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Times Are Changing…. Our society is changing with emerging new technologies and globalization of our economy. Our families are changing and becoming smaller and more mobile in response to our changing economy.
Times Are Changing… • Our society is changing with emerging new technologies and globalization of our economy. • Our families are changing and becoming smaller and more mobile in response to our changing economy. • Our students are changing as more students with complex medical conditions and other health issues are included in daily instruction. • Our schools are changing so that all students can gain the knowledge and skills they need to achieve success in school and in life.
Somewhere in New York State… • A kindergarten student missed 22 days of his first year in school due to uncontrolled asthma. • A second grader, afraid to go to the playground, develops a stomach ache and misses classes. • A fourth grader strains to hear a teacher from her back-row seat. • A sixth grader with diabetes experiences a growth spurt and his insulin levels fluctuate. He can’t concentrate in class.
Somewhere in New York State… • An eighth grader with special needs requires daily assistance with a feeding tube. • A ninth grade student is heard purging in the girl’s bathroom. Her grades are failing. • A football player experiments with over-the-counter medication to build muscle tone. He is inattentive in class. • An eleventh grade honor student is stressed about her parents’ divorce and is absent from school.
Somewhere in New York State… On a typical day, a school nurse administers more than 200 doses of medication; supervises use of asthma inhalers; conducts vision screenings; assists a student afraid to go to class; and handles conditions ranging from scrapes to sports injuries to life-threatening peanut allergies . Along the way, the school nurse presented a class on stress reduction, attended to a student with disabilities, and coordinated school health services for a new student. By day’s end, students’ immunization records were completed, a child study team meeting was attended, a teacher of a child with diabetes was consulted, and daily logs were filed.
It’s No Wonder that… School nurses play a powerful role in the educational achievement of students so that students can: • Come to school • Stay in school • Be ready to learn • Be safe
In Helping Students Come to School, School Nurses Can… • Identify, assess, plan, and develop health care plans • Facilitate policies/procedures for medication administration and complex medical procedures • Provide support systems for all students with special needs • Shorten illness-related absences through family supports • Provide support/guidance after prolonged illnesses or absences
In Helping Students Stay in School, School Nurses Can… • Establish medication schedules and medical protocols • Encourage families to select alternative times for health-related appointments • Provide health services to students during the school day • Create procedures for emergency care • Support teachers within the classroom
In Helping Students Be Ready toLearn, School Nurses Can… • Attend educationally related professional development • Educate students on self-directing their own health care • Identify health-related barriers to learning & facilitate referrals • Teach problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution skills for students at-risk • Provide information about emerging health issues to others
In Helping Students Be Safe, School Nurses Can… • Serve as a resource to create safe school environments • Promote healthy & psychologically safe school environments. • Participate on school-wide teams • Train and prepare staff in emergency procedures • Provide health and safety education for all
Throughout New York State and the nation, the recognition of school nurses as capable and knowledgeable partners in assisting schools in meeting their primary mission – quality education for all students – is an emerging trend. “The primary role of the school nurse is to support student learning.” National Association of School Nurses School Nurses Play Many Roles…
As a Care Provider… School nurses: • Promote healthy students • Increase school attendance • Create safe havens • Assess health needs • Screen for barriers to learning
As an Educator… School nurses: • Promote academic performance • Support at-risk students • Increase health knowledge and skills • Encourage school/classroom participation • Strengthen student learning readiness
As an Advocate… School nurses • Promote healthy schools • Participate on teams and committees • Strengthen youth development • Improve school morale • Foster staff and school wellness
As a Change Agent… School nurses • Enhance learning environments • Encourage parental involvement • Identify health-related barriers • Model healthy behaviors • Implement research-based practice
As a Manager… School nurses • Support shared leadership • Foster community partnerships • Administer health policies • Implement health protocols • Promote healthy schools
Yet Schools Face a Growing Shortage of School Nurses… • United States Department of Health and Human Services projects a current shortage of over 100,000 registered nurses to grow to 700,000 by 2020 • The average salary of school nurses is often considerably below other professional school staff and below salaries in other employment settings, making recruitment and retention difficult
Many Professional Issues Have an Impact on School Nurses… • The Role of the School Nurse • Statewide School Health Standards • Professional Development • Communication • Technology • Collaboration
The Role of the School Nurse… Because school nurses are often seen as skilled health care personnel, their impact on student achievement may be misunderstood because of a lack of information or misinformation. As a result, the school nurse may not be seen as part of the educational team for building student success. How would you address this issue?
Statewide School Health Standards… Because school health standards differ across the State and the nation, the role of the school nurse in supporting student learning may not be fully understood. As a result, the role of the school nurse can be different even within schools in the same district. How would you address this issue?
Professional Development… Because school nurses impact student achievement, they need continuing professional development that is made available to other professional school staff in order to provide the highest quality services to schools and students in promoting student achievement. How would you address this issue?
