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Welcome to Mrs. Ozbun’s Room Class 3C One Team, One Mission, One Attitude. Letter Grades! . Grading Scale : In 3 rd grade we switch to Letter grades In general a student is on grade level if they score anywhere from 80-100%
Welcome to Mrs. Ozbun’s Room Class 3COneTeam, One Mission, One Attitude
Letter Grades! • Grading Scale: • In 3rd grade we switch to Letter grades • In general a student is on grade level if they score anywhere from 80-100% • Last year on the report card an “S” would be given if a student scored between 80 and 100% • I will be sending home a mid-term grade report each trimester… • I try to enter grades on Powerschool every 2 weeks so you can follow your child’s progress…check in the office for your username and password for powerschool
Book Orders • The first book order will go home in September along with a note about book order procedures and reminders • Checks made out to the book company are better than cash… however if you pay in cash please use the smallest amount of coins necessary and include the exact amount…
Homework Expectations A calendar will come home daily for reading and math. Your child will need to record the title of the book, and the pages read during the 15 minutes in a notebook they will bring home. Students are welcome to read longer if they wish too, but it is a minimum of 15 minutes reading daily. Along with reading 15 minutes daily your child will be required to spend 10 minutes working on his/her math facts. This practice can be done with flash cards, worksheets or online websites designed for math practice. I will send home a list of websites that offer fun practice. • Read for 15 minutes daily • Math homework – daily math fact practice • A spelling list will come home Monday – we will practice words daily in class. The weekly list will be sent home so you can practice the words with your child but spelling practice will not be part of the homework calendar • Homework club is an option if needed
Homework Continued… • I will check the homework calendar daily… • When the calendar is signed I will stamp the calendar • If your child completes his/her homework on time for a week he/she will earn a reward • If the calendar is not signed then a stamp will not be given…if this happens repeatedly then I will contact you about the possibility of your child attending homework club • I try to include important dates for the month on the calendar too… ex. conferences, mid-terms, parties
Classroom Management System • Discipline – I use a card system to manage classroom behavior • All students start on Green each day • 1st - verbal reminder= warning (no card will be flipped) • 2nd - flip to a yellow card = 5 min. missed recess • 3rd – flip to a red card = miss entire recess • 4th – flip to a white= call home/20 minute detention • any issues after a white card = a trip to Mr. Wicks
Contact Information • Email is the fastest way to contact me…I check my email 3 to 4 times during the school day… My email address: ozbunkara@perry.k12.ia.us • A phone call 465-5656 ext. 8264 or note always works too! • Stopping in is great, after school is usually the best time to stop in…but you are welcome to stop in anytime • If you have a concern after hours you can try my home phone, the number is in the phone book.