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INCOLAB ACTIVITIES, CMI –CZ. INCOLAB. activities, results, achievements. Czech Metrology Institute František Jelínek. INTRODUCTION. OUTLINE. principal objectives realization team tasks institutional triangle in the CR other activities implementation of LVD in the CR conclusions.

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  1. INCOLAB ACTIVITIES, CMI –CZ INCOLAB activities, results, achievements CzechMetrologyInstitute FrantišekJelínek


  3. OUTLINE • principal objectives • realization team • tasks • institutional triangle in the CR • other activities • implementation of LVD in the CR • conclusions

  4. PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES to support measurement and testing (M&T) laboratories and related infrastructures in newly associated states (NAS) for the full implementation of the Low-voltage Directive (LVD) The WP7 activities were completely oriented to support LVD implementation under specific conditions of the Czech Republic – long term tradition of electrical industry, standardization anf testing.

  5. PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES to enhance their interrelations and partnership with regulatory bodies and administrative infrastructures as well as with related industries, thus forming so called "institutional triangles“ The task was successfully completed with full understanding among involved subjects.

  6. PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES to ensure full awareness between parties concerning technical requirements and practical implementation of all the necessary issues Good level of practical implementation was indicated by accomplished interviews and studies.

  7. PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES to enable and facilitate mutual recognition agreements based on conformity assessment in order to prepare the M&T laboratories for their future role in the enlarged single market Activities of the realization team in that field constitute only a small part of many efforts of responsible bodies. The position of Czech laboratories is supported by mutual recognition arrangements in metrology and accreditation and by full harmonization of the Czech Law.


  9. TASKS

  10. WP7, TASK 7.1 Task 7.1Requirements and needs of the national metrological infrastructure and solutions in the field of the LVD Review of technical requirements, used methods, available instrumentation was completed by means of questionnaires, workshops and interviews. Many actions like inquiries, workshops, visits and presentations have been done. The outputs of the measurement foresight programme were also significant.

  11. WP7, TASK 7.1 The results show that LVD relevant metrological services cover all current needs of calibration and testing laboratories. Some foreseen needs were recognized like: • full implementation of quantum effect standards for the improvement of CMCs • improvement of CMCs in the field of large currents (over 1000 A) • improvement of the measurements in the field of discharge phenomena and pulse currents and voltages • improvement in the field of contactless temperature measurements

  12. WP7, TASK 7.1 Task 7.1Requirements and needs of the national metrological infrastructure and solutions in the field of the LVD The main INCOLAB project contribution and success in that field consists in following points: 1) improved understanding of traceability arrangements including mutual recognition and interlaboratory comparisons 2) new open dialogue between laboratories and national metrological institute 3) identification of foreseen needs

  13. WP7, TASK 7.2 Task 7.2Full awareness and implementationof regulatory requirements This task has been fulfilled in the close cooperation with the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing – the main regulator in that field. COSMT issues series of guidelines and collections of documents, important informations are published at COSMT and CMI web sites. Specifically in the field of LVD see the following example:

  14. WP7, TASK 7.2 translated and amended Guidelines on the application of Council directive 73/23/EEC, July 1977 text and comments to the Law on technical requirements for products, 22/1977 Coll., as amended etc.

  15. WP7, TASK 7.2 To facilitate access to the data of relevant bodies the new database (open to the public) of authorized and notified bodies has been putted in operation. List of accredited testing and calibration laboratories is published by the Czech Accreditation Institute and also its web site presents also detailed information.

  16. WP7, TASK 7.2 Bilateral discussions were organized with the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing. Topics of these discussions were formal changes induced by the full EU membership. The same topics were discussed with manufacturers and at workshops. The main INCOLAB project contribution in that field was the the improved access to informations and support of full understanding of requisites corresponding to the CE marking of products.

  17. WP7, TASK 7.3 Task 7.3Conference 2003 International conference was organized at the end of the first year of the project (2003) in Prague with help of other partners. The conference was attended by all project partners and participants, 32 foreign attendees and 42 Czech ones. The programme was based on 14 original presentations. It was the first INCOLAB conference and partners gained a lot of experience which was used in the next events.

  18. WP7, TASK 7.4 Task 7.4Strategy plan and dissemination Recognized problems and specific solutions in the field of the National Measurement System (NMS) were included in the strategy plan. It was approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and by the Government of the Czech Republic (No. 1250/2004 Coll.) . General strategic plan takes into account specific LVD needs.

