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As well as the basic INI pages at http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/ there are informal pages linked to these with, among other things, a record of DCF (1996). Anyone who wishes to offer more material - photos, abstracts, presentations, URLs … may send it to Chris.Petrie@Newcastle.ac.uk.
As well as the basic INI pages at http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/ there are informal pages linked to these with, among other things, a record of DCF (1996). Anyone who wishes to offer more material - photos, abstracts, presentations, URLs … may send it to Chris.Petrie@Newcastle.ac.uk DCF10 web pages
As an e-mail to participants has said, many of the presentations are now on the web. These may be found by following a link to web seminars from the DCF10 web page, www.newton.cam.ac.uk/events/DCF/dcf10.html or from the INI home page, or from the informal DCF/DCF10 pages, http://www.ncl.ac.uk/rheology/dcf/ DCF10 record of talks