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TOEFL: a test about how to be a better me RuanMianmian ( 软绵绵 ) will tell you: My background : I’m a lucky dog not a super woman. How to achieve your goal in one month without any pain (full-time) What kind of and how many materials you should use The most important part: words!
TOEFL: a test about how to be a better me RuanMianmian(软绵绵) will tell you: My background: I’m a lucky dog not a super woman. How to achieve your goal in one month without any pain (full-time) What kind of and how many materials you should use The most important part: words! How to listen, read, and talk. And writing which is my strength so I don’t have much tactics to say How many lessons you need to listen in Xiaoma
Background 1.Major: finance 2.University: 985 3.GPA:3.4 4.GMAT:710 (prepare for 30 days) 5.English
Background: CET-4:525, 3 years ago(prepareforabout1month) CET-6:525, 2 years ago(/) IELTS:6.5,2yearsago(preparefor16daysandgotcough) TOEFL:92,1monthago(preparefor12days) TOEFL:110,0.5monthago(preparefor18days)
Schedule yourself 1. try full- time 2.balance;2strengths 3.do not push yourself but be brave and confident 4.write diaries 5.make some friends in Xiaoma
Materials that I used: TPO: 1.Listening: 1-27,1.5times 2.Reading:1-5,10-28,once 3.Speaking(integrated):1,2,5,7,9,10,12,13,15-24,twice 4.Writing(integrated):1-10,once
Referencebooks 1.听力:Sss听写,小马20篇第三四季(分别看了一篇) 2.阅读:/不需要任何参考书目 3.写作:慎小姨,老美作文(看了20篇左右) 4.口语:托福口语有这本就够了,小马口语营2期 Others? Just listen to what I am saying.
The most important! Words! Recommendation: 1.阅读与写作:无老师镇魂单词 2.听力:马骏老师朗读的听力分类词汇 3.写作词汇:慎小姨词汇 4.单词基础:任何一本托福词汇书(学科词汇最优)
Listening: from 19 to 27 in less than 20 days Method:苏显嘉老师视频+软绵绵logical listening Point: you don’t have to listen toomany, but you have to listen too much.
Reading: how to get fullmark? Method: just paraphrase it. point: 1.when I really can not understand what the passage talks about, I still get high score. That’s weird huh? 2.Reading only has 3 questiontypes 1)paraphrase(长难句,词汇,简单题)2)summary 3)infer
Speaking Method: Xiaoma Practicing Camp Point: 1.What should I do if I don’t know what to say? 2. Pronunciation? The most important thing when you really get time. 3.Differentlevel? 1)typesofquestions 2)practice(org+words+examples+logic) 3)passion
Writing I really don’t have anything to say. I love writing. And I think, if you like it too, maybe you will get high score as well. Point: 1.Xiaoma 2.Pat Some common problems: 1)标点 2)用词 3)逻辑
Xiaoma Lessons 1.苏显嘉老师 2.姚飞虎老师 3.李谦老师(口语满分) 4.点题班
Any question? If you have other questions, I will be ready to help. Mayyoubehappyandlucky. E-mail: cs_youthpower@163.com