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The Project Description: Framing the CEQA Analysis. Terry Rivasplata. 1. When to Prepare the Project Description. Early enough to allow analysis to affect project design When you can write a description that will be meaningful to stakeholders. 2. Key Elements of the CEQA Analysis.
The Project Description:Framing the CEQA Analysis Terry Rivasplata 1
When to Prepare the Project Description Early enough to allow analysis to affect project design When you can write a description that will be meaningful to stakeholders 2
Key Elements of the CEQA Analysis Project description Includes project objectives Environmental setting/baseline Checklist Significant environmental effects Mitigation or alternatives that reduce effects Guidelines §15120 3
Key Elements of the CEQA Analysis (cont’d) Evaluation of alternatives to the project Cumulative impacts analysis Comments and responses to comments Findings and resolution Guidelines §15120 4
The Project Is… • The whole of the “action” and all foreseeable associated construction operations and related activities • Action by the Board to adopt the TMDL or BPA • Not just a planning project: results in real actions that may affect the environment • Reasonably foreseeable actions by other agencies in response to Board action Guidelines §15378 and §15124
Project Description Crucial starting place for environmental analysis Be comprehensive Includes statement of project objectives, which helps frame alternatives analysis Describes project location Regional map Detailed local map Watershed or other project boundaries Guidelines §15124 6
Project Description(Cont.) Narrative explanation of project’s technical, economic, and environmental characteristics List of parties subject to the BPA Statutory and regulatory bases for action Reasonably foreseeable future phases Adaptive implementation phases Changes or amendments to present action 7
Project Description(Cont.) List of agencies that will use the SED in their decision making List of permits and other approvals required to implement the project Related environmental review and consultation requirements 8
Project Description Tips Develop early in the process Clearly define project objectives Describe related regulatory processes Provide sufficient detail for evaluation and review of environmental impacts: “The description of the project…should not supply extensive detail beyond that needed for evaluation and review of the environmental impact.” Guidelines §15124 9
Environmental Setting:Describing the Baseline • The “environmental setting” describes the physical environmental conditions and land uses before the project begins • Normally the baseline for determining significance of impacts • Accurately defining the baseline is key to evaluating impacts • TMDLs and some BPAs look both ways • Water quality will improve • Compliance methods will probably have impacts Guidelines §15125 10
Environmental Setting Presentation of regional (or watershed) setting can be critical to assessing environmental impacts Each resource issue may have its own setting, based on the affected area E.g., migrating wildlife Each CEQA topic area may have its own regional setting (included in Explanations to the Checklist) 11