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Breakfast Meal Pattern Training

Breakfast Meal Pattern Training. National Food Service Management Institute. USDA P olicy Memos. http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/governance/policy.htm. Pre-Assessment. Place an identifier at the top of the page. Use the same identifier when you complete the Post Assessment.

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Breakfast Meal Pattern Training

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  1. Breakfast Meal Pattern Training National Food Service Management Institute .

  2. USDA Policy Memos http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/governance/policy.htm

  3. Pre-Assessment • Place an identifier at the top of the page. • Use the same identifier when you complete the Post Assessment. • Please do not place your name on the Assessments.

  4. Seminar • Objectives • Competencies • Terms and Definitions

  5. Breakfast Nutrition Standards Phased in Gradually Food Based Menus Calories Based on Age/Grade Groups K-5, 6-8, 9-12 Age/Grade Groups Significant Overlaps All Grains Whole Rich Daily Weekly Minimum Servings Sodium Zero Trans Fat Part of the Admin Review

  6. Reimbursable Breakfast Juice/Fruit/ Vegetable 3 Components (Required) 4 Items (OVS) Grains Meat/Meat Alternate Fluid Milk

  7. Sample Breakfast Meal • I Fruit Item Whole Grain Cereal 1 oz eq • 1 Fluid Milk • Item • I Grain Item Fresh Kiwi and Strawberries 1 cup Fluid Milk 1 cup

  8. Reimbursable Meals Signage • Students and cashiers must be able to identify reimbursable meal • Near or at the beginning of serving line

  9. Signage • Not required: field trips, breakfast in the classroom, or other venues where signage may be problematic • If choices are offered, other methods should be used to inform students what to select

  10. Calorie Range Breakfast Requirements

  11. Breakfast Calorie Daily/Weekly • On average, over the course of a5 day week • Fall within the minimum and maximumlevels for each age/grade group • Overlapbetween the age/grade groups • Do not apply on a per-meal or per-student basis

  12. Calorie Range—Daily/Weekly • Option: Same food quantities offered to all children provided that the meal meets the requirements of each age/grade group

  13. Breakfast Juice/Fruit/Vegetable

  14. Juice/Fruit/VegetablesComponent • Fruit • Fresh; frozen with or without sugar; canned in light syrup, water or fruit juice; or dried • May be whole, cut-up, or pureed but are creditable by volume as served.

  15. Juice/Fruit/Vegetables • Fruit • Required to offer at least 5 cups weekly and a minimum of 1 cup per day • Students are required to select this component at breakfast to claim a reimbursable meal

  16. Juice • Fruit • No more than half of the weekly fruit offering may be in the form of juice • Only pasteurized, 100% full-strength fruit/vegetable juice may also be offered

  17. Vegetable—Substitutions • Fruit • Vegetables or vegetable juice can be substituted for fruit or fruit juice • First 2 cups planned for the week must be from the: • Dark green • Red/orange • Beans, peas, legumes • Other vegetable subgroup

  18. Breakfast ─ Starchy Vegetables • Fruit • Does this mean a menu planner cannot offer starchy vegetables until the end of the week? • No,the menu planner has the authority to plan their weekly menu as they see fit as long as they meet the minimum daily and weekly meal component requirements.

  19. Dried Fruit • Fruit • Dried fruit credits at twice the volume served (i.e., ¼ cup of dried fruit counts as ½ cup of fruit).

  20. Juice/Fruit/Vegetable—Combination • Fruit • Students may select a single fruit/vegetable type or a combination of fruits/vegetables to meet the required fruit/vegetable component.

  21. Whole Grain Kernel .

  22. Refined and Enriched Grains Refined have been milled to remove the bran and the germ, finer textures, extends shelf life removes iron, dietary fiber, and B vitamins Enriched add back iron, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin and sometimes folic acid

  23. Grains Component—Breakfast

  24. Weekly Flexibility • Flexibility in assessment of the weekly maximums for Grains and Meats/Meat Alternates • Calories for a school week must fall within the minimum and maximum levels for each age/grade group

  25. BreakfastMeats/Meat Alternates (M/MA) • Not a required component for reimbursable breakfast • Provides menu choices, important nutrients and manages meal costs • Credit towards the grain component afterthe minimum daily grain component is met • Grains

  26. OVS Breakfast Menu M/MA Example • I Fruit Item Breakfast Burrito: 1 oz eq Grain and 1 oz eq M/MA Banana 1 cup Fluid Milk 1 cup • 1 Fluid Milk • Item • 1 Grain • Item • 1 Grain • Item

  27. Grains Component—Legumes • Beans/peas (legumes) credited as a Grain in addition to at least 1 oz eq of grains offered • Additionally, if credited as a Grain the same item cannot be credited as Juice/Fruit/Vegetable component. • Grains

