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SEMINAR PROGRESS 1. OPENING OF THE SEMINAR: presentation of human trafficking at the world level and of the influence of new means of communication on the phenomenon. 2.WORSHOPS : elaboration of concrete propositions in the following spheres:
SEMINAR PROGRESS • 1. OPENING OF THE SEMINAR: presentation of human trafficking at the world level and of the influence of new means of communication on the phenomenon. • 2.WORSHOPS : elaboration of concrete propositions in the following spheres: • Workshop a: Communication and prevention of at-risk groups • Workshop b: Communication and awareness raising of the wide public • Workshop c: Communication and support to the victims • Workshop d: Communication and advocacy • Workshop e: Communication and networking • 3.CONCLUSIONS OF THE SEMINAR: • Presentation of already existing communication tools for the fight against human trafficking • Presentation of recommendations at the national and international level, elaborated in the workshops. • EXPECTED RESULTS • At the world, regional, national and local levels, to enrich an advocacy action against human trafficking that will be pursued through Caritas, Coatnet, Justice and Peace networks, … as well as others. Justice et paix -Tchad • DEROULEMENT DU SEMINAIRE • 1. OUVERTURE EN PLENIERE: présentation de la traite des êtres humains au niveau mondial et de l’influence des nouvelles communications sur le phénomène. • 2. ATELIERS élaboration de propositions concrètes dans les domaines suivants: • Atelier a : Communication et prévention des publics à risques • Atelier b : Communication et sensibilisation du grand public • Atelier c : Communication et accompagnement des victimes • Atelier d: Communication et plaidoyer • Atelier e: Communication et mise en réseau • 3. CONCLUSIONS DU SEMINAIRE : • -Présentation d’outils de communication pour la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains • Présentation des recommandations aux niveaux national et international, élaborées en ateliers. • RESULTATS ATTENDUS • Aux niveaux mondial, régional, national et local, enrichir une action de plaidoyer contre la traite des êtres humains qui pourra être poursuivie à travers les réseaux Caritas, Coatnet, Justice et Paix … et d’autres. Opportunities and threats of a globalized communication in the fight against human trafficking Friday, January 30th 2009 3.30 PM– 6.30 PM / UFRA Ciencias Florestais- Auditorio Opportunités et menaces d’une communication mondialisée dans la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains Vendredi 30 janvier 2009 15h30 – 18h30 / UFRA Ciencias Florestais- Auditorio Oportunidades e ameaças de uma comunicação globalizada na luta contra o tràfico humano Sexta-feira 30 de Janeiro 2009 15h30 – 18h30 / UFRA Ciencias Florestais- Auditorio • PROGRESSO DO SEMINARIO • 1. ABERTURA DO SEMINARIO: apresentação do tràfico humano ao nivel mundial e influencia dos novos modos de comunicação sobre este fenomeno • 2. AULAS PRÀTICAS : elaboração de propostas concretas nas seguintes areas: • Aula pràtica a : Comunicação e prevenção do publico em risco • Aula pràtica b : Comunicação e conscientização publica • Aula pràtica c : Comunicação e acompanhamento das vitimas • Aula pràtica d: Comunicação e advocacia • Aula pràtica e: Communicação e networking // desenvolvimento das redes de comunicação • 3. CONCLUSÕES DO SEMINARIO : • -Apresentação de métodos de comunicação para lutar contra o trafico humano • Apresentação de recomendações a nivél national e international, desenvolvidas nas aulas pràticas • RESULTADOS ESPERADOS • Ao nivel mundial, regional e local, enriquecer as acções de advocacia contra o trafico humano, que poderà ser continuado através das redes Caritas, Coatnet, Justice et Paix, …e outros. Speakers / Intervenants /Intervenentes Justice and Peace Brazil /Presidente CJP/CNBBN2: Dom Jose Luis Azcona COATNET: Natalia Kovaliv Caritas Bosnia Herzégovina: Bosiljko Rajic Caritas Ukraine: Oksana Ustinova Justice and Peace – Tchad : Raymond Madjiro Caritas India: Mungreiphy Shimray Caritas Italiana Secours Catholique – Caritas France : Geneviève Colas, Claire Corvino, Olivier de Metz
Opportunities and threats of a globalized communication in the fight against human trafficking Friday, January 30th 2009 3.30 PM – 6.30PM Federal and Rural University of Amazon (UFRA) Ciencias Florestais- Auditorio ENGLISH Opportunités et menaces d’une communication mondialisée dans la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains Vendredi 30 janvier 2009 15h30 – 18h30 Université Fédérale Rurale d’Amazonie (UFRA) Ciencias Florestais – Auditorio FRANCAIS Oportunidades e ameaças de uma comunicação globalizada na luta contra o tràfico humano Sexta-feira 30 de Janeiro 2009 15h30 – 18h30 Universidade Federal Rural de Amazonia (UFRA) Ciencias Florestais – Auditorio PORTUGUES Avec la mondialisation, de nouveaux modes de communication apparaissent sans cesse. Ils sont d’importants vecteurs pour le développement de la traite des êtres humains et doivent faire l’objet d’une attention particulière. Ils facilitent également les contacts entre les acteurs de la lutte contre ce phénomène. Com a globalização, novos modos de comunicação aparecem continualmente. São importantes meios para o desenvolvimento do trafico humano, e devem ter uma atenção especial. Facilitam igualmente os contactos entre todos os que lutam contra este fenomeno. With globalisation, new means of communication keep appearing. They are important vectors for the development of human trafficking and must be under particular supervision . They also facilitate the contacts between all those fighting against human trafficking. Justice et paix - Tchad World Social Forum 2009 - Belém de Para