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CDC Welcome and Overview. Jeffrey Napier, MBA, CPCM. Acting Director, Office of Acquisition Services CDC/GTPAC Small Business Industry Day May 03, 2013. Office of the Director. Procurement and Grants Office (PGO). CDC Overview. CDC Mission .
CDC Welcome and Overview Jeffrey Napier, MBA, CPCM Acting Director, Office of Acquisition Services CDC/GTPAC Small Business Industry Day May 03, 2013 Office of the Director Procurement and Grants Office (PGO)
CDC Mission • To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability.
CDC Program Areas • Chronic Diseases • Environmental Health • Infectious Disease • Injuries • Intentional • Unintentional • Birth Defects • Emergency Preparedness
CDC Partners in Prevention • State and Local Health Departments • Academic Institutions • Professional Societies • Volunteer Agencies • Community Based Organizations • International Organizations • Industry
CDC Fast Facts: Employees • One of top 25 employers in Georgia • About 70% of employees have college degrees • Almost 50% have advanced degrees • 170 occupational categories • Average age is 45 years
CDC Employees and Locations Seattle Spokane SanFrancisco Pittsburgh Chicago Hyattsville WashingtonDC Area Ft Collins Denver Cincinnati Morgantown Research Triangle Atlanta Anchorage San Juan Miami
CDC International Locations Countries with CDC Staff (2012) Angola Bangladesh Botswana Brazil Burkina Faso Cambodia Cameroon China Congo Congo DRC Cote D'Ivoire Denmark Egypt Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mali Mozambique Namibia Nepal Nigeria Peru Philippines Russia Ethiopia France Ghana Guatemala Guyana Haiti India Indonesia Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Laos Trinidad Uganda United Kingdom Uzbekistan Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe Rwanda Senegal South Africa Swaziland Sweden Sudan Switzerland Tanzania Thailand
CDC Procurement and Grants Office Management Officer Kathy Kirkland Office of Policy, Performance, & Communications Lynn Gibbs-Scharf (Director) Julie Armstrong (Deputy Director) Office of the Director Bill Nichols (Acting Director) Alison Johnson (Deputy Director) Information Technology (IT) Activity Sandy Chapman (Director) Allison Dural (Deputy Director) Risk Management & Compliance Activity Curtis Bryant (Acting Director) Office of Grants Services Terrance Perry (Acting Director) Gregory Crawford (Acting Deputy) (TIMS, Grants Closeout) Office of Acquisition Services Jeff Napier (Acting Director) Nancy Norton (Acting Deputy) (VISA Purchase Card, Contracts Closeout) Infectious Disease Services Branch Carla Harper (Branch Chief) (OID, NCHHSTP, NCEZID, NCIRD) Acquisition Branch 1 Ed Schultz (Branch Chief) (OID, NCHHSTP, NCEZID, NCIRD, CGH, All International Requirements, IAA) Chronic Disease and Birth Defects Services Branch Cheryl Maddux (Branch Chief) (NCCDPHP, NCBDDD) Acquisition Branch 2 Ed Schultz (Acting Branch Chief) (ONDIEH, NCBDDD, NCCDPHP, NCEH/ ATSDR, NCIPC, OPHPR, OSELS, OSTLTS) OD, Environmental, Occupational Health and Injury Prevention Services Branch Cheryl Maddux (Acting Branch Chief) (OD, OPHPR, OSELS, NCHS, OSTLTS, NIOSH) Carla Harper (Acting Branch Chief) (NCIPC, NCEH/ATSDR) Acquisition Branch 3 Dale DeFilipps (Branch Chief) (CDC OD, CDC Business Services Offices) Acquisition Branch 4 Robin Solow (Branch Chief) (NIOSH, SAP) Global Health Services Branch Jamie Legier (Branch Chief) (CGH)
CDC Procurement and Grants Office Office of Grant Services Sherry Smallwood (Acting Director) (TIMS, Grants Closeout) Infectious Disease Services Branch Branch Chief Carla Harper Team Leads Rene Benyard Shirley Wynn (OID, NCHHSTP, NCEZID, NCIRD) Chronic Disease & Birth Defects Services Branch Branch Chief Cheryl Maddux Team Leads Roslyn Curington Tracey Sims (NCCDPHP, NCBDDD) OD, Environmental, Occupational Health and Injury Prevention Services Branch Global Health Services Branch Branch Chief Jamie Legier Team Leads Hector Buitrago Angie Tuttle (CGH) Branch Chief *Carla Harper Team Lead Sharron Orum Branch Chief *Cheryl Maddux Team Lead Cheryl Pressley (OD, OPHPR, OSELS, NCHS, OSTLTS, NIOSH) (NCIPC, NCEH/ATSDR)
CDC Procurement and Grants Office Office of Acquisition Services Jeff Napier (Acting Director) Nancy Norton (Acting Deputy) (VISA Purchase Card, Contracts Closeout) Acquisition Branch 1 Branch Chief Ed Schultz Team Leads Kris Lemaster Teri Routh-Murphy Alan Sims Carlos Smiley (OID, NCHHSTP, NCEZID, NCIRD, CGH, All International Requirements, IAA) Acquisition Branch 2 Branch Chief *Ed Schultz Team Leads *Kris Lemaster Christine Godfrey Julio Lopez Vallerie Redd (ONDIED, NCCDPHP, NCBDDD, NCEH/ATSDR, NCIPC, OPHPR, OSELS, OSTLTS) Acquisition Branch 3 Branch Chief Dale DeFilipps Team Leads Steven Baughman Bonnie Kennedy Stephen Lester (CDC OD, CDC Business Services Offices) Acquisition Branch 4 Branch Chief Robin Solow Team Leads John Columbia Larry Guess (NIOSH, SAP)
Questions? For more information please contact Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333 Telephone: 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)/TTY: 1-888-232-6348 E-mail: cdcinfo@cdc.gov Web: http://www.cdc.gov The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Office of the Director Procurement and Grants Office (PGO)