  28. Breakfast—Large Grain Item Large grain products credit as more than one food item • Grains

  29. OVSBreakfast Menu Large Grain Example Muffin 2 oz equivalent Banana 1 cup FluidMilk (Variety) 1 cup • I Fruit Item • 1 Fluid Milk Item • 1 Grain • Item • 1 Grain • Item

  30. Grains Component—Grits • Only whole grain-rich grits are commercially available • Only whole grain-rich grits are credited towards daily and weekly requirement • Traditional grits may be offered as an extra food but not credited • Grains

  31. Popular Whole Grain-Rich Foods • What are your most popular whole grain-rich breakfast menu items? • Grains

  32. Breakfast Additional Foods • Schools may also offer a Meat/Meat Alternate item as an additional food and not credit it toward the weekly Grains requirement if it fits within the weekly dietary specifications, including calories.

  33. OVS Breakfast Menu Example Additional Foods • I Fruit Item Whole Grain Cereal 1 oz eq • 1 Fluid Milk Item • I Grain Item • I Grain Item Whole Grain Toast 1 oz eq Scramble Egg 1 oz eq Additional Food Fresh Kiwi and Strawberries 1 cup Fluid Milk (Variety)1 cup

  34. Fluid Milk Requirement

  35. Fluid Milk • Must be low-fat (1% milk fat or less, unflavored) or fat-free (unflavored or flavored) • Offer at least 1 cup of milk daily • Fluid Milk

  36. Fluid Milk—Choices • At least two milk choices must be offered daily • Both choices can be fat-free • Both choices can be unflavored • Offer Versus Serve-student does not need to select this component • Fluid Milk

  37. Fluid Milk—Lactose-Free • Lactose-free milk is an acceptable alternative. It must be low-fat (1 % milk fat or less, unflavored) or fat-free (unflavored or flavored). • Fluid Milk

  38. Fluid Milk—Special Diets • Required (disability accommodations) and optional (parent/guardian requested) milk substitutes are considered meal exceptions-not subject to this final rule. • Must meet the USDA regulatory standards which do not address fat or flavor/sugar restrictions. • Fluid Milk

  39. Fluid MilkSubstitution Provision • Applicable to all institutions participating in these school meal programs • Milk substitute for a child with a medical or special dietary need other than a disability, the nondairy product offered as part of the reimbursable meal must meet the nutrient standards • Fluid Milk

  40. Fluid Milk—Substitutions • Allows parents/guardians to request other than for a disability • Offered as part of the reimbursable meal must be included in weighted nutrient analysis and, therefore, are subject to the overall weekly average fat limit and calorie range • Fluid Milk

  41. Dietary Specifications • No longer a total fat requirement • Saturated fat must be less than 10% of calories, averaged over a school week • Manufacturer’s Specifications must indicate zero grams of transfat per serving

  42. Sodium Targets—Breakfast

  43. USDA Foods A list of available USDA foods is on the USDA website www.fns.usda.gov/fdd/schfacts/def ault.htm

  44. Offer Versus Serve (OVS)—Breakfast Option for all age/grade groups At least four food items must be offered Serving sizes for each component must be offered Food items must be served in at least the minimum daily portion size

  45. Remember the Word Offered • Juice/Fruit/Vegetable must be selected to claim a reimbursable breakfast meal • Must be offered at least four food items and must select at least three credited food items in applicable serving sizes • Food items selected may be from any of the required components

  46. Unit Price All meals must be set at a single price no matter how many food items are declined.

  47. OVS Breakfast Menu Example • I Fruit Item Breakfast Burrito 1 oz eq Grain and 1 oz eq M/MA Banana 1 cup Fluid Milk (Variety) 1 cup • 1Fluid Milk • Item • 1 Grain • Item • 1 Grain • Item

  48. OVS Breakfast Smoothie Menu Example • 1/2 Fruit Item • 1/2 Fruit Item Strawberry Smoothie Fruit ½ cup Fluid Milk 1 cup Mixed Fruit ½ cup Granola 1 oz eq Whole Grain Toast 1 oz eq Fluid Milk (Variety) 1 cup • 1Fluid Milk • Item • Fluid Milk • 1 Grain • Item • 1 Grain • Item

  49. OVS Breakfast Smoothie Yogurt • 1/2 Fruit Item • 1/2 Fruit Item Strawberry Smoothie Fruit ½ cup Yogurt 1 oz eq Mixed Fruit ½ cup Whole Grain Toast 1 oz eq Fluid Milk (Variety) 1 cup • 1Fluid Milk • Item • 1 Grain • Item • 1 Grain • Item

  50. OVS Breakfast Different Grains OVS menu example- 1 cup milk and ½ cup fruit, plus two grains: cereal (1 oz eq) and toast (1 oz eq) The menu planner has discretion whether or not to allow students to select duplicate items

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