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Town Hall Forum May 10, 2013

Town Hall Forum May 10, 2013. CGE’s relationship with augsburg. Ground rules. The note-taker will monitor the chat box and occasionally type in summary comments that will later serve as notes.

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Town Hall Forum May 10, 2013

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  1. Town Hall ForumMay 10, 2013 CGE’s relationship with augsburg

  2. Ground rules • The note-taker will monitor the chat box and occasionally type in summary comments that will later serve as notes. • Participants who wish to speak should type RAISE HAND in the chat box and will be called on in order, so that everyone doesn’t try to speak over each other. • Please don’t overuse the chat box to make points/counterpoints/interjections because it may distract others from the participant who is speaking. • Please be mindful of not speaking a second time until others have had a chance to speak a first time. • There will be no check-in or check-out of meeting participants so that we can best use the 1 hour meeting time. • Please mute your microphone when not speaking to minimize background noise. Please use a headset and microphone if you have one to minimize echo’s.

  3. goal • The purpose of this meeting is to discuss CGE’s relationship with Augsburg College and explore alternatives

  4. Current Relationship with augsburg • -Currently Augsburg deficit is estimated at $8.0 million • -CGE is expected to contribute $125,000 perhaps more • -Lack of financial transparency with regard to CGE • -CGE is not central to the mission of the College • (eg. Augsburg decision to not replace the Program Associate position for • Academic Programs (Dulce’s position) seriously limits CGE’s ability to recruit students for semester program) • -Semester program numbers are down at all sites – dramatically in CA • Mexico Site has incorporated courses that respond Augsburg core curriculum

  5. questions to explore • What does CGE (staff) gain from being at Augsburg? • What kind of relationship does Augsburg want to have with CGE? (This is a question for President Pribbenow but perhaps staff have some insights) • Should CGE be housed at Augsburg or should we consider another institution? If so, where might that be? If not , could you imagine another institution that could take advantage of CGE´s skills ? • If CGE is housed at Augsburg, what do we need to do to be financially viable ? • a, ) marketing ? • b.) decision making regarding budget? • b.) new products ? • 5. Can we develop a CGE model faithful to its mission of social justice that is more cost effective?

  6. Possible Scenarios- #1 Hold out for a new Provost

  7. # 2 –move to a non-academic institution

  8. #3 – move to an academic institution

  9. #4 – Everyone for themselves

  10. #5 –incorporate as a nonprofit org

  11. summary • CGE cannot remain the same. It cannot survive doing what it is currently doing, -- only offering semester programs and travel seminars. That leaves it two paths: • discard the current site-based model and partner with local organizations around the world to provide study abroad options. • find a home in an institution that values CGE because of its depth and breadth in the current site(s), the impact it has on the home university, and therefore the kind of education it is able to offer its students • Given Augsburg’s financial reality, it probably doesn’t have resources to combine the site based strategy with the partner-with-local-organizations strategy, unless a site is able to bring in enough money through semester programs and travel seminars to satisfy Augsburg. But the ups and downs of the market requires that the sites be seen as providing other value-added to the institution to be able to survive. Either new educational products or sites are used by Augsburg to bring students in the front door in Mpls

  12. Some possible questions for Discussion • What is the process CGE needs to follow to navigate the questions about its future? Who needs to be involved, and at what stages of the conversation? Who leads it? • What does CGE WANT to be, under the best case scenario? (i.e., what can’t we really afford to lose?) • If the best case seems unrealistic, then what are the changes CGE should be willing to explore and to make, so that it retains its core advantages?

  13. Future town hall forum topics • Programs/Products – do we need more up-to-date themes that will appeal more to current students? Are there new products we can develop to build on our strengths? - Do we diversify our regions or do we try to target people interested in the regions where we’re currently based? Scheduled May 21 • Other?

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