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S3 Platform: Achievements and outlook on activities for 2014

S3 Platform: Achievements and outlook on activities for 2014. Moritz Haller JRC, Unit for International, Interinstitutional and Stakeholder Relations 20 May 2014. Update on S3 Platform Members (11 April 2014) : 151 EU regions + 14 EU countries + 2 non-EU regions.

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S3 Platform: Achievements and outlook on activities for 2014

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  1. S3 Platform: Achievementsand outlook on activities for 2014 Moritz Haller JRC, Unit for International, Interinstitutional and Stakeholder Relations 20 May 2014

  2. Update on S3 Platform Members (11 April 2014): 151EU regions + 14EU countries + 2non-EU regions

  3. Main activities of S3 Platform in support of the countries/regions preparing RIS3 Communication tools: website, newsletter, twitter Conceptual / methodological guidance and development, research agenda and publications Trans-national learning arena: peer review workshops, thematic workshops, alignment of innovation roadmaps RIS3 assessment, mutual expert learning, support to DG REGIO desks Specific thematic paths: KETs, Danube, advanced manufacturing … Implementation of RIS3: benchmarking, examples, policy tools, …

  4. Peer reviews • No. of peer-reviews workshops: 15 (7 in 2013, max. number in a single year) • Peer reviewed regions: 46 • Peer reviewed countries: 7 • Average no of regions/countries present at each workshop: 25 Next peer review: 3-4 July in Ireland: Pl, BG, RO, IE, SK http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/peer-review

  5. How satisfied are you with the peer review workshop?(questionnaire to peer-reviewed regions/countries, Nov 2013)

  6. Eye@RIS3 – an online database of RIS3 priorities Current status (March 2014): • Regional priorities' entries: 725 • EU Countries with encoded RIS3 Priorities: 9 • EU Regions with encoded RIS3 Priorities: 113 • Non-EU Regions with encoded RIS3 Priorities: 17 • Data from peer reviews, expert assessment reports, and national reports; • Additional data can also be uploaded by regions/countries, and any existing entries can be edited;

  7. Challenges developing S3 (1) • The change of mindset from RIS to S3 is not straightforward, but some cultural change can be observed! (e.g. at governance level in some regions) • Synergies with other fundings, mainly H2020, little or not explored • Some authorities tend to elude their direct involvement (instead desk work and consultants)

  8. Challenges developing S3 (2) • The involvement of stakeholders seems to be growing!, albeit not always well proved who is participating and the method used • Monitoring and evaluation systems are most often weak • The prioritisation process frequently looks like a "wish-list", not as resulting from as a genuine prioritisation-elimination process…

  9. EP Pilot Project Stairway to excellence in New MS (S2E) – Start May 2014 • Rationale • Supporting synergies in the use of ESIF & Horizon 2020 in new Member States may deliver additional gains in terms of: • innovation results • close the innovation gap in Europe • promote economic growth • The overall political rationale of identifying synergies between ESIF, H2020 and other R+I programmes is to maximize impact and efficiency of public funding.

  10. S2E ACTION 1: Assistance to new MSs in closing the innovation gap, promote excellence in all regions and MSs of the EU • Launching "Upstream actions" to prepare regional R&I players to participate in Horizon 2020 through capacity mapping & capacity building. • Mapping / providing new MSs & regions with analyses and evaluation of their past performance in FPs, strengths and weaknesses in terms of R&I capacity, institutional features, & alignment between public R&I and business innovation needs. • Adapt the peer review & mutual learning methodology developed for assessing RIS3, to peer review the structures and instruments used by old & new MSs/regions to enhance participation to FPs & exploit synergies between H2020 and ESIF. As is the case for the RIS3 peer reviews, S2E peer reviews would be organised by MS/regions with the support of JRC. • Communication & cooperation between Horizon 2020 national contact points & managing authorities of the ESIF shall be strengthened

  11. ACTION 2: Stimulating the early and effective implementation of national and regional Smart Specialisation Strategies • Launching "Downstream actions" to provide the means to exploit and diffuse R&I results, stemming from Horizon 2020 & preceding programmes, in line with priorities identified in the relevant S3. • Objective for 2014/2015: develop/test some methodologies to do it effectively (full deployment of those methodologies in subsequent years). • Some possible actions are as follows: • Identifying a limited number of common thematic priorities within RIS3 of several new MS/regions. Potential high impact from horizontal priorities such as Key Enabling Technologies (KET) and ICT. • Assessing selected on-going or recently finalised Framework Programme projects in these areas. • Events with project participants from leading countries, business, research community and policy makers from new MS/regions and stakeholders. These events may try different formats to see which one would be most effective for wide transmission of knowledge.

  12. Thank you! http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu JRC-IPTS-S3PLATFORM@ec.europa.eu

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