Art Discovery Table SOUNDS Aluminum pans, water, and different utensils were put in the discovery table for the children to explore the noises all the objects make when used together. The pans and utensils varied in different shapes and sizes throughout the week. Leo (15 mos), Anika (22 mos), and Everett (12 mos), uased the different pans and utensils to manipulate in the water. While working alongside one another, Tudor (11 mos), Sam (39 mos), Matthieu (34 mos), moved the water from one pan to a different pan. The concept of the art projects for this week was to make one wind chime to hang in the classroom made of all the art activities made throughout the week. On Wednesday, Reese (33 mos) and Sam (39 mos) used acrylic paint to paint on chains and keys. On Tuesday both of them, as well as Anika (22 mos) and Marlowe (32 mos), used both of their hands to put stickers on metal spoons. On Friday, Sam and Anika used different colors of paint on tin cans to express their individuality. December 2-9, 2013 The developmental objective for this week was to explore different sounds throughout the environment and to identify them. Circle Time Each day for circle time the children would participate in singing the “Welcome Song” followed by a book being read to them that related to different sounds. In the mornings children sang “The Sound Song,” and in the afternoons they sang “Body Sounds.” Karson (20 mos), Matthieu (34 mos), Anika (22 mos), and Sam (39 mos) visually engaged with the story being read to them and actively attendedto the book the teacher showed to them. Reese (33 mos) and Marlowe (32 mos) are pointed and named the actions in the story. • Indiana Foundations • M.4.1 Notice objects and purposely move and manipulate different objects • SS.5.14 Work and play cooperatively with others • M.6.4 Purposely move and manipulate different objects • M.2.15 Identify the object that has been added to the group • ELA.5.2 Intentionally make marks in substances • M.2.14 Move objects one at a time from one group or container to the other • Indiana Foundations • P.5.3 Use fingers of two hands to complete activities • SE.5.160 Select different art media to express emotions or feelings • FA.1.55 Show individuality in artwork • Indiana Foundations • ELA.1.2 Actively attend to things that an adult is showing • ELA.2.2 Visually engage with a book • ELA.2.12 Name actions from pictures or a story • ELA.7.49 Watch and listen to a story to completion • ELA.8.42 Imitate simple rhymes Other Gross Motor For this activity the class created a Noise Book of their own by using the Story Creator app on the Ipad. Each child found and made a noise throughout the environment. A picture and video of each child, along with their name and the noise they were making, was included on each page. The book was sent out to their families and was read during circle time. Sam (39 mos), Sloane (6 mos), Matthieu (34 mos), and Marlowe (32 mos) followed the directions to make a noise and to take turns one at a time to complete their page. Everyday after circle time the children got to pick which instrument they wanted to dance with that day. While the song, “Get Ready, Get Set, Let’s Danceplayed, the children were to dance and shake their instruments. When the teacher paused the music the children froze in the position they were in and stopped playing their instrument until the music began to play again. Marlowe (32 mos), Reese (33 mos), Anika (22 mos), Matthieu(34 mos), Sam (39 mos), and Karson (20 mos) are all responding to the music by dancing and playing their musical instrument. Matthieu and Sam got down low while dancing, demonstrating their sustainability to this physical activity. Infant Activity For the infant activity this week there was a bin filled with shredded sheet music, shakers, and other musical objects for the infants to sit inside of and play with. Everett (12 mos) reached for and grasped the rattle and started to shake it. Leo (15 mos) and Tudor (11 mos) explored the different objects by feeling them and manipulating them. • Indiana Foundations • P.4.1 Reaches for, grasps, and releases objects • SC.1.34 Manipulate objects • P.3.7 Explore the environment (e.g., banging, shaking, throwing, dropping, climbing). • SC.1.80 Explore objects with various properties (e.g., color, sound, texture, shape). • P.1.6 Hear and feel through their activities • Indiana Foundations • P.3.5 Sustain physical activity • P.1.1 Responds to sensory input with a variety of behaviors • P.1.9 Enjoy movement activities • P.1.10 Participate in a variety of gross/ fine motor and sensory activities • P.1.2 Tolerates a variety of sensory of input • Indiana Foundations • SS.2.15 Follow simple directions • FA.1.4 Compare and contrast own creations and those of others • ELA.4.47 Engage in turn-taking vocalizations • ELA.7.49 Watch and listen to a story to completion Megan Downey FCFC 465 Practicum Triangle Classroom