oregon University of Washington Washington State Library 8

  9. Reports have aliases aka PNL-10060 akaDE95004387 aka E1.99:DE95004387 9

  10. National Technical Information Service www.ntis.gov searchable ????- to present 1964-present available through: • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts • Dialog • Ovid 10

  11. NTIS record Identification of radionuclides of concern in Hanford Site environmental cleanupPerkins, RW; Jenquin, UP, Performer: Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA. Sponsor: Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Aug 1994. 104p. Report: PNL-10060The purpose of this document is to consider which radionuclides should be included in conducting environmental surveys relative to site remediation at Hanford. During the operation of the Hanford site, the fission product radionuclides and a large ... Report Number: PNL10060; DE95004387Accession Number: DE95004387 11

  12. Is it online? GrayLIT Network - http://graylit.osti.gov/ Department of Energy – Information Bridge - http://www.osti.gov/bridge/ Department of Defense DTIC Reports Collection - http://stinet.dtic.mil/ Environmental Protection Agency NEPIS http://www.epa.gov/cgi-bin/claritgw?op-NewSearch&template=epa NASA JPL - http://jpltrs.jpl.nasa.gov/ Langley - http://techreports.larc.nasa.gov/ltrs/ltrs.html Nuclear Regulatory Commission – Electronic Reading Room www.nrc.gov 12

  13. It’s not at my library, not online… Other libraries Source Client

  14. Decoding report numbers PNNL = Pacific Northwest National Laboratory PNL = Pacific Northwest Laboratory BNWL = Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratory PNWD = Pacific Northwest Division Same place - different times, different names, different clients. 14

  15. Decoding report numbers (cont’d)Accession Numbers DE = Department of Energy AD = Department of Defense N = NASA PB = Almost anyone else in NTIS’s database 15

  16. Decoding report numbers (cont’d) US. Department of Energy(1985),Report Number Codes. Office of Scientific & Technical Information, Oak Ridge, TN, DOE/TIC-85(Rev 14)(DE85005834) (E1.99:DE85 005834) How to get it: A Guide to Defense-Related Information (2002) Defense Technical Information Center. Ft Belvoir VA. http://stinet.dtic.mil/dticrev/HTGI_Sample.pdf Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary. Thomson Gale, New York 16

  17. Decoding report numbers (cont’d) Directory of special libraries and information centers, Gale Research Co, Detroit, MI. Government Research Directory, Gale Research Co. Detroit, MI International Research Centers Directory, Gale Research Co. Detroit, MI Research Centers Directory, Gale Research Co. Detroit, MI World Guide to Special Libraries, KG Sauer. Munich 17

  18. Reports may require different paths Records Reading Rooms Clients Library-to-Library Resource Sharing 18

  19. When all else fails… Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) http://www.fas.org/sgp/foia/citizen.html • Each agency has a FOIA point of contact • Requester, not library, should file 19

  20. Finding Grey Lit is often a matter of putting together the puzzle pieces. 20

  21. Resources Scientific and Bibliographic Access to Science Materials Committee (2005) “Collecting Grey Literature: An annotated Bibliography, with Examples from the Sciences and Technology” in Science and Technology Libraries Vol 25(3) 35-70. GreyNet: Grey Literature Network Service http://www.greynet.org/pages/1/index.htm 21

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