Communication… Because school nurses are required to frequently communicate with students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and community members to positively influence student academic outcomes, school nurses should be provided opportunities and have the skills to perform this key role. How would you address this issue?
Technology… Because extensive record-keeping functions are called for in the school setting, school nurses need to have appropriate technological tools to gather and analyze data in an efficient way, and to keep accurate and up-to-date records. Training opportunities should be provided to school nurses when offered to other school staff. How would you address this issue?
Collaboration… Because of complex medical conditions and other physical, emotional, and social needs of today’s students that create barriers to student success, school nurses need to have opportunities to collaborate with many partners, both within the school as well as in the broader community. How would you address this issue?
We Can All Work Together… • To ensure that students can“be healthy to learn” and “learn to be healthy.” • Only then can we create an environment where student achievement is a reality - not a dream.
School Nurses Can… • Provide the knowledge, skills and expertise to promote the optimal health status of all students • Create an environment where the link between health and learning is clearly understood and valued within the school community • Provide leadership for initiating positive relationships where all stakeholders can focus on the academic and health needs of students
School Principals Can… • Promote and nurture the vision that healthy students + healthy schools = educational success • Provide strong educational leadership to support school nurses, teachers, and all school staff in meeting the educational and health needs of students • Provide opportunities for professional development to ensure that all staff play a role in the educational success for students
School Superintendents Can… • Engage schools, families and communities in supporting strategies to remove barriers to learning • Provide leadership in establishing school policies and procedures that support healthy students who are ready-to-learn • Increase school and public awareness of the critical link between good health and academic success of students
School Boards Can… • Increase their understanding of the linkage of good physical, social and emotional health to academic achievement • Work closely with school leadership and staff to support their efforts to improve the health and academic achievement of students • Allocate appropriate resources to ensure educational excellence through supporting healthy students who are ready-to-learn
Teachers Can… • Develop and enhance their knowledge and skills in addressing the academic and health needs of students • Raise the awareness of students of the importance of good physical, social, and emotional health to academic achievement • Set high expectations for achievement for all students and reduce barriers to learning
Students Can… • Develop and foster positive attitudes towards achieving physical, emotional, and mental health to support their own learning • Exercise healthy choices, and avoid health-risk behaviors that interfere with learning • Access resources that support high achievement and assume responsibility for learning
Parents and Families Can… • Create high expectations for achievement and good health for their children • Support and partner with school health personnel to manage chronic illnesses and other conditions that interfere with the learning process • Become part of a school and community team that encourages healthy students, healthy schools and academic success
Community Members Can… • Promote and support a school and community environment that values good health and high expectations for learning • Become involved in schools and learn where their talents and skills can support the healthy development and academic success of all students • Support the allocation of resources necessary to ensure that all students can learn
And Last, but Not Least… Who is the school nurse?
Only the Best Need Apply… Wanted: Registered professional school nurse with excellent health services and managerial skills and a child-focused attitude. Must have outstanding communication skills, and be nurturing, patient, and positive. Must be able to multi-task, pay attention to detail, follow-through, and be a team player. Keen interest in student achievement. Professional level salary with opportunities for professional development. Full benefits. Please call…for a chance to make a difference. Any school, USA
And in Closing… “I am a school nurse. I love school nursing, especially after all of these years, because it is filled with energy and excitement. My job has become more demanding and the expectations have changed. Yet I can rise to the challenge. I support students to be the best human beings they are capable of being. That’s why I became a school nurse. I am making the difference. I do impact student achievement.”
And it is important that… Principals support the role of the school nurse in impacting student achievement so that students can: • Come to school • Stay in school • Be ready to learn • Be safe
In helping students come to school, principals can… • Create a vision for healthy students and healthy schools • Create an environment where all students and parents feel valued and welcome • Disseminate information to parents about high expectations for all students • Encourage parents to access school resources • Increase awareness of the critical link between good health and academic success
In helping students stay in school, principals can… • Provide leadership in establishing school policies that support all students in a high quality teaching and learning environment • Provide leadership to staff in understanding the role of the school nurse in supporting students • Create opportunities for increasing collaboration between educators and school nurses • Include the school nurse on school-wide teams • Draw upon research-based health and academic strategies
In helping students be ready to learn, principals can… • Provide opportunities for school nurses to expand their knowledge and understanding regarding achievement for all students • Encourage students and parents to learn more about services available through the school nurse • Promote policy initiatives to develop students’ skills for healthy lifestyle choices • Identify staff development and training needs to address barriers to learning • Engage the full school community
In helping students be safe,principals can… • Create a vision for a healthy school environment where all students can learn • Draw upon the knowledge and skills of the school nurse to promote an environmentally safe school • Increase awareness about the importance of a healthy and safe school environment to learning • Help faculty and staff work together to promote a healthy school environment • Foster an open school environment where everyone is welcome to contribute