  19. WP7, TASK 7.4 Task 7.4Strategy plan and dissemination Typical problems are (as mentioned before) • full implementation of quantum effect standards for the improvement of CMCs • improvement of CMCs in the field of large currents (over 1000 A) • improvement of the measurements in the field of discharge phenomena and pulse currents and voltages • improvement in the field of contactless temperature measurements

  20. WP7, TASK 7.4 Task 7.4Strategy plan and dissemination The strategy plan and its performance are systematically evaluated by the Czech Metrology Institute and by the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing. The main INCOLAB project contribution in that field was identification of some foreseen needs and development of relevant parts of the general strategy plan.

  21. WP7, TASK 7.4 Task 7.4Strategy plan and dissemination The dissemination of information and knowledge was performed through the national dissemination workshops and special presentations (association of calibration laboratories, Consumers defence association, special presentation for the management representatives of the Czech Trade Inspection, Czech conference on electrotechnical and electronic industry etc.). The CMI web site has a special INCOLAB branch.

  22. WP7, TASK 7.4 Task 7.4Strategy plan and dissemination

  23. OTHER TASKS Task 1.1 Intercomparison in testing - testing of heating Task 2.1 Study visit of industry Task 2.2 Study visit of test laboratories Task 2.3 Study visit of regulatory bodies, surveillance authorities and administrative infrastructure

  24. TESTING OF HEATING Measurements were performed by the laboratory of the Electrotechnical Testing Institute, Prague. Traceability of thermocouples to the national standard (CMI) has been demonstrated. The intercomparison in testing represents a novel approach as it directly introduces metrologyto the testing area.Testing laboratories in the CR perform usually bilateral comparisons, some of them supported by the COSMT. The problem to be solved is a low number of participants and methodology of evaluations. Progress - the CR has joined EPTIS (2005) .

  25. STUDY VISIT - NL Participants from the Czech Republic (representing the whole institutional triangle) attended the study visit to TNO, Nmi, Philips company and Ministry of health. Most important presentations: • TNO - situation of commercial laboratory in the EU and its approach to the conformity assessment process • Philips - how to satisfy requirements of the 73/23 EEC directive in practice • NMi - establishment, development and present situation of metrological system and the NMi position in this system • Ministry of Health - the role in the market surveillance system in the Netherlands.

  26. TRAINING - SLOVENIA Participants – heads of the CMI laboratories: Jiří Zikán DC, AC el. quantities Zdeněk Vyhlídka el. quantities, imitance Jan Otych temperature, humidity Visited laboratories: LMK, temperature and humidity TTC Velenje, heating and electrical safety Opportunity to compare methods, equipment, scope of activities.




  30. REGULATIONS 93/68/EEC etc.

  31. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing www.unmz.cz

  32. COSMT Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (COSMT) is a state administration body subordinated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Its activities include • tasks set out in Czech legislation on technical standardisation, metrology and testing and tasks related to the harmonisation of Czech technical regulations and standards with the technical regulations of the European Union • designation and notification of Conformity Assessment Bodies active under the New Approach Directives


  34. INSPECTION – OCCUP. SAFETY Law. 174/1968 Coll. state inspection on safety at work State inspection for safety at work

  35. TECHNICAL INSPECTION extra hazardous tech. equipment, incl. electrical one The Institute of Technical Inspection www.iti.cz

  36. CONSUMERS PROTECTION priority interest: luminaires medical devices home appliances consumer electronics Consumers defence ass. of the CR www.spotrebitele.cz


  38. LABORATORIES Czech metrological infrastructure comprises the CMI and sufficient amount of calibration laboratories, mostly accredited acc. to EN 17025 (30 laboratories incl. CMI) and, generally, traceable to the CMI. examples: D 5, akciová společnost, Třinec, kal. laboratoř IČ: 47674539 MEOP - Metrologie s.r.o. IČ: 60915846 ČEZ, a. s. IČ: 45274649 MEROS, spol. s r .o. IČ: 42866014 I & C Energo a.s. Kalibrační laboratoř IČ: 49433431 HES, s.r.o. IČ: 46974954 Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha, s.p. IČ: 00015679 mostly INCOLAB participants or interested parties

  39. METROLOGY - NMI Czech Metrology Institute www.cmi.cz

  40. LABORATORIES Association of Accredited and Authorized Organizations Members are mostly engaged in the regulated area associated with the CE marking (as authorized and notified bodies), as well as in the unregulated area of quality of products, services etc. as accredited entities. Members of the Association are (among others): Electrotechnical Testing Institute www.ezu.czEngineering Testing Institute www.szutest.czTech. and Test Inst. for Construction www.tzus.czPhysical - Technical Testing Institute www.ftzu.czTÜV CZ, s. r. o. www.tuvcz.czInst. for Testing and Certification www.itczlin.czVOP-026 Sternberk, s.p. www.vop.cz mostly INCOLAB participants or interested parties

