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The bright and colourful colours of the stage give us as an audience a feel of excitement! Engaging us as an audience with the magazine. The colours here are interesting and eye capturing. The blue colours give off a feel of calmness, but the red colours give off a feel of danger, this helps in giving the magazine an edgy feel. Making the magazine unpredictable – therefore different and interesting.
The red colours here create the theme of love and passion. Giving us as an audience the idea that he is passionate about his music. And perhaps most of his music is about love. The red could also mean death, blood and danger, giving the magazine a completely different feel towards it. This helps in creating the idea that the magazine is full of different emotions in its stories – making it more interesting.
This picture shows a typical rock band (rocking out of their guitars), jumping in the air and head banging will give people the idea that they are rebellious and fun! Pictures like this will let people know that it is a rock magazine, much like any others, but other pictures combined with this one will give off the whole idea of the magazine being different and more varied with information.
This image gives off a deathly, rebellious- almost suicidal effect. The skulls of the tie also give off this idea. This creates parallels with other bands who ‘promote suicide’. For example: My Chemical Romance fans plan march against Daily Mail Fans will picket offices in protest against 'suicide cult' claims My Chemical Romance fans are planning to march across London in protest against the depiction of the band in the media.The march, to be held on May 31, will begin at Hyde Park's West Pond and end outside the offices of The Daily Mail.The newspaper has recently dubbed My Chemical Romance a 'suicide cult' band in its coverage of the suicide of 13-year-old emo Hannah Bond.Three hundred fans are so far confirmed to march against the British press, of which the organisers from the MCR Buzznet Community in a statement claim The Daily Mail is the 'worst offender'.In 2006, the newspaper widely criticised emo and My Chemical Romance and has recently run general pieces about the dangers of the 'cult'.
The red colours give off a dangerous effect, yet also love – ‘love is music’ is being suggested hear. The black , brown and grey colours help in conveying the emo, rebellious, darker and edgy side to the magazine. The different patterns suggest variety- the magazine is full of many different stories and bands.
This picture only focuses on the guitar – giving off the idea that the magazine is completely focused and dedicated to music.
This picture is extremely rebellious – it is promoting cigarettes and smoking. This could even represent drugs to the audience as it is not exactly clear what she is smoking here. This raises a huge number of issues such as health problems, peer pressure, breaking the law, disobeying parents, rebelling, doing anything to be like those you admire, this also links with issues such an anorexia, due to the huge amount of teenage girls being influenced by their anorexic idols.
The walls create the idea that we are outside, the enclosed walls suggest we are in an alley. This creates a dangerous and rebellious effect. One of the girls is holding a cigarette. This gives us the idea that they are teenage schools girls, smoking. This creates a rebellious teenage effect. The bows in our hair, the pink tutu and stars on ou faces convey innocence and cuteness- little girls. How could we possibly be dangerous? The idea is that all teenage girls we were this way when we we younger, but now we are older we have turned into rebellious teenagers- mixing the pink tutu with a skull imaged tie. And the blue bow, with a cigarette in hair hand. This conveys that we aren’t what we used to be, but our childhood is still a big part of us.