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DOE ISM Manual History. Obtained concurrences 2/06; Deferred issuance pending 2004-1 IP Re-ReviewObtained concurrences 8/06; Deferred issuance to address new HSS organizationObtained concurrences 10/06; Processing for Final Approval Approved 11/1/06 and posted at www.doeism.gov.. DOE ISM M
1. DOE ISM Manual(DOE M 450.4-1) Presentation to the EFCOG
ISM Program Managers Meeting
David Compton
(DOE-HQ HS-1.1 Support)
November 1, 2006
2. DOE ISM ManualHistory Obtained concurrences 2/06; Deferred issuance pending 2004-1 IP Re-Review
Obtained concurrences 8/06; Deferred issuance to address new HSS organization
Obtained concurrences 10/06; Processing for Final Approval Approved 11/1/06 and posted at www.doeism.gov.
3. DOE ISM ManualMajor Changes Full ISM Verifications, As Needed Not every five years
Approvals for DOE Site ISM programs by DOE Site Managers not HQ
New DOE HSS Organization Addressed
DOE ISM Champion Roles Clarified
4. DOE ISM ManualMajor Elements DOE ISM System Descriptions
Annual Safety Performance Objectives, Measures and Commitments
Annual ISM Effectiveness Reviews
Annual ISM Declarations
Full ISM Verifications, As Needed
5. DOE ISM ManualFull ISM Verifications Significant changes in leadership
Significant changes in mission
Significant changes in approach
Loss of confidence in existing ISM system
Significant problem(s) or poor performance
Significant findings
6. DOE ISM ManualCRD Requirements Develop ISM System; Maintain Cognizant of DOE System Description
Annual ISM Reviews; Updates to System Descriptions; Declarations
Describe ISM Maintenance/Continuous Improvement Process
Identify Site-Wide Opportunities
7. DOE ISM ManualAttachment 2 ISM Principles and Attributes for Effective ISM Implementation
Supplemental Safety Culture Elements
8. DOE ISM ManualImplementation Schedule HQ ISM System Descriptions May 2007
Field ISM System Descriptions Nov 2007
Field Implementation Nov 2008
HQ Implementation May 2009
9. DOE ISM ManualISM Champions Council Purpose: Support Line Management
Promote Communications
Promote Continuous Learning
Sponsor ISM Workshops
Provide Input and Feedback
10. DOE ISM ManualOther ISM Directives DOE P 450.4, ISM Policy
DOE G 450.4-1B, ISM System Guide
DOE-HDBK-3027-99, ISM Systems Verification Team Leader's Handbook
DEAR 970.5223-1, Integration of environment, safety, and health into work planning and execution
11. DOE ISM Manual Questions?
OPI for ISM Manual
Dr. Patricia Worthington (HS-10)
David Compton (HS-1.1 Support)