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Gregory J. Baracy , Ed.D . Superintendent. Teacher Evaluation. Presented by: Paul Salah, Ed.D . Deputy Superintendent. Teacher Evaluation: A Cooperative Effort.
Gregory J. Baracy, Ed.D. Superintendent Teacher Evaluation Presented by: Paul Salah, Ed.D. Deputy Superintendent
Teacher Evaluation: A Cooperative Effort • A committee, including, the Instruction Department, Human Resources Department, the Teacher’s Union and the Administrator’s Union started at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year with the following: • Reviewing the changes in the law • Reviewing the WWEA (Teacher) contract • Attending the best practice conferences sponsored by MDE • Working with Wayne County RESA • Serving on various State committees e.g. Education Alliance
Teacher Evaluation: A Cooperative Effort • Throughout the development of the teacher evaluation documents, principals, teachers and central office personnelwere involved with discussion to help create the Wayne-Westland model. Groups included: • Teacher’s Union • Principal’s Union • Curriculum Council • Educational Services • Instruction Department • Special Education Department • District Principals
Our Agenda has been to… • Make Teacher Evaluation Relevant and Purposeful with the Intent upon Improving Teaching Practices • Identify Qualitative Measures—Affective and Empirical Considerations • Identify Quantitative Measures—Student Growth as a Major Aspect of Teacher Evaluation
Making Teacher Evaluation Relevant • Why do we evaluate teachers? • Two schools of thought exist on the subject, Danielson (2000) : 1. Increased levels of accountability: Policy Makers 2. To help teachers develop professionally: Administrators and Teachers
Two Aspects of Evaluation Must be Considered: • Wayne-Westland perceives two considerations related to teacher evaluation: • Qualitative Measures • Quantitative Measures
Two Aspects of Evaluation Must be Considered: • Qualitative Measures: • 14 sections each worth 5 points for a total of 70 points of the total evaluation. • Qualitative sections are observable and often behavior oriented items or characteristics. • In many instances the qualitative sections deal with affective qualities that are observable or provable through empirical observation, e.g. essential teacher beliefs.
Two Aspects of Evaluation Must be Considered: • Quantitative Measures • Measuring Student Growth • Represents 30% of the Total Teacher Evaluation
Student Achievement as a Significant Aspect of Student Achievement Figure 1. Thirty percent (30%) of teacher evaluation is based upon student growth and subdivided according to the figure below.
Student Achievement as a Significant Aspect of Teacher Evaluation
Middle School Evaluation Values • Variety in the Types of Assessment being utilized is key to reliability. • Not all results should be based upon one measure e.g. MEAP or MME.
High School Evaluation Values • Variety in the Types of Assessment being utilized is key to reliability. • Not all results should be based upon one measure e.g. MEAP or MME.
Questions? • Paul Salah, Ed.D., Deputy Superintendent, Wayne Westland Community School District • 734-419-2015 • Salahp@wwcs.k12.mi.us