  41. NOTIFIED BODIES Elektrotechnický zkušební ústav, s. p. IČ: 00001481 Adresa: Pod Lisem 129, 171 02 Praha 71 - Troja Telefon: 266104111 Email: testing@ezu.cz, director@ezu.czKontaktní osoba: Ing. František NekolaKategorie: AO, Identifikační číslo: 201, Identifikace notifikace: 1014 Fyzikálně technický zkušební ústav, s. p. IČ: 00577880 Adresa: Pikartská 7, 716 07 Ostrava – Radvanice Telefon: 596232715 Email: ftzu@ftzu.czKontaktní osoba: Ing. Jaroslav ŠindlerKategorie: AO, Identifikační číslo: 210, Identifikace notifikace: 1026 Institut pro testování a certifikaci, a. s. IČ: 47910381 Adresa: T. Bati 299, 764 21 Zlín - Louky Telefon: 577601238 Email: itc@itczlin.czKontaktní osoba: Ing. Pavel VaněkKategorie: AO, Identifikační číslo: 224, Identifikace notifikace: 1023 Státní zkušebna zemědělských, potravinářských a lesnických strojů, akciová společnost IČ: 27146235 Adresa: Třanovského 622/11, 163 04 Praha 6 - Řepy Telefon: 235018111 Email: szzpls@szzpls.czKontaktní osoba: Ing. Peter PernisKategorie: AO, Identifikační číslo: 255, Identifikace notifikace: 1016 Strojírenský zkušební ústav, s. p. IČ: 00001490 Adresa: Hudcova 56b, 621 00 Brno Telefon: 541120111 Email: masek@szutest.czKontaktní osoba: Ing. Jiří RozsívalKategorie: AO, Identifikační číslo: 202, Identifikace notifikace: 1015 Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha, s. p. IČ: 00015679 Adresa: Prosecká 811/76a, 190 00 Praha 9 - Prosek Telefon: 286019400 Email: sobola@tzus.czKontaktní osoba: Ing. Alexander TrinnerKategorie: AO, Identifikační číslo: 204, Identifikace notifikace: 1020 TÜV CZ s. r. o. IČ: 63987121 Adresa: Novodvorská 994, 142 21 Praha 4 Telefon: 239046802 Email: tuvcz@tuvcz.czKontaktní osoba: Ing. Miroslav SeidlKategorie: AO, Identifikační číslo: 211, Identifikace notifikace: 1017 VOP-026 Šternberk, s. p. IČ: 00000493 Adresa: Olomoucká 175, 785 01 Šternberk Telefon: 585083111 Email: vop026@vop.czKontaktní osoba: Ing. Antonín KratochvílKategorie: AO, Identifikační číslo: 253, Identifikace notifikace: 1380

  42. ACCREDITATION • Czech Accreditation Institute • Public Service Company • National Accreditation Body • Member of international organisations (EA, ILAC, IAF) and signatory of the multilateral agreements of EA (European level), ILAC and IAF (world wide) Czech Accreditation Institute www.cai.cz

  43. SCOPE OF CAI ACTIVITIES Accreditation of (among others): Testing laboratories (EN ISO/IEC 17025, EN ISO 15189) Calibration laboratories (EN ISO/IEC 17025) Certification bodies for certification of quality management systems and occupational health and safety management system (EN 45012) Certification bodies for certification of products (EN 45011) Certification bodies for certification of personnel (EN ISO/IEC 17024) Inspection bodies (EN 45004)

  44. STANDARDIZATION • activities are focused mainly on • the development of Czech technical standards • the publication and distribution of standards • provision of information relating to technical standards • cooperation with non-governmental and European standardization organizations Czech standards institute www.cni.cz


  46. INDUSTRY important position of electrical industry in the CR hundreds of companies, manufacturers and importers

  47. INDUSTRY Cz. and Mor. El. and Electronic Association www.spcr.cz

  48. INDUSTRY, PARTNERS TESLA Jihlava, a.s., manufacturer of electric contact systems, diverse assembly parts ETA, a.s., manufacturer of home appliances ( toasters, vacuum cleaners etc.) METRA Blansko, a.s. manufacturer of electrical measuring instruments and diverse plant equipment ILLKO, s.r.o., manufacturer of electrical measuring instruments and calibration laboratory MEATEST, s.r.o., manufacturer and service, precise electronic measuring and calibration instruments TATSUNO BENC, s.r.o., manufacturer of fuel dispensers Czech and Moravian Electrical and Electronic